Badges 1
979 × Eureka!Very good job! One note: in this version of the web-server, the experiments logo types are all blank, what was the reason to change them? Having a color code in the logos helps a lot to quickly check the nature of the different experiments tasks, isnt it?
Hi AgitatedDove14 , so I ran 3 experiments:
One with my current implementation (using "fork") One using "forkserver" One using "forkserver" + the DataLoader optimizationI sent you the results via MP, here are the outcomes:
fork -> 101 mins, low RAM usage (5Go constant), almost no IO forkserver -> 123 mins, high RAM usage (16Go, fluctuations), high IO forkserver + DataLoader optimization: 105 mins, high RAM usage (from 28Go to 16Go), high IO
CPU/GPU curves are the same for the 3 experiments...
Sorry, its actuallytask.update_requirements(["."])Â
Maybe there is setting in docker to move the space used in a different location? I can simply increase the storage of the first disk, no problem with that
Yes, I set:auth { cookies { httponly: true secure: true domain: "" max_age: 99999999999 } }
It always worked for me this way
Here is the console with some errors
I was rather wondering why clearml was taking space while I configured it to use the /data volume. But as you described AgitatedDove14 it looks like an edge case, so I don’t mind 🙂
/data/shared/miniconda3/bin/python /data/shared/miniconda3/bin/clearml-agent daemon --services-mode --detached --queue services --create-queue --docker ubuntu:18.04 --cpu-only
AgitatedDove14 Is it possible to shut down the server while an experiment is running? I would like to resize the volume and then restart it (should take ~10 mins)
with the CLI, on a conda env located in /data
SuccessfulKoala55 I found the issue thanks to you: I changed a bit the domain but didn’t update the apiserver.auth.cookies.domain
setting - I did it, restarted and now it works 🙂 Thanks!
yea I just realized that you would also need to specify different subnets, etc… not sure how easy it is 😞 But it would be very valuable, on-demand GPU instances are so hard to spin up nowadays in aws 😄
Thanks! I would like to use this opportunity to split the indices into multiple shards, as explained here:
There it is:
This seems to say for the _split API such situation happens and solves itself after a couple fo days, maybe the same case for me?
The host is accessible, I can ping it and even run curl "
http://internal-aws-host-name:9200/_cat/shards "
and get results from the local machine
PS: in the new env, I’v set num_replicas: 0, so I’m only talking about primary shards…
the api-server shows when starting:clearml-apiserver | [2021-07-13 11:09:34,552] [9] [INFO] [clearml.es_factory] Using override elastic host
clearml-apiserver | [2021-07-13 11:09:34,552] [9] [INFO] [clearml.es_factory] Using override elastic port 9200
clearml-apiserver | [2021-07-13 11:09:38,407] [9] [WARNING] [clearml.initialize] Could not connect to ElasticSearch Service. Retry 1 of 4. Waiting for 30sec
clearml-apiserver | [2021-07-13 11:10:08,414] [9] [WARNING] [clearml.initia...
ha wait, I removed the http://
in the host and it worked 🎉
Same, it also returns a ProxyDictPostWrite
, which is not supported by OmegaConf.create
I think my problem is that I am launching an experiment with python3.9 and I expect it to run in the agent with python3.8. The inconsistency is from my side, I should fix it and create the task with python3.8 = "python3.8" task._update_script(
Or use python:3.9 when starting the agent
with open(path, "r") as stream: return yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
This allows me to inject yaml files into other yaml files
and then call task.connect_configuration probably
Hey SuccessfulKoala55 , unfortunately this doesn’t work, because the dict contains others dicts, and only the first level dict becomes a dict, the inner dicts still are ProxyDictPostWrite
and will make OmegaConf.create fail
Otherwise I can try loading the file with custom loader, save as temp file, pass the temp file to connect_configuration, it will return me another temp file with overwritten config, and then pass this new file to OmegaConf
Ok, so what worked for me in the end was:config = task.connect_configuration(read_yaml(conf_path)) cfg = OmegaConf.create(config._to_dict())