@<1537605940121964544:profile|EnthusiasticShrimp49> I'll try setting the cuda version clearml.conf, thanks for the tip!
@<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> Could you please push the code for that version on github?
I just checked if something changed in https://allegro.ai/clearml/docs/docs/deploying_clearml/clearml_server_config.html#web-login-authentication
Usually one or two tags, indeed, task ids are not so convenient, but only because they are not displayed in the page, so I have to go back to another page to check the ID of each experiment. Maybe just showing the ID of each experiment in the SCALAR page would already be great, wdyt?
I did that recently - what are you trying to do exactly?
SuccessfulKoala55 Thanks to that I was able to identify the most expensive experiments. How can I count the number of documents for a specific series? Ie. I suspect that the loss, that is logged every iteration, is responsible for most of the documents logged, and I want to make sure of that
This is no coincidence - Any data versioning tool you will find are somehow close to how git works (dvc, etc.) since they aim to solve a similar problem. In the end, datasets are just files.
Where clearml-data stands out imo is the straightfoward CLI combined with the Pythonic API that allows you to register/retrieve datasets very easily
Thanks for your answer! I am in the process of adding subnet_id/security_groups_id/key_name to the config to be able to ssh in the machine, will keep you informed 😄
What is this cleanup service? where is it available?
Alright, I had a look in the /tmp/.trains_agent_daemon_outabcdef.txt logs, not many insights from here. For the moment, I simply started a new trains-agent daemon in services mode and I will wait to see what happens.
Ho I see, I think we are now touching a very important point:
I thought that torch wheels already included cuda/cudnn libraries, so you don't need to care about the system cuda/cudnn version because eventually only the cuda/cudnn libraries extracted from the torch wheels were used. Is this correct? If not, then does that mean that one should use conda to install the correct cuda/cudnn cudatoolkit?
AgitatedDove14 So I copied pasted locally the https://github.com/pytorch-ignite/examples/blob/main/tutorials/intermediate/cifar10-distributed.py from the examples of pytorch-ignite. Then I added a requirements.txt and called clearml-task
to run it on one of my agents. I adapted a bit the script (removed python-fire since it’s not yet supported by clearml).
AgitatedDove14 So I’ll just replace task = clearml.Task.get_task(clearml.config.get_remote_task_id())
with Task.init()
and wait for your fix 🙂
AgitatedDove14 , my “uncommitted changes” ends with... if __name__ == "__main__": task = clearml.Task.get_task(clearml.config.get_remote_task_id()) task.connect(config) run() from clearml import Task Task.init()
can it be that the merge op takes so much filesystem cache that the rest of the system becomes unresponsive?
But you might want to double check
Does what you suggested here > https://github.com/allegroai/trains-agent/issues/18#issuecomment-634551232 also applies for containers used by the services queue?
Yes I did, I found the problem: docker-compose was using trains-server 0.15 because it didn't see the new version of trains-server. Hence I had trains-server 0.15 running with ES7.
-> I deleted all the containers and it successfully pulled trains-server 0.16. Now everything is running properly 🙂
I want to make sure that an agent did finish uploading its artifacts before marking itself as complete, so that the controller does not try to access these artifacts while they are not available
I was asking to exclude this possibility from my debugging journey 😁
And so in the UI, in workers&queues tab, I see randomly one of the two experiments for the worker that is running both experiments
This is how I start the agent that is running the two experiments in parallel:python3 -m trains_agent --config-file "~/trains.conf" daemon --queue default --log-level DEBUG --detached
no, one worker (trains-agent-1) "forget from time to time" the current experiment he is running and picks another experiment on top of the one he is currently running
trains-agent-1: runs an experiment for a long time (>12h). Picks a new experiment on top of the long one running trains-agent-2: runs only one experiment at a time, normal trains-agent-3: runs only one experiment at a time, normalIn total: 4 experiments running for 3 agents
Is there a typo in your message? I don't see the difference between what I wrote and what you suggested: TRAINS_WORKER_NAME = "trains-agent":$DYNAMIC_INSTANCE_ID
So I guess the problem is that the following snippet:from clearml import Task Task.init()
Should be added before the if __name__ == "__main__":
File "devops/valid.py", line 80, in valid(parse_args) File "devops/valid.py", line 41, in valid valid_task.output_uri = args.artifacts File "/data/.trains/venvs-builds/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/trains/task.py", line 695, in output_uri ", check configuration file ~/trains.conf".format(value)) ValueError: Could not get access credentials for 's3://ml-artefacts' , check configuration file ~/trains.conf
Thanks for the explanations,
Yes that was the case This is also what I would think, although I double checked yesterday:I create a task on my local machine with trains 0.16.2rc0 This task calls task.execute_remotely() The task is sent to an agent running with 0.16 The agent install trains 0.16.2rc0 The agent runs the task, clones it and enqueues the cloned task The cloned task fails because it has no hyper-parameters/args section (I can seen that in the UI) When I clone the task manually usin...