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0 Questions, 3782 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago


0 Hi, Is There A Quick Way To Create New Pipeline From Few Other/"Sub" Pipelines?

Hi @<1559711623147425792:profile|PlainPelican41> , you can re-run an existing pipeline using different parameters from the UI. Otherwise, you need to create new pipelines with new code 🙂

one year ago
0 Hi There, Maybe This Was Already Asked But I Don'T Remember: Would It Be Possible To Have The Clearml-Agent Switch Between Docker Mode And Virtualenv Mode At Runtime, Depending On The Experiment

I guess that's a good point but really applicable if your training is CPU intensive. If your training is GPU intensive I guess most of the load goes on the GPU so running over VM (EC2 instances for example) shouldn't have much of a difference but this is worthy of testing.

I found this article talking about performance

But it doesn't really say what the difference in performance is...

one year ago
0 In

and when you do pip show clearml the version is 1.6.4?

one year ago
0 Hi Community, I Want To Get The List Of Available Worker-Queues In My Pyhton Api. Based On The Sdk Documentation I Cannot Find A Implemented Way Expect Using The Rest-Api. I Struggle To Get The Rest-Api Up An Running. I'Ve Got My Api_Secret And Access_Key

Hi @<1632913959445073920:profile|IratePigeon23> , please look at the following thread - None

That is a nice example for using the API. After you handle the login issues, you can use the web UI as a reference for the API (use dev tools - F12 to see what the UI sends to the backend).

Let me know if this helps 🙂

one year ago
0 Does Anyone Know Why Sometimes I Can'T Delete Folder Even Though I Delete All The Inside Items (Even In Archive)

Hi @<1570583237065969664:profile|AdorableCrocodile14> , is it possible you have some models inside?

one year ago
0 Im Trying To Run This Exmple :

Pending means it is enqueued. Check to which queue it belongs by looking at the info tab after clicking on the task :)

3 years ago
0 Is There A Way To Configure A Clearml-Agent So That It Shutdown The Server After It Has Been Idle For A Certain Time Period? We Are Using Gpu Resources From A Provider That Autoscaling Doesn'T Support (Such As Sagemaker Training Jobs).

With the autoscaler it's also easier to configure a large variety of different compute resources. Although if you're only interested in p4 equivalent instances and on fast demand I can understand the issue

one year ago
0 Is There A Way To Configure A Clearml-Agent So That It Shutdown The Server After It Has Been Idle For A Certain Time Period? We Are Using Gpu Resources From A Provider That Autoscaling Doesn'T Support (Such As Sagemaker Training Jobs).

Hi @<1632913939241111552:profile|HighRaccoon77> , the most 'basic' solution would be adding a piece of code at the end of your script to shut down the machine but obviously it would be unpleasant to run locally without Task.execute_remotely() - None

Are you specifically using Sagemaker? Do you have any api interface you could work with to manipulate shutdown of machines?

one year ago
0 Is There A Way To Configure A Clearml-Agent So That It Shutdown The Server After It Has Been Idle For A Certain Time Period? We Are Using Gpu Resources From A Provider That Autoscaling Doesn'T Support (Such As Sagemaker Training Jobs).

I guess you could probably introduce some code into the clearml agent as a configuration in clearml.conf or even as a flag in the CLI that would send a shutdown command to the machine once the agent finishes running a job

one year ago
one year ago
0 Hello, I Am Using Clearml In Docker Mode. I Have A Simple Script That Runs Locally, Runs On The Target Machine Running The Same Tensorflow Container, But Doesn'T Run When I Deploy It Using Clearml. Here'S The Log Of The Error:

Can you compare the installed packages between the original experiment to the cloned one? Do you see anything special or different between the two?

2 years ago
0 Dear All, Great To Join Your Community. We Are Working On Plant Growth Stage Models At Basf For Farmers And I Was Wondering If Clearml Can Be Used Also For Data Versioning Of Tabular Data, Structured Data. I Would Like To Track If This And That Row Is Par

Hi @<1543766544847212544:profile|SorePelican79> , ClearML can certainly do that. For this you have the Datasets feature.
This will allow you to version and track your data super easily 🙂

one year ago
0 Hi, I’M Trying To Upload Output Model Files (Like .Pth) To Clearml Server. Assume My

Why go into the environment variable and not just state it directly?

task = Task.init(
10 months ago
0 Hi, I’M Trying To Upload Output Model Files (Like .Pth) To Clearml Server. Assume My

Hi @<1523721697604145152:profile|YummyWhale40> _, what if you specify the output_uri through the code in Task.init() ?

10 months ago
0 Another Question Regarding A Curiousity. Given A Task Is Sent To An Agent To Run And It Has A Specific Version Of Tensorflow/Pytorch, Which Requires A Specific Version Of Cuda/Cudnn. Does The Agent Just Automatically Get Cuda/Cudnn For That Task Or Does C

That's a good question. In case you're not running in docker mode, the agent machine that runs the experiment needs to have Cuda/Cudnn installed. If you're running in docker mode you need to select a docker that already has those installed 🙂

2 years ago
0 Hey There, Is It Possible For A Clearml Pipeline Step To Log A Folder Instead Of Numpy/Pickle Objects? Looking At The Docs,

JitteryCoyote63 , heya, yes it is :)
You can save the entire folder as an artifact.

2 years ago
0 I Encountered A Weird Edge Case With The Aws Auto-Scaler, Wondering If There Are Any Solutions Or If This Is A Known Issue. Something As Follows Happened:

UnevenDolphin73 , that's an interesting case. I'll see if I can reproduce it as well. Also can you please clarify step 4 a bit? Also on step 5 - what is "holding" it from spinning down?

2 years ago
0 Seems Like Clearml Tasks In Offline Mode Cannot Be Properly Closed, We Get

Hi @<1523701083040387072:profile|UnevenDolphin73> , looping in @<1523701435869433856:profile|SmugDolphin23> & @<1523701087100473344:profile|SuccessfulKoala55> for visibility 🙂

one year ago
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