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2 Questions, 221 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago



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0 Votes 5 Answers 815 Views
We're working on ClearML serving right now and are very interested in what you all are searching for in a serving engine, so we can make the best serving eng...
2 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 749 Views
A little something else: Using ClearML, an OAK-1 AI camera and a raspberry pi to create a pushup counter that locks my PC every hour and only unlocks again w...
2 years ago
0 Hi Team, I’M Trying To Generate Gcp Autoscaler, And Received The Following Error:

Indeed that should be the case. By default debian is used, but it's good that you ran with a custom image, so now we know it's not clear that more permissions are needed

one year ago
0 Hi Team, I’M Trying To Generate Gcp Autoscaler, And Received The Following Error:

Great! Please let me know if it works when adding this permission, we'll update the docs in a jiffy!

one year ago
0 Hi Team, I’M Trying To Generate Gcp Autoscaler, And Received The Following Error:

Are you running a self-hosted/enterprise server or on app.clear.ml? Can you confirm that the field in the screenshot is empty for you?

Or are you using the SDK to create an autoscaler script?

one year ago
0 Hi, I'M Using Hyperparameteroptimizer Alongside Optimizeroptuna And I Am Unsure How To Implement Pruning On Tasks That Are Not Producing Good Results. Is There A Way To Implement This On These Modules?

Yeah, I do the same thing all the time. You can limit the amount of tasks that are kept in HPO with the save_top_k_tasks_only parameter and you can create subprojects by simply using a slash in the name πŸ™‚ https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/fundamentals/projects#creating-subprojects

one year ago
0 Hey, We Are Using Clearml 1.9.0 With Transformers 4.25.1… And We Started Getting Errors That Do Not Reproduce In Earlier Versions (Only Works In 1.7.2 All 1.8.X Don’T Work):

Just for reference, the main issue is that ClearML does not allow non-string types as dict keys for its configuration. Usually the labeling mapping does have ints as keys. Which is why we need to cast them to strings first, then pass them to ClearML then cast them back.

one year ago
0 Hi Team, I’M Trying To Generate Gcp Autoscaler, And Received The Following Error:

It looks like you need to add the compute.imageUser role to your credentials: None

Did you by any chance set up the autoscaler to use a custom image? It's trying to use β€˜projects/image-processing/global/images/image-for-clearml’ which is a path I don't recognise. Is this your own, custom image? If so, we can add this role to the documentation as required when using a custom image πŸ™‚

one year ago
0 Another Question On The Topic Of How A Remote Execution Of A Pipeline Kills The Calling Process (Previously Discussed

Also, the answer to blocking on the pipeline might be in the .wait() function: https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/references/sdk/automation_controller_pipelinecontroller#wait-1

TimelyPenguin76 I can't seem to make it work though, on which object should I run the .wait() method?

2 years ago
one year ago
0 I Am Looking For The Dataset Used In Sarcasm Detection Demo

Great to hear! Then it comes down to waiting for the next hugging release!

one year ago
0 Hello, I Am Training Some Models With Yolov8 And Want To Upload The Metrics To The Clearml Webpage In. However, Sometimes It Works And Sometimes It Does Not Work. Clearml Is Able To Read Everything From The Console And Stuff Like That, But Is Not Able To

An update: using your code (the snippet above) I was getting no scalars when simply installing ultralytics and clearml packages using pip. Because indeed tensorboard is not installed. When I do install tensorboard, I get metrics in like normal, so I can't seem to reproduce the issue when tensorboard is correctly installed. That said, maybe we should look at not having this dependency πŸ€”

Would you mind posting a pip freeze of your environment that you're using to run yolo?

one year ago
0 Hi, I Am Trying The Triggerscheduler To Catch When A User Add Specific Tag To A Task. I Used The Below Code But The Schedule_Function Is Not Called When Adding Tags To Task (It Seems The Task.Last_Update Is Not Modified After Adding Tag)

Can you elaborate a bit more, I don't quite understand yet. So it works when you update an existing task by adding a tag to it, but it doesn't work when adding a tag for the first time?

2 years ago
0 Hello Everyone ! I Tried To Reproduce Your Tutorial :

ExuberantBat52 The dataset alias thing giving you multiple prompts is still an issue I think, but it's on the backlog of our devs πŸ˜„

one year ago
0 Hi Guys! I Am New To Clearml And I Was Trying Out This Simple Code And It Took 4Min To Run. Is This Normal?

How large are the datasets? To learn more you can always try to run something like line_profiler/kerprof, to get exactly how long a specific python line takes. How fast/stable is your internet?

one year ago
0 Hi Guys! I Am New To Clearml And I Was Trying Out This Simple Code And It Took 4Min To Run. Is This Normal?

Hi @<1541592213111181312:profile|PleasantCoral12> thanks for sending me the details. Out of curiosity, could it be that your codebase / environment (apart from the clearml code, e.g. the whole git repo) is quit large? ClearML does a scan of your repo and packages every time a task is initialized, maybe that could be it. In the meantime I'm asking our devs if they can see any weird lag with your account on our end πŸ™‚

one year ago
0 Hey, We Are Using Clearml 1.9.0 With Transformers 4.25.1… And We Started Getting Errors That Do Not Reproduce In Earlier Versions (Only Works In 1.7.2 All 1.8.X Don’T Work):

When creating it, I found that this hack should be on our side, not on Huggingface's. So I'm only going to fix issue 1 with the PR, issue 2 is ours πŸ™‚

one year ago
0 Hello

What kind of machine are you running this on?

one year ago
0 Hi All! I Recently Started Working With Clearml Serving. I Got This Example Working

Wow awesome! Really nice find! Would you mind compiling your findings to a github issue, then we can help you search better :) this info is enough to get us going at least!

one year ago
0 Hey Guys! I Was Wondering If There Are Any Good Examples In Deployment Of Cv (Detection) Models Through Clearml-Serving? The Examples I Have Seen So Far Are Classification, And So The Post-Processing From The Triton Output Is Minimal. As An Example Mayb

That's a good idea! I think the YOLO models would be a great fit for a tutorial/example like this. We can add it to our internal list of TODOs, or if you want, you could take a stab at it and we'll try to support you through it πŸ™‚ It might take some engineering though! Serving is never drag and drop πŸ™‚

That said, I think it should be quite easy to do since YOLOv8 supports exporting to tensorrt format, which is native to Triton serving which underlies ClearML serving. So the process shoul...

one year ago
0 Hi All! I Recently Started Working With Clearml Serving. I Got This Example Working

Yes, with docker auto-starting containers is def a thing πŸ™‚ We set the containers to restart automatically (a reboot will do that too) for when the container crashes it will immediately restarts, let's say in a production environment.

So the best thing to do there is to use docker ps to get all running containers and then kill them using docker kill <container_id> . Chatgpt tells me this command should kill all currently running containers:
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)And I...

one year ago
0 Hi Is There Any Option To Get Preview For The Images On Dataset In Case Upload With

AstonishingRabbit13 If I'm not mistaken, you can add images to the preview tab by reporting them as debug samples.

So you'd run: dataset.get_logger().report_image() or report_media()
This is not scalable though, so don't expect the server to handle millions of images well, for that you'd need Hyperdatasets πŸ™‚
But it works well (as the name suggests) for some previews of the images!

Relevant docs:

one year ago
0 Hi All! I Recently Started Working With Clearml Serving. I Got This Example Working

Hi NuttyCamel41 !

Your suspicion is correct, there should be no need to specify the config.pbtxt manually, normally this file is made automatically using the information you provide using the command line.

It might be somehow silently failing to parse your CLI input to correctly build the config.pbtxt . One difference I see immediately is that you opted for "[1, 64]" notation instead of the 1 64 notation from the example. Might be worth a try to change the input for...

one year ago
0 Hey, We Are Using Clearml 1.9.0 With Transformers 4.25.1… And We Started Getting Errors That Do Not Reproduce In Earlier Versions (Only Works In 1.7.2 All 1.8.X Don’T Work):

Hey @<1523701949617147904:profile|PricklyRaven28> , So as discussed above there were 2 issues. The first one is still waiting on the second, it's on the backlog of our devs and should be done soon(tm).

That said, in the meantime I also wanted to do fun stuff with transformers, so I've written a quick hack that deals with the bug. It's bascially 2 functions that keep track of which types of keys are in the dict.

def cast_keys_to_string(d, changed_keys=dict()):
    nd = dict()
    for k...
one year ago
0 Heya, I'M Getting This Error In Clearml-Serving-Triton Using The Helm Chart:

Nope! The helm chart sets up all the infrastructure to run everything. What exactly to run is decided using the clearml-serving CLI. Using it, you can swap out models, setup A/B testing of different versions, do canary rollouts etc. But the HELM stack is there only to run what you defined using the CLI

one year ago
0 Hey, We Are Using Clearml 1.9.0 With Transformers 4.25.1… And We Started Getting Errors That Do Not Reproduce In Earlier Versions (Only Works In 1.7.2 All 1.8.X Don’T Work):

Hi @<1523701949617147904:profile|PricklyRaven28> sorry that this is happening. I tried to run your minimal example, but get a IndexError: Invalid key: 5872 is out of bounds for size 0 error. That said, I get the same error without the code running in a pipeline. There seems to be no difference between simply running the code and the pipeline (for me). Do you have an updated example, maybe also including getting a local copy of an artifact, so I can check?

one year ago
0 Hi All

Ah I see. So then I would guess it is due to the remote machine (the clearml agent) not being able to properly access your clearml server

one year ago
0 Hello! Is There Any Way To Access The The

I'm not quite sure what you mean here? From the docs it seems like you should be able to simply send an HTTP request to the localhost url to get the metrics. Is this not working for you? Otherwise, all the metrics end up in Prometheus, so you can also query that instead or use something like Grafana to visualize it

one year ago
0 Hey, We Are Using Clearml 1.9.0 With Transformers 4.25.1… And We Started Getting Errors That Do Not Reproduce In Earlier Versions (Only Works In 1.7.2 All 1.8.X Don’T Work):

It should, but please check first. This is some code I quickly made for myself. It did make tests for it, but it would be nice to hear from someone else that it worked (as evidenced by the error above πŸ˜… )

one year ago
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