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2 Questions, 221 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago



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0 Votes 0 Answers 1K Views
A little something else: Using ClearML, an OAK-1 AI camera and a raspberry pi to create a pushup counter that locks my PC every hour and only unlocks again w...
2 years ago
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0 Votes 5 Answers 1K Views
We're working on ClearML serving right now and are very interested in what you all are searching for in a serving engine, so we can make the best serving eng...
2 years ago
0 Hi Guys, I'M Currently Work With Clearml-Serving For Deployment Of My Model, But I Have Few Questions And Errors: 1. In The Preprocess Class, I Need To Get Some Value That I Got From Training Process For Example, In My Time Series Anomaly Detection I Save

Ok I check 3: The command
clearml-serving --id <your_id> model add --engine triton --endpoint "test_model_keras" --preprocess "examples/keras/preprocess.py" --name "train keras model" --project "serving examples" --input-size 1 784 --input-name "dense_input" --input-type float32 --output-size -1 10 --output-name "activation_2" --output-type float32should be
` clearml-serving --id <your_id> model add --engine triton --endpoint "test_model_keras" --preprocess "examples/keras/preprocess.py" ...

2 years ago
0 Hey Everyone, I Have Been Trying To Get The Pytorch Lightning Cli To Work With Remote Task Execution, But It Just Won'T Work. I Took The

I'm able to reproduce, but your workaround seems to be the best one for now. I tried launching with clearml-task command as well, but we have the same issue there: only argparse arguments are allowed.
AgitatedDove14 any better workaround for this, other than waiting for the jsonargparse issue to be fixed?

2 years ago
0 Hi, Is There A Way To Log Sklearn Metrices (Like Accuracy/Precision) In A Tabular Way Rather Than Plot ?

As you can see in the issue comments, for now you can report it using iteration=0 and then adding the value as a field in the experiment overview (as leaderboard). This will give you a quick overview of your metrics per experiment in the main experiment list πŸ™‚

2 years ago
0 Hello Everyone. When Pressing The "Copy Embed Code" Button In Scalar Plots, I Don'T Get To Choose The Embedding Type Like In The Video, It Seems That I Get Only Code For Clearml Reports. How To Get The Code For Embedding Plots Into External Tools?

Most likely you are running a self-hosted server. External embeds are not available for self-hosted servers due to difficult network routing and safety concerns (need access from the public internet). The free hosted server at app.clear.ml does have it.

one year ago
0 When Dumping Model Via Clearml Serving, What Are The Things That The Clearml Will Look At To Populate The Input_Size And Output_Size? I Tried To Dump An Sklearn Model, And The Input_Size And Output_Size Is Null. I Prefer Not To Update It Separately Using

Unfortunately no, ClearML serving does not infer input or output shapes from the saved models as of today. Maybe you could open an issue on the github of ClearML serving to request it? Preferably with a clear, minimal example, that would be awesome! We'd take it into account for next releases

one year ago
0 Hi Team,When Clearml-Agent Is Used To Run The Code,I T Will Setup The Environment ,How It Take The Python Package Version?

Hi @<1533257278776414208:profile|SuperiorCockroach75>

I must say I don't really know where this comes from. As far as I understand the agent should install the packages exactly as they are saved on the task itself. Can you go to the original experiment of the pipeline step in question (You can do this by selecting the step and clicking on Full Details" in the info panel), there under the execution tab you should see which version the task detected.

The task itself will try to autodetect t...

one year ago
0 Hello Everyone, I Am A New User For Clearml, I Have One Question: I Created The Dataset, And Upload Files Successfully By Class

Ok, no problem! Take your time, I think I can help you, but I don't understand yet πŸ™‚

2 years ago
0 Hello Everyone, I Am A New User For Clearml, I Have One Question: I Created The Dataset, And Upload Files Successfully By Class

Hmm, I can't really follow your explanation. The removed file SHOULD not exist right? πŸ˜… And what do you mean exactly with the last sentence? An artifact is an output generated as part of a task. Can you show me what you mean with screenshots for example?

2 years ago
0 Hi Team, I’M Trying To Generate Gcp Autoscaler, And Received The Following Error:

Indeed that should be the case. By default debian is used, but it's good that you ran with a custom image, so now we know it's not clear that more permissions are needed

one year ago
0 Hi Team, I’M Trying To Generate Gcp Autoscaler, And Received The Following Error:

Great! Please let me know if it works when adding this permission, we'll update the docs in a jiffy!

one year ago
0 Hi Team, I’M Trying To Generate Gcp Autoscaler, And Received The Following Error:

I'm using image and machine image interchangeably here. It is quite weird that it is still giving the same error, the error clearly asked for "Required 'compute.images.useReadOnly' permission for 'projects/image-processing/global/images/image-for-clearml'" πŸ€”

Also, now I see your credentials even have the role of compute admin, which I would expect to be sufficient.
I see 2 ways forward:

  • Try running the autoscaler with the default machine image and see if it launches correctly
  • Dou...
one year ago
0 When Dumping Model Via Clearml Serving, What Are The Things That The Clearml Will Look At To Populate The Input_Size And Output_Size? I Tried To Dump An Sklearn Model, And The Input_Size And Output_Size Is Null. I Prefer Not To Update It Separately Using

Here is an example of deploying an sklearn model using ClearML serving.

However, please note that sklearn-like models don't have input and output shapes in the same sense as deep learning models have. Setting the I/O shapes using the CLI is usually meant for GPU-based deep learning models that need to know the sizes for better GPU allocation. In the case of sklearn on CPU, all you have to do is set up your preprocess...

one year ago
0 Hi Team, I’M Trying To Generate Gcp Autoscaler, And Received The Following Error:

Are you running a self-hosted/enterprise server or on app.clear.ml? Can you confirm that the field in the screenshot is empty for you?

Or are you using the SDK to create an autoscaler script?

one year ago
0 Hello Everyone, I Am A New User For Clearml, I Have One Question: I Created The Dataset, And Upload Files Successfully By Class

With what error message did it fail? I would expect it to fail, because you finalized this version of your dataset by uploading it πŸ™‚ You'll need a mutable copy of the dataset before you can remove files from it I think, or you could always remove the file on disk and create a new dataset with the uploaded one as a parent. In that way, clearml will keep track of what changed in between versions.

2 years ago
0 Hi Team, I’M Trying To Generate Gcp Autoscaler, And Received The Following Error:

This looks to me like a permission issue on GCP side. Do your GCP credentials have the compute.images.useReadOnly permission set? It looks like the worker needs that permission to be able to pull the images correctly πŸ™‚

one year ago
0 Hi Team, I’M Trying To Generate Gcp Autoscaler, And Received The Following Error:

It looks like you need to add the compute.imageUser role to your credentials: None

Did you by any chance set up the autoscaler to use a custom image? It's trying to use β€˜projects/image-processing/global/images/image-for-clearml’ which is a path I don't recognise. Is this your own, custom image? If so, we can add this role to the documentation as required when using a custom image πŸ™‚

one year ago
0 When Dumping Model Via Clearml Serving, What Are The Things That The Clearml Will Look At To Populate The Input_Size And Output_Size? I Tried To Dump An Sklearn Model, And The Input_Size And Output_Size Is Null. I Prefer Not To Update It Separately Using

No inputs and outputs are ever set automatically πŸ™‚ For e.g. Keras you'll have to specify it using the CLI when making the endpoint, so Triton knows how to optimise as well as set it correctly in your preprocessing so Triton receives the format it expects.

one year ago
0 Hello

What kind of machine are you running this on?

one year ago
0 Hi Team,When Clearml-Agent Is Used To Run The Code,I T Will Setup The Environment ,How It Take The Python Package Version?

Hi @<1533257278776414208:profile|SuperiorCockroach75> , the clearml experiment manager will try to detect your package requirements from its original environment. Meaning that if you run the code and it imports e.g. SQLAlchemy, then it will log the exact version of SQLAlchemy you have installed locally.

When you run only get_data,py locally and have the experiment manager track it, can you then look at the task that is made in the clearml webUI and check the installed packages section? ...

one year ago
0 Hello

Can you run

ls -la /opt/clearml

and paste the results here?

one year ago
0 Hello, Trying To Figure Out How To Run A Machine In Docker Mode (Ecr Private Repo) Using Clearml. For Some Reason I Cannot Get This To Work With :

I see. Are you able to manually boot a VM on GCP and then manually SSHing into it and running the docker login command from there? Just to be able to cross out networking or permissions as possible issues.

one year ago
0 Hey All, Is Anyone Able To Access The Clear Ml Website?

Isitdown seems to be reporting it as up. Any issues with other websites?

2 years ago
0 It Would Be Nice To Group Experiments Within Projects Use Cases:

The built in HPO uses tags to group experiment runs together and actually use the original optimizer task ID as tag to be able to quickly go back and see where they came from. You can find an example in the ClearML Examples project.

2 years ago
0 Hi Everybody, I’M Getting Errors With Automatic Model Logging On Pytorch (Running On A Dockered Agent).

Did you by any chance save the checkpoint without any file extention? Or with a weird name containing slashes or points? The error seems to suggest the content type was not properly parsed

2 years ago
0 Why Does My Task Execution Freeze After Pip Installation (Running Agent In Foreground Mode)? The Task Is:

AdventurousButterfly15 The fact that it tries to ping localhost means you are running the ClearML server locally right? In that case, it is a docker thing: it cannot access localhost because localhost inside a docker image is not the same one as your machine itself. They're isolated.

That said, adding --network=host to the docker command usually fixes this by connecting the container to the local network instead of the internal docker one.

You can add a custom argument either i...

2 years ago
0 Hello, Trying To Figure Out How To Run A Machine In Docker Mode (Ecr Private Repo) Using Clearml. For Some Reason I Cannot Get This To Work With :

Does it help to also run docker login in the init bash script?
You should be able to access your AWS credentials from the environment (the agent will inject them based on your config)

one year ago
0 When Dumping Model Via Clearml Serving, What Are The Things That The Clearml Will Look At To Populate The Input_Size And Output_Size? I Tried To Dump An Sklearn Model, And The Input_Size And Output_Size Is Null. I Prefer Not To Update It Separately Using

Just to be sure I understand you correctly: you're saving/dumping an sklearn model in the clearml experiment manager, then want to serve it using clearml serving, but you do not wish to specify the model input and ouput shapes in the CLI?

one year ago
0 Hi Team, I’M Trying To Generate Gcp Autoscaler, And Received The Following Error:

It is not filled in by default?


one year ago
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