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2 Questions, 221 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago



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0 Votes 5 Answers 1K Views
We're working on ClearML serving right now and are very interested in what you all are searching for in a serving engine, so we can make the best serving eng...
2 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 914 Views
A little something else: Using ClearML, an OAK-1 AI camera and a raspberry pi to create a pushup counter that locks my PC every hour and only unlocks again w...
2 years ago
0 Hey, We Are Using Clearml 1.9.0 With Transformers 4.25.1… And We Started Getting Errors That Do Not Reproduce In Earlier Versions (Only Works In 1.7.2 All 1.8.X Don’T Work):

Damn it, you're right 😅

        # Allow ClearML access to the training args and allow it to override the arguments for remote execution
        args_class = type(training_args)
        args, changed_keys = cast_keys_to_string(training_args.to_dict())
        training_args = args_class(**cast_keys_back(args, changed_keys)[0])
one year ago
0 Hello, I Am Training Some Models With Yolov8 And Want To Upload The Metrics To The Clearml Webpage In. However, Sometimes It Works And Sometimes It Does Not Work. Clearml Is Able To Read Everything From The Console And Stuff Like That, But Is Not Able To

An update: using your code (the snippet above) I was getting no scalars when simply installing ultralytics and clearml packages using pip. Because indeed tensorboard is not installed. When I do install tensorboard, I get metrics in like normal, so I can't seem to reproduce the issue when tensorboard is correctly installed. That said, maybe we should look at not having this dependency 🤔

Would you mind posting a pip freeze of your environment that you're using to run yolo?

one year ago
0 Hey, I Was Planning To Save The Best Trained Model And Get A Task Id For It, So I Could Use It Later As

Also, this might be a little stupid sorry, but your torch save command saves the model in the current folder, whereas you give clearml the 'model_folder/model' path instead. Could it be that the path is just incorrect?

2 years ago
0 Hey! Did Anyone Try Hpo On Yolov5 Model According To The Following Tutorial:

Hey CheekyFox58 like Martin said, it should at least work locally. If not, can you give us some more details on what exactly the werid behaviour is?

one year ago
0 Tasks Can Be Put In Draft State - If We Will Execute:

It depends on how complex your configuration is, but if config elements are all that will change between versions (i.e. not the code itself) then you could consider using parameter overrides.

A ClearML Task can have a number of "hyperparameters" attached to it. But once that task is cloned and in draft mode, one can EDIT these parameters and change them. If then the task is queued, the new parameters will be injected into the code itself.

A pipeline is no different, it can have pipeline par...

one year ago
0 Question On Using Clearml-Data To Manage Contents Of Datasets. I’M Having An Issue Deleting A Directory Within A Dataset Uploaded. Here Are A Few Ways I’Ve Tried, Create New Dataset With Parent, Remove --Files <Path To Folder>. That Doesn’T Work, Only

For the record, this is a minimal reproducible example:

Local folder structure:
` ├── remove_folder
│ ├── batch_0
│ │ ├── file_0_0.txt
│ │ ├── file_0_1.txt
│ │ ├── file_0_2.txt
│ │ ├── file_0_3.txt
│ │ ├── file_0_4.txt
│ │ ├── file_0_5.txt
│ │ ├── file_0_6.txt
│ │ ├── file_0_7.txt
│ │ ├── file_0_8.txt
│ │ └── file_0_9.txt
│ └── batch_1
│ ├── file_1_0.txt
│ ├── file_1_1.txt
│ ├── file_1_2.txt
│ ├── file_1_3.txt
│ ├── fi...

2 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Using Hyperparameteroptimizer Alongside Optimizeroptuna And I Am Unsure How To Implement Pruning On Tasks That Are Not Producing Good Results. Is There A Way To Implement This On These Modules?

Yeah, I do the same thing all the time. You can limit the amount of tasks that are kept in HPO with the save_top_k_tasks_only parameter and you can create subprojects by simply using a slash in the name 🙂 https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/fundamentals/projects#creating-subprojects

2 years ago
0 Hello We Want To Serve A Simple Rulebase Model. Think It As A .Py With With A Simple If...Else Function 1) How Do You Deliver A Rule Based Model. Or Do I Need To Train A Tensorflopytorch,Scikitlearn To Serve A Simple Rulebase Model. 2) How Do You Manage

Like Nathan said, custom engines are a TODO, but for your second question, you can add that API request in the model preprocessing, which is a function you can define yourself! It will be ran every time a request comes in and you can do whatever you want in it and change the incoming data however you wish 🙂

example: https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-serving/blob/main/examples/keras/preprocess.py

2 years ago
0 Hey All, Is Anyone Able To Access The Clear Ml Website?

Isitdown seems to be reporting it as up. Any issues with other websites?

2 years ago
0 When Using Dataset.Get_Local_Copy(), Once I Get The Location, Can I Add Another Folder Inside Location Add Some Files In It, Create A New Dataset Object, And Then Do Dataset.Upload(Location)? Should This Work? Or Since Its Get_Local_Copy, I Won'T Be Able

That makes sense! Maybe something like dataset querying as is used in the clearml hyperdatasets might be useful here? Basically you'd query your dataset to only include sample you want and have the query itself be a hyperparameter in your experiment?

2 years ago
0 When Dumping Model Via Clearml Serving, What Are The Things That The Clearml Will Look At To Populate The Input_Size And Output_Size? I Tried To Dump An Sklearn Model, And The Input_Size And Output_Size Is Null. I Prefer Not To Update It Separately Using

Just to be sure I understand you correctly: you're saving/dumping an sklearn model in the clearml experiment manager, then want to serve it using clearml serving, but you do not wish to specify the model input and ouput shapes in the CLI?

one year ago
0 Can We Use The Simple Docker-Compose.Yml File For Clearml Serving On A Huggingface Model (Not Processed To Tensorrt)?

That wasn't my intention! Not a dumb question, just a logical one 😄

one year ago
0 Hi Everyone! How Can I Filter Archived Tasks In

Hi ThoughtfulGrasshopper59 !

You're right, we should probably add the convenient allow_archived function in .get_task s () as well.
That said, for now this can be a workaround:

` from clearml import Task

print([task.name for task in Task.get_tasks(
project_name="TAO Toolkit ClearML Demo",
)]) Specifically task_filter=dict(system_tags=['archived']) ` should be what you need.

one year ago
0 Hey, Trying To Figure Out How To Create An

FierceHamster54 I saw you saying the YOLOv5 project and name are hardcoded in there. Fixed that for ya 😉 https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5/pull/10100

one year ago
0 We Have A Use Case Where An Experiment Consists Of Multiple Docker Containers. For Example, One Container Works On Cpu Machine, Preprocesses Images And Puts Them Into Queue. The Second One (Main One) Resides On Gpu Machine, Reads Tensors And Targets From

Pipelines! 😄

ClearML allows you to create pipelines, with each step either being created from code or from pre-existing tasks. Each task btw. can have a custom docker container assigned that it should be run inside of, so it should fit nicely with your workflow!

Youtube videos:

Relevant Documentation:

Custom docker container per task:

one year ago
2 years ago
0 Hi Guys, I'M Currently Work With Clearml-Serving For Deployment Of My Model, But I Have Few Questions And Errors: 1. In The Preprocess Class, I Need To Get Some Value That I Got From Training Process For Example, In My Time Series Anomaly Detection I Save

Hi William!

1 So if I understand correctly, you want to get an artifact from another task into your preprocessing.

You can do this using the Task.get_task() call. So imagine your anomaly detection task is called anomaly_detection it produces an artifact called my_anomaly_artifact and is located in the my_project project you can do:
` from clearml import Task

anomaly_task = Task.get_task(project_name='my_project', task_name='anomaly_detection')
treshold = anomaly_ta...

2 years ago
0 Side Note For Documentation,

I've passed it through, we'll update the docs, thanks!!

one year ago
0 Hey, Is There An Easy Way To Retrieve The Code Used To Run An Experiment? Without Recreating The Whole Environment Etc. The Problem: I Have Ran A

If you didn't use git, then clearML saves your .py script completely in the uncommited changes section like you say. You should be able to just copy paste it to get the code. In what format are your uncommited changes logged? Can you paste a screenshot or paste the contents of uncommitted changes ?

2 years ago
0 Hi! What Is The Recommended Way To Automatically Merge Multiple Updates Of A Dataset That Happen Asynchronously?

In order to prevent these kinds of collisions it's always necessary to provide a parent dataset ID at creation time, so it's very clear which dataset and updated one is based on. If multiple of them happen at the same time, they won't know of each other and both use the same dataset as the parent. This will lead to 2 new versions based on the same parent dataset, but not sharing data with each other. If that happens, you could create a 3rd dataset (potentially automatically) that can have bot...

one year ago
0 Hi All, I'M Having Some Issues With Syncing Modified Files Using

Hi LackadaisicalDove24 !

Does this happen with every csv file? If so, I can reproduce it to check if it is a bug 🙂

one year ago
0 Hello

Can you run

ls -la /opt/clearml

and paste the results here?

one year ago
0 Hello Again, I Would Like To Ask You If Something Like This Is Possible In Clearml (See Screenshot)? For Each Experiment (

Hi! Have you tried adding custom metrics to the experiment table itself? You can add any scalar as a column in the experiment list, it does not have color formatting, but it might be more like what you want in contrast to the compare functionality 🙂

2 years ago
0 Hi Guys, I'M Currently Work With Clearml-Serving For Deployment Of My Model, But I Have Few Questions And Errors: 1. In The Preprocess Class, I Need To Get Some Value That I Got From Training Process For Example, In My Time Series Anomaly Detection I Save

1 Can you give a little more explanation about your usecase? It seems I don't fully understand yet. So you have multiple endpoints, but always the same preprocessing script to go with it? And you need to gather a different threshold for each of the models?

2 Not completely sure of this, but I think an AMD APU simply won't work. ClearML serving is using triton as inference engine for GPU based models and that is written by nvidia, specifically for nvidia hardware. I don't think triton will ...

2 years ago
0 When Using Dataset.Get_Local_Copy(), Once I Get The Location, Can I Add Another Folder Inside Location Add Some Files In It, Create A New Dataset Object, And Then Do Dataset.Upload(Location)? Should This Work? Or Since Its Get_Local_Copy, I Won'T Be Able

Wait is it possible to do what i'm doing but with just one big Dataset object or something?

Don't know if that's possible yet, but maybe something like the proposed querying could help here?

2 years ago
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