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4 Questions, 21 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago



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one year ago
0 Hi All - Sorry For All The Posts But Hopefully This Is The Last Issue! I Have My Server All Set Up And Configured On Gcp And Went To Go Test It And Ran Into An Error It Looks Like A Few Others Have Had In The Past Here From A Search But I Didn'T See Any R

so my clearml.conf file only has settings for my google bucket, when I created the VM from the image it didn't actually come with any config files in the /opt/clearml/config directory, so I've been adding them and putting in the sections I need to edit there.

one year ago
0 Hi All - Sorry For All The Posts But Hopefully This Is The Last Issue! I Have My Server All Set Up And Configured On Gcp And Went To Go Test It And Ran Into An Error It Looks Like A Few Others Have Had In The Past Here From A Search But I Didn'T See Any R

Oh sorry I misunderstood, I don't have any conf files for the SDK at the moment. When I tried via python I simply used the credentials I got from my instance and when I tried on the command land I ran clearml-init and followed the prompts until it ran into the same SSL error. During the prompts I got to #2iii on this page https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/deploying_clearml/clearml_config_for_clearml_server/ and that's when I got the SSL error so I couldn't get to the configuration of those ...

one year ago
0 Hello! I Have Clearml Up And Running And Was Doing The Last Bit Of Configuration By Changing The Keys And Secrets Using The Docker-Compose File, But Now The Fixed Web Authentication Doesn'T Work. I Did Change The User Key But Thought That It Was Disabled

Oh I think I finally found an error in there that was it! It looks like the property is httponly not httpsonly, and when I changed that and added all the keys and secrets back in, I am able to get in this time! I suppose I added that along with the keys last time but I thought I tested in between, but maybe it was a cache thing. I think I'm good, thanks for the help!

one year ago
0 Hi All - I'M A Little Confused By The Option To Use A Cloud Storage Bucket For The Fileserver Instead Of The Vm Where The Server Is Hosted. Is This Something That Can Be Configured On The Server Or Does It Need To Be Configured Locally For Each User In Th

Hi CostlyOstrich36 ! Thanks I appreciate the answer! When you say configure it on the clearml.conf level, that means then that this is a user-level configuration that each user of the server would need to individually configure, right? Or is there a way to configure this on the server so that when a new user makes a connection to the server, it gets automatically configured for them?

one year ago
0 Hi All - Sorry For All The Posts But Hopefully This Is The Last Issue! I Have My Server All Set Up And Configured On Gcp And Went To Go Test It And Ran Into An Error It Looks Like A Few Others Have Had In The Past Here From A Search But I Didn'T See Any R

I think maybe it didn't get far enough to do that because I see a .clearml_data.json file in my root but no clearml.conf. I could PM you the connection credentials if that might help? It isn't live yet so I don't mind, just let me know!

one year ago
0 Hello! I Have Clearml Up And Running And Was Doing The Last Bit Of Configuration By Changing The Keys And Secrets Using The Docker-Compose File, But Now The Fixed Web Authentication Doesn'T Work. I Did Change The User Key But Thought That It Was Disabled

The interesting bit though is I didn't see what the issue was earlier because I forgot to check, but looking at the network tab I see the auth.login request is actually returning with a 500 error not a 403 or something and is saying Failed processing request http://domain/v2.23/auth.login where domain is my custom domain. I'm not sure why it isn't use https for that request

one year ago
0 Hi All - Sorry For All The Posts But Hopefully This Is The Last Issue! I Have My Server All Set Up And Configured On Gcp And Went To Go Test It And Ran Into An Error It Looks Like A Few Others Have Had In The Past Here From A Search But I Didn'T See Any R

Thanks for the response! As instructed by the init file I pasted the full JSON object from the app credential screen, so it looked something like:

api { 
    web_server: domain
    api_server: domain:8008
    credentials {
        "access_key" = "xxx"
        "secret_key"  = "xxx"

As an update, to get my team up and running I redid the server with everything except for the SSL, and it worked with no issues. But I'd still like to try to get SSL configured for obvious reaso...

one year ago
0 Hi All - Sorry For All The Posts But Hopefully This Is The Last Issue! I Have My Server All Set Up And Configured On Gcp And Went To Go Test It And Ran Into An Error It Looks Like A Few Others Have Had In The Past Here From A Search But I Didn'T See Any R

When I was getting the SSL error, it was using https, and it should have been consistent, though I really just copied over the nginx settings from the github here None . I was playing around with it a bit because I thought maybe since other ports don't seem to be handled that was the issue but no matter what I tried I still got the same errors.

one year ago
one year ago
0 Hello! I Have Clearml Up And Running And Was Doing The Last Bit Of Configuration By Changing The Keys And Secrets Using The Docker-Compose File, But Now The Fixed Web Authentication Doesn'T Work. I Did Change The User Key But Thought That It Was Disabled

Yes, I even used a completely different browser and private mode on that browser to be extra sure. However, I did just go key by key to try to see if it is just one of them that is causing me to be unable to login, each time clearing out all the site data and this time when I reached the end and removed all the key/secret alterations from the docker compose file, I can no longer access the application with my username and password in my fixed users list

one year ago
0 Hi All - Sorry For All The Posts But Hopefully This Is The Last Issue! I Have My Server All Set Up And Configured On Gcp And Went To Go Test It And Ran Into An Error It Looks Like A Few Others Have Had In The Past Here From A Search But I Didn'T See Any R

Hi @<1523701087100473344:profile|SuccessfulKoala55> ! Any other ideas on this one? I feel like it has something to do with the api server but I really am at a loss for how to fix it

one year ago
0 Hi All - Sorry For All The Posts But Hopefully This Is The Last Issue! I Have My Server All Set Up And Configured On Gcp And Went To Go Test It And Ran Into An Error It Looks Like A Few Others Have Had In The Past Here From A Search But I Didn'T See Any R

I just realized something, one thing that confused me is the docs said that you get the app/api/etc subdomains but I seem to connect directly using the http://subdomain.domain.com without http://app.subdomain.domain.com and in fact http://app.subdomain.domain.com doesn't work. Would that matter? Should I have *. http://subdomain.domain.com on my certificate and does that nginx file in the link need to be added to at all?

one year ago
0 Hi All - I'M A Little Confused By The Option To Use A Cloud Storage Bucket For The Fileserver Instead Of The Vm Where The Server Is Hosted. Is This Something That Can Be Configured On The Server Or Does It Need To Be Configured Locally For Each User In Th

Thanks John! Though that does seem a little confusing as then anyone could really set up their own storage and wouldn't others potentially have difficulty accessing the artifacts if they needed to?

one year ago
one year ago
0 Hi All - Sorry For All The Posts But Hopefully This Is The Last Issue! I Have My Server All Set Up And Configured On Gcp And Went To Go Test It And Ran Into An Error It Looks Like A Few Others Have Had In The Past Here From A Search But I Didn'T See Any R

I do have this bit from the docs in my apiserver.conf files

auth { cookies { httponly: true secure: true domain: ".clearml.mydomain.com" max_age: 99999999999 } }Which I thought was the way to configure subdomains, but I didn't do the load balancer config as I don't need load balancing for our use case.

one year ago
0 Hello! I Have Clearml Up And Running And Was Doing The Last Bit Of Configuration By Changing The Keys And Secrets Using The Docker-Compose File, But Now The Fixed Web Authentication Doesn'T Work. I Did Change The User Key But Thought That It Was Disabled

Hi SuccessfulKoala55 ! That's what I thought too. I was following the docs on how to best secure the server https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/deploying_clearml/clearml_server_security and so did the SSL, set up the fixed users, set up object storage, then for the secrets I set them as environment variables in the docker compose file and I set all of the variables list there so:


one year ago