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48 Questions, 8051 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 8 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hello Channel, Two Other Related Questions:

No Task.create is for creating an external Task not logging your own process,
That said you can probably override the git repo with env vars:

one year ago
0 Hi.. Wondering If It Is Possible To Schedule Experiments Run At A Given Time E.G. Cron Schedule Or It Needs To Be Triggered From Ui/Api

PompousParrot44 That should be very easy to do, basically a service mode code that clones a base task and puts it into a queue:
This should more or less do what you need :)
` from trains import Task

task = Task.init('devops', 'daily train', task_type='controller')

stop the local execution of this code, and put it into the service queue, so we have a remote machine running it.

task = execute_remotely('services')

while True:
a_task = Task.clone(base_task_id='aaabb111')

4 years ago
0 Hi Folks, I Have A Question Related To The Storage Of Artifacts, As It Is Not Entirely Clear To Me Where To Configure It. If I Read The Documentation

when I run it on my laptop...

Then yes, you need to set the default_output_uri on Your laptop's clearml.conf (just like you set it on the k8s glue)
Make sense ?

2 years ago
0 I Have Setup A

I assume the account name and key refers to the storage account credentials that you can from Azure Storage Explorer?


3 years ago
0 I Wanted To Ask, How To Run Pipeline Steps Conditionally? E.G If Step Returns A Specific Value, Exit The Pipeline Or Run Another Step Instead Of The Sequential Step

Wait, so the pipeline step only runs if the pre execute callback returns True? It'll stop if it doesn't run?

Only if you have a Callback function, and that callback function returns False, then it will skip it (otherwise it will process it)

Another question, in the parents sequence in pipe.add_step, we have to pass in the name of the step right?

Correct, the step name is a unique identifier for the pipeline

how would I access the artifact of a previous step within the pre ...

2 years ago
3 years ago
0 With

I find it quite difficult to explain these ideas succinctly, did I make any sense to you?

Yep, I think we are totally on the same wavelength 🙂

However, it also seems to be not too prescriptive,

One last question, what do you mean by that?

3 years ago
0 Hey, Just Trying Out Clearml-Serving And Getting The Following Error

Notice that we are using the same version:
The reason was that previous version did not support torchscript, (similar error you reported)
My question is, why don't you use the "allegroai/clearml-serving-triton:latest" container ?

2 years ago
0 With

What we would like ideally, is a system where development, training, and deployment are almost one and the same thing, to reduce the lead time from development code to production models.

This is very aligned with the goals of ClearML 🙂
I would to understand more on what is currently missing in ClearML so we can better support this approach

my inexperience in using them a lot until recently. I can see how that is a better solution

I think I failed in explaining my self, I me...

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Trying To Run Task.Init Inside A Jupyter Notebook For The First Time (Used It A Lot Before In Normal Python Scripts), And I Get A Warning-

ThickDove42 Windows conda python3.6 was exactly what I was using,
started the jupyter with:
"python -m jupyter notebook"
Then opened / created a new notebook, everything worked.
Tested on latest clearml 0.17.2
Maybe it's something with the path to the repo that breaks it? Because obviously the issue is it is looking in the wrong folder.

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Trying To Run Task.Init Inside A Jupyter Notebook For The First Time (Used It A Lot Before In Normal Python Scripts), And I Get A Warning-

You can try calling
task._update_repository()I'm still trying to figure out how to reproduce it...

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Trying To Upload A Model But I Am Getting The Following Error:

What's the output_uri you are passing ?
And the OS / Python version?

3 years ago
0 Hi There! Is There An Easy Way To Retrieve The Site-Package Directory That Was Created By An Agent From Inside A Task? Eg.

in my repo I maintain a bash script to setup a separate python env.

Hmm interesting, now I have to wonder what is the difference ? meaning why doesn't the agent build a similar one based on the requirements ?

2 years ago
0 Hi. I'M Encountering A Problem With

however can you see the inconsistency between the key and the name there:

Yes that was my point on "uniqueness" ... 😞
the model-key must be unique, and it is based on the filename itself (the context is known, it is inside the Task) but the Model Name is an entity, so it should have the Task Name as part of the entity name, does that make sense ?

2 years ago
0 Hi All I Am Would Like To Somehow Prevent Clearml Caching From Caching A Task That Hasn'T Uploaded Artifacts (Using Cache_Executed_Step In

@<1533619716533260288:profile|SmallPigeon24> , failed task should not actually be reused (i.e. cached), are you saying a failed Task is being reused? or are you saying that you want to "invalidate" the cache in the execution but still leave the Task as completed ?

one year ago
0 Hi, I Am Trying To Run A Task In An Agent From A Repository With An

It will always set it's own environment, wither with static analysis or with "pip freeze" / "conda freeze"
It needs to log the exact setup that was actually installed.
When you later launch it on a remote machine, it can either use this to recreate the environment (using pip or conda), or you can clear the entire section, where it will fall back to "requirements.txt"
Any reason for specifically using the "environment.yaml" ?

3 years ago
3 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Trying To Run A Task In An Agent From A Repository With An

python version to be used and conda will install it

clearml does that automatically (albeit it is not shown in the UI, which should be fixed)

3 years ago
0 Hi All I Am Would Like To Somehow Prevent Clearml Caching From Caching A Task That Hasn'T Uploaded Artifacts (Using Cache_Executed_Step In

But I am considreing just failing the task.

This will of course work, just raise exception in the Task itself, and protect the call from the pipeline logic function with try/except

regrading the second option, try to nullify the hash on the Component Task:

# running the Task component here
# if we do not want someone to use us
Task.current_task()._set_runtime_properties({"pipeline_job_hash": None})
one year ago
0 Hi, I'M Trying To Run Task.Init Inside A Jupyter Notebook For The First Time (Used It A Lot Before In Normal Python Scripts), And I Get A Warning-

ThickDove42 looking at the code, I suspect it fails interacting with the actual jupyter server (that is running on the same machine, but still).
Any chance you have a firewall on the Windows machine ?

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Trying To Run Task.Init Inside A Jupyter Notebook For The First Time (Used It A Lot Before In Normal Python Scripts), And I Get A Warning-

but this gives me an idea, I will try to check if the notebook is considered as trusted, perhaps it isn't and that causes issues?

This is exactly what I was thinking (communication with the jupyter service is done over http, to localhost, sometimes AV/Firewall software will block it, false-positive detection I assume)

3 years ago
0 Hey, Don'T Really Understand Why The Clearml Worker Needs To Pull The Repository Where My Pipeline (Defined With Decorators) Is Written Is Since Apparently A Temporary Python File (Containing At Least The Code And Imports For The Executed Component) Seems

Oh I see the pipeline controller itself (not the components) is the one with the repo
To fix that add at the top of the script the following:
` from clearml import Task


@PipelineDecorator.pipeline(...) `That should do the trick

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Trying To Run A Task In An Agent From A Repository With An

Hi SkinnyPanda43
Do you mean the cleaml-agent or the cleaml python (a.k.a the auto package detection) ?

3 years ago
0 What’S The Easiest Way To Update The Repo Url Alone For A Task? Need - In My Ci, The Url Used Is Https But I Need The Ssh Url To Be Used. I See That We Can Pass Repo To Task.Create But Not Task.Init

Need - in my CI, the url used is https but I need the ssh url to be used. I see that we can pass repo to Task.create but not Task.init

Are you cloning an existing Task, or creating a new one ?

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Trying To Use Agent With A Sample, Very Simple Task. But It Stucks And Task Does Not Finish. In Ui In Console I See What I Pasted On Image. Do You Know What I Might Be Doing Wrong? Agent Is Run In Virtual Env Mode

Agent works when I am running it from virtual environment but stucks in the same place all the time when I using Docker

Can you please provide a log? I'm not sure what it means stuck

2 years ago
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