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Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
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Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
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Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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48 Questions, 8051 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 8 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hi, I’M Trying To Create A Dataset On Clearml Server From My Aws S3 Bucket Via:

Let say I don’t have the data on my local machine but only S3 bucket.

You can still register it, but make sure you do not delete it from the S3 bucket because it will keep a link to it

Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known')': /

what did you put in output_uri ?

one year ago
0 [Caching Of Environment And Storage When Using Aws Auto Scaler]

Hi ScantChimpanzee51

having the ClearML auto scaler at all is super great and an impressive tool!

Thank you! 😍

As all data resides within the container, it is lost afterwards.

Nothing to fear there, if you are using the StorageManager, the destination is always the cache folder, which the agent automatically mounts to the host machine.
That said if the EC2 instance is taken down (i.e. idle) then the cache is lost with it.

Make sense?

2 years ago
0 Hi Again, Is There A Way To Pass Secrets As Parameters Of A Task? I Have An Experiment That Requires Connecting To A Database, And I Need To Be Able To Pass The Creds As Task Params (Or In Another Way, I Don'T Know Yet). But I Don'T Want To Expose My Cred

I'm sorry JitteryCoyote63 No 😞
I do know that the enterprise addition have these features (a.k.a vault & permissions), basically to answer these types of situations.

3 years ago
0 Hello, Is It Possible To Disable Lazy Loading ? It’S Quite Horrible To Use In Console Logs For Instance, Where Search Is Useless As It Doesn’T Request Anything But Only Filter Currently Loaded Logs, And From My Browser Info The Ui Loads Previous Logs By 7

quick video of the search not working

Thank you! this is very helpful, passing along to front-end guys πŸ™‚

and ctrl-f (of the browser) doesn’t work as lines below not loaded (even when you scroll it will remove the other lines not visible, so you can’t ctrl-f them)

Yeah, that's because they are added lazily

one year ago
0 Hello, I Have An Error While Installing Git Dependencies Of Local Package: So Far I Used Task.

Exactly, that’s my problem: I want to remove it to make sure it is reinstalled (because the version can change)

JitteryCoyote63 yes, this is definitely a pip bug... can you test with the latest pip version, maybe it was fixed? (i.e. git+https:// link)

3 years ago
0 Hi Everyone! How Do I Read

Hi @<1635088270469632000:profile|LividReindeer58>
You mean the clearml.conf?
You can do:

from clearml.config import config_obj

you should have the entire configuration file as an object (dict interface)
fyi: under the hood it uses pyHOCON

one year ago
0 Hello Clearml Community, Does Anyone Have An Idea How I Could Integrate/Manager Carla (

you mean The Task already exists or you want to create a Task from the code ?

3 years ago
0 Hello Clearml Community, Does Anyone Have An Idea How I Could Integrate/Manager Carla (

Wow, thank you very much. And how would I bind my code to task?

you mean the code that creates pipeline Tasks ?
(remember the pipeline itself is a Task in the system, basically if your pipeline code is a single script it will pack the entire thing )

3 years ago
0 Hello Clearml Community, Does Anyone Have An Idea How I Could Integrate/Manager Carla (

ReassuredTiger98 I ❀ the DAG in ASCII!!!

port = task_carla_server.get_parameter("General/port")

This looks great! and will acheive exactly what you are after.
BTW: when you are done you can do :
task_carla_server.mark_aborted(force=True)And it will shutdown the Clara Task πŸ™‚

3 years ago
0 Hello Clearml Community, Does Anyone Have An Idea How I Could Integrate/Manager Carla (

my experiment logic

you mean the actual code doing the training ?

so that it gets lazily executed and not at task definition time

Task definition time -> when creating the Pipeline Task? remember the base_task_factory a the end creates a Task object (it does not run the code itslef).
BTW: if you have simple training logic you can use pipeline decorators , it might be a better fit?

3 years ago
0 Hi Again. Is There Any Way To Have Trains-Agent Do A 'Docker Build' On The Dockerfile In The Repository It Pulls And Then Run That Image? I Know I Can Specify The Base Image Trains-Agent Runs The Task In And That Will Get Pulled/Run At Execution Time, But

trains-agent runs a container from that image, then clones ...

That is correct

I'd like the base_docker_image to not only be defined at runtime

I see, may I ask why not just build it once, push it into artifactory and then have trains-agent use it? (it will be much faster)

4 years ago
0 How Can I Add My Requirements.Txt File To The Pipeline Instead Of Each Tasks?

Run clearml-agent and enqueue the pipeline ? What am i missing?

one year ago
0 Hi. Shoulf This Command Succeed In The Presence Of Project

well it should fail, but I think the error message should be fixed πŸ™‚
ValueError: dataset 'tmp_datset' not found in projectlavi-testing' `wdyt?

2 years ago
2 years ago
0 Hi

Up πŸ™‚

3 years ago
0 Hi There, I Am Running A Clearml-Agent In Services Mode (With Docker) On A Machine With Two Disks: One With The Os (8Go, 91% Space Used) And One For The Data (100Go, 40% Space Used). When Executing The Auto-Scaler Task In This Agent, I Get The Following E

I have to admit mounting it to a different drive is a good reason to bring this feature back, the reasoning was it means the agent needs to make sure it manages them (e.g. multiple agents running on the same machine)

3 years ago
0 Hi

@<1523716917813055488:profile|CloudyParrot43> yes server upgrades deleted it 😞 we are redeploying a copy, should take a few min

3 years ago
0 Hi


3 years ago
4 years ago
0 There Is No V1.0 Release Without A Prompt V1.0.1 Following It, And We Are No Different

Shout-out to Emilio for quickly stumbling on this rare bug and letting us know. If you have a feeling your process is stuck on exit, just upgrade to 1.0.1 πŸ˜‰

3 years ago
0 Hi, Is It Possible To Specify Per Experiment (Task In Clearml) Where The Results (Artifacts) Are Saved?

BTW: GreasyPenguin14 you can also upload them as debug samples (when setting the output_uri, the debug samples will be uploaded to the same destination)

3 years ago
0 What Is Being Stored Exactly In

my question is how to recover, must i recreate the agents or there is another way?

Yes you have to recreate the Task (I assume they failed, no?!)

2 years ago
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