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48 Questions, 8051 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 8 months ago



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0 Hi, Is There An Equivalent For Set_Name To Change The Task'S Project Name? I'M Stuck In A Loop, I Have To Run Task.Init Right At The Start Of The File Because I Give It

SmarmySeaurchin8 regarding the original question:
task.set_project(project_id)Task.get_projects() to get all the project names/ids

4 years ago
0 Hi Guys, I Configured A Trains Server And A Trains Agent. I Have Some Code I Want To Run In The Trains Agent, However The Code Is In A Local Branch On My Client (I Cant Push It On Remote Yet Because Of Internal Practices) Is There A Way To Do So? Currentl

SmugOx94 Yes, we just introduced it 🙂 with 0.16.3
Discussion was here (I'll make sure to update the issue that the version is out)
In your trains.conf add the following line:
sdk.development.store_code_diff_from_remote = trueIt will store the diff from the remote HEAD instead of the local one.

4 years ago
0 Let’S Imagine I’M Building A Pipeline With Five Consecutive Steps, Where Some Of The Steps Are Non Ml/Dl Based. Using Clearml I Run A Lot Of Experiments To Find The Right Pipeline Configuration. After I Found The Right Algorithms And Parameters For My Pip

without the ClearML Server in-between.

You mean the upload/download is slow? What is the reasoning behind removing the ClearML server ?

ClearML Agent per step

You can use the ClearML agent to build a socker per Task, so all you need is just to run the docker. will that help ?

3 years ago
0 Hey There, Is There A Way To Access The Trains Configuration Programmatically At Runtime In A Task (The Configuration That Is Dumped By The Agent In The Logs Before Executing A Task)

Maybe WackyRabbit7 is a better approach as you will get a new object (instead of the runtime copy that is being used)

4 years ago
0 Hi, We Have A Clearml Agent Running On An Ec2 Machine. Until Now It Worked Great. We Are Two Team Members Using It Without A Problem Via The Saas Ui. Starting This Week, While I'M Myself Is Able To Use It As Before, The Other Team Member Gets This Error B

Hi CurvedDolphin95
I would first check the free space on the instance (it might be that git is reporting an inaccurate error and it's free space not permission that causing it to fail the clone).
I would also check your GitHub account, notice that the now only support user/api-key (and not user/pass), which means you need to create an api-key and add it as your password in the clearml.conf.
Any chance that for some reason some of the Tasks are running from a diff user? or not using a docker ?

3 years ago
0 I Am Not Familiar With Pytorch, But Is It Expected That So Many “Models” Are Created? These Are Being Repeated As Well For A Single Task (This Is Training A T5_Model With Transformers):

Does a pipeline step behave differently?

Are you disabling it in the pipeline step ?
(disabling it for the pipeline Task has no effect on the pipeline steps themselves)

3 years ago
0 Hey Guys, I Am Setting Up A New Machine With Two Rtx 3070 Gpus Where I Created Two Agents (One For Each Gpu). On Both Agents, My Experiments Fail With Error:


I am setting up a new machine with two rtx 3070 GPU

Nice! you are one of the lucky few who managed to buy them 🙂

Which makes me think that the wrong torch package is installed

I think that torch 1.3.1 is does not support cuda 11 😞

4 years ago
0 I Have No Prior Devops Experience. I'Ve Been Able To Set Up A Simple Continuous Training Setup Using Clearml. I Wanted To Ask What Should I Learn Which Would Help Me Move A Project From Mlops Level 0 To Level 1, And Then Level 2, Using Clear Ml. I Would A

I'm kind of at a point where I don't know a lot of what to even search for.

we feel you 💗 , yes there still isn't a very good source of information on where to get started...
This is because the entire field is constantly changing and evolving, and one solution will usually only apply to specific use case...
I would start with the mlops community slack channel, and youtube talks (specifically those by companies describe how they built their own internal infrastructure, i...

3 years ago
0 A Suggestion. Sometimes Newcomers That Join An Existing Project That Uses Clearml Forget To Configure Their Clearml For The Organization'S Server Resulting In Them Launching Experiments To The Public Cloud Possibly With Sensitive Data - I Think That If Y

mostly out of curiosity, what is the motivation behind introducing this as an environment variable knob rather then a flag with some default in Task.init?

DepressedChimpanzee34 we will deprecate the demo server (not exactly sure when) as we have the free community one that gives better service and stores the data. It was originally set for easy on-boarding and testing, but I think that now the user experience might be better with using the community free tier.
Make sense ? btw: what ...

3 years ago
0 A Suggestion. Sometimes Newcomers That Join An Existing Project That Uses Clearml Forget To Configure Their Clearml For The Organization'S Server Resulting In Them Launching Experiments To The Public Cloud Possibly With Sensitive Data - I Think That If Y

WackyRabbit7 basically starting v1.1 if you are running code without any configuration file, you will get an error (in contrast to previous versions where it defaulted to the demo-server)

3 years ago
0 Any Ideas Of Using Label Studio With Clearml Datasets - Base Dataset, Load To Label Studio, Annotate, Child Annotated Dataset Is The Kind Of Flow

I assume so 🙂 Datasets are kind of agnostic to the data itself, for the Dataset it's basically a file hierarchy

3 years ago
0 Hey, I Would Like My Experiment To Call At Some Point A Cli Program Installed As A Dependency Of The Experiment. Here Is What I Do:

Hi JitteryCoyote63
Just making sure, the package itself it installed as part of the "Installed packages", and it also installs a command line utility ?

4 years ago
0 Hi, Is There An Equivalent For Set_Name To Change The Task'S Project Name? I'M Stuck In A Loop, I Have To Run Task.Init Right At The Start Of The File Because I Give It

Regrading the project name:
set_project will support project_name in the next version 🙂 project_id=[p.id for p in Task.get_projects() if p.name==project_name][0]

4 years ago
0 Hi There, I Am Running A Clearml-Agent In Services Mode (With Docker) On A Machine With Two Disks: One With The Os (8Go, 91% Space Used) And One For The Data (100Go, 40% Space Used). When Executing The Auto-Scaler Task In This Agent, I Get The Following E

it will constantly try to resend logs

Notice this happens in the background, in theory you will just get stderr messages when it fails to send but the training should continue

3 years ago
0 Hi, Is There An Equivalent For Set_Name To Change The Task'S Project Name? I'M Stuck In A Loop, I Have To Run Task.Init Right At The Start Of The File Because I Give It

which to my understanding has to be given before a call to an argparser,

SmarmySeaurchin8 You can call argparse before Task.init, no worries it will catch the arguments and trains-agent will be able to override them :)

4 years ago
0 Hi, Is There An Equivalent For Set_Name To Change The Task'S Project Name? I'M Stuck In A Loop, I Have To Run Task.Init Right At The Start Of The File Because I Give It

Yes including this. (There was a fix to an issue with trains-agent and disabling frameworks, it is already part of 0.16.3 )

4 years ago
0 How Come I Use

I see it's a plotly plot, even though I report a matplotlib one

ClearML tries to convert matplotlib into plotly objects so they are interactive, it it fails it falls back into a static image as in matplotlib

3 years ago
0 Question About The Storage Manager. Assuming I Have An Object That Updates Frequently And Always Saved At The Same Path (E.G.

Legit, if you have a cached_file (i.e. exists and accessible), you can return it to the caller

4 years ago
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