GrievingTurkey78 I see,
Basically the arguments after the -m src.train
in the remote execution should be ignored (they are not needed).
Change the m in the Args section under the configuration. Let me know if it solved it.
Hi RipeGoose2
Just to clarify, the issue with the html stuck in cache is a UI, thing, basically the webapp needs to tell the browser not to cache the artifacts, it has nothing to do with how the artifacts are created.
Regardless we love improvements so feel free to mass around with the code and PR once you get something useful 😉
Specifically this is where the html conversion happens
TrickyRaccoon92 I didn't know that 🙂
where did you try to add it? did you report a plotly figure or is it with report_???
Okay But we should definitely output an error on that
And how is the endpoint registered ?
Hi @<1523702000586330112:profile|FierceHamster54>
I think I'm missing a few details on what is logged, and ref to the git repo?
You might need to play around a bit, it might be that StorageHelper.get(' gs://bucket ') and then helper.list('folder/*')
Let me know what worked 🙂
Hi DefeatedCrab47
You mean by trains-agent, or accumulated over all experiences ?
or me it sounds like the starting of the service is completed but I don't really see if the autoscaler is actually running. Also I don't see any output in the console of the autoscaler.
Do notice the autoscaler code itself needs to run somewhere, by default it will be running on your machine, or on a remote agent,
Yes the one you create manually is not really of the same "type" as the one you create online, this is why you do not see it there 😞
@<1539780258050347008:profile|CheerfulKoala77> make sure the AMI id matches the zone of the EC2 machine
The problem is that clearml installs
is needed.
You suggested this fix earlier, but I am not sure why it didnt work then.
Hmm , could you test with the clearml-agent 0.17.2 ? making surethis actually solves the problem
Notice that the glue has it's own defaults and the ability to override containers from the UI
feature value distribution over time
You mean how to create this chart? None
EFS get downloaded to the k8 pod local volume?
EFS is an Amazon service that mounts a persistent FS into ec2 instances, I believe they have support for k8s as a service as well, which would make it kind of like a PV only as a service.
Does that make sense ?
the first runs perfectly fine,
Just making sure, running in an agent?
the second crashes
Running inside the same container as the first one ?
is it in the OSS version too?
Yep, free of charge ❤
Found it, definitely a bug in the callback, it has not effect on the HPO process itself
I would also add that Task name is not unique and you can use to describe the "process / goal etc" which would make it pretty obvious to search / review from the UI.
Regrading models and branchs, Iw ould use the Task tags (you can have as many as you like) to tag the specific model type (or dev branch if the alg is diff), this means you can also easily filter based on the Tags in the UI.
can you use the Web UI to compare the artifacts from two separate subprojects?
Yes comp...
Hi MelancholyElk85
However, when I clone the pipeline from web UI and launch it once again, it works. Is there a way to bypass this?
In both cases, are you seeing a different behavior on the same machine running the agent (i.e. clonening from the UI vs code) ?
AdventurousRabbit79 you mean like minio / ceph ?
... these nested components are not tagged with 'pipe: <pipeline_task_id>'. I assume this should not be like that, right?
Helper functions are not "component", they are actually files that will be accessible when running the component itself.
am I missing something ?
script, and the kwcoco not imported directly (but from within another package).
fyi: usually the assumption is that clearml will only list the directly imported packages, as these will pull the respective required packages when the agent will be installing them ... (meaning that if in the repository you are never actually directly importing kwcoco, it will not be listed (the package that you do import directly, the you mentioned is importing kwcoco, will be listed). I hope this ...
Hi @<1556812486840160256:profile|SuccessfulRaven86>
I'm assuming this relates to the SaaS service.
API calls are away to measure usage, basically metric reports are bunched into a single call, agents pings / query is API call, and so on so forth.
How many hours you had training tasks reporting data? how many agents running and so on
I ran the test, but there was no result.
what do you mean by no result, no data after the new query?
Anyhow from your response is it safe to assume that mixing in
code with the core ML task code has not occurred to you as something problematic to start with?
Correct 🙂 Actually we believe it makes it easier, as worst case scenario you can always run clearml in "offline" without the need for the backend, and later if needed you can import that run.
That said, regrading (3), the "mid" interaction is always the challenge, clearml will do the auto tracking/upload of the mod...