and I would definitely prefer the command
the process that called it.
I understand why it would be odd from a notebook perspective, the issue is that the actual code is being "sent" to the backend to be execcuted on a remote machine. It is important to understand, that this is the end of the current process. Does that make sense ?
(not saying we could not add an argument for that, just trying to ...
Scenario 1 & 2 are essentially the same from caching perspective (the face B != B` means they have different caching hashes, but in both cases are cached).
Scenario 3 is the basically removing the cache flag from those components.
Not sure if I'm missing something.
Back to the @<1523701083040387072:profile|UnevenDolphin73>
From decorators - when the pipeline logic is very straightforward ...
Actually I would disagree, the decorators should be used when the pipeline Logic is not a D...
Hi PompousParrot44
So do you mean something like:
` task_model_a = Task.get('id_a')
task_model_b = Task.get('id_b')
model_a_file = task_model_a.models['output][-1].get_local_copy()
model_b_file = task_model_b.models['output][-1].get_local_copy() `
It should have been:output_uri="s3://company-clearml/artifacts/bethan/sales_journeys/artifacts/examples/load_artifacts.f0f4d1cd5eb54795b11508dd1e739145/artifacts/filename.csv.gz/filename.csv.gz
Should have worked, the error you are getting is docker-compose parsing the yml file
Is this exactly the one from the trains-server repo ?
Finally managed; you keep saying "all projects" but you meant the "All Experiments" project instead. That's a good start
Yes, my apologies you are correct: "all experiments"
Can you try to set this in your clearml.conf:
agent.pip_download_cache.enabled: false
this should disable the local caching, of your wheel, I suspect there is some issue with the local cache file in windows...
is the model overridden or its version is automatically increased?
You will have another model, with the same name (assuming the second Task has the same name), but a new ID. So if I understand you correctly, we have auto-versioning :)
Hi SlimyElephant79
As you can imagine, wandb's tracking code would be present across the code modules and I was hoping for a structured approach that would help me transition to ClearMLs experiment tracking.
Do you guys a have a layer in between that does the reporting, or is the codebase riddled with direct reporting calls ? if the latter, then I guess search and replace ? or maybe a module that "converts" wandb call to clearml call ? wdyt?
Are you sure you added the pytorch channel in clearml.conf ?
Seems like passing the Task object is not working as expected (I'll make sure it is fixed).
Sorry ScaryLeopard77 I missed the reply,
the tutorial in the readme of clearml-serving repo doesn't mention it though. Where should I set it?
oh dear ... you are right (I think it was there in previous versions)clearml-serving --help
This is the equivalent of what is created here in the example:
Hi ClumsyElephant70
So do you need both requirements.txt combined ?
How will the agent be able to reproduce both repo on the remote machine ?
This is the warning hence my question
DeliciousKoala34 any chance you are using PyCharm 2022 ?
I cannot test it at the moment, hence my question.
JuicyFox94 any chance you can blindly approve ?
@<1523722618576834560:profile|ShaggyElk85> nice !
I think that in theory you can run the DBs arm64 images no?
Doesnt solve the issue if a HPO run is going to take a few days
The HPO Task has a table of the top performing experiments, so when you go to the "Plot" tab you get a summary of all the runs, with the Task ID of the top performing one.
No need to run through the details of the entire experiments, just look at the summary on the HPO Task.
I think that clearml should be able to do parameter sweeps using pipelines in a manner that makes use of parallelisation.
Use the HPO, it is basically doing the same thing with some more sophisticated algorithm (HBOB):
For example - how would this task-based example be done with pipelines?
Sure, you could do something like:
` from clearml import Pi...
all our workers went down after starting the slack bot, is it expected?)
Oh dear... I can;t see any connection... What is the last log you have there?
Thread is discussed here: None
Actually it cannot be differed, long story short when the agent is running the same code we have to verify and pass arguments at import time. I have to wonder, I'm expecting the env variables to be preset (I.e previously set for the entire environment) how come they are manually set inside the code (and wouldn't that break when running with an agent)?
Yes that's the reason, basically there is a background thread analyzing the code, at the end of the execution if it is till running (hence the question regrading execution time) we give it extra 10seconds to come up with answers, otherwise we terminate, so the code won't get stuck. Makes sense to you?
Anyone wants to open a github issue, so we actually end up implementing it 😉 ?
I'll make sure we add the reference somewhere on GitHub
overrides -> "kubectl run --overrides "
template -> "kubectl apply template.yaml"