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48 Questions, 8051 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 8 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hi Everyone, I'M Using The

Okay, so I can't figure why it would "kill" the new experiments, I mean it should run them, but is there any "smart stopping" that causes it to kill he process before it ends ?
BTW: can this be reproduced with the clearml hydra example ?

2 years ago
0 Hi Everyone, I'M Using The

Hi AttractiveCockroach17

. Many of these experiments appear with status running on clearml even though they have finish running,

Could it be their process just terminated? (i.e. not properly shutdown) ?
How are you running these multiple experiments?
BTW: if the server does not see any change in a Task for (I think the default is 2 hours) it will automatically mark these Task as aborted

2 years ago
0 Hi. Is It Possible To Run Pipelines Clearml Using Yaml Manifests Like Kubeflow Style?

You mean to design the entire pipeline from YAML?
(this assumes your Tasks know how to process links to artifacts)
Is this what you are after?
(BTW: any reason for working with YAML files instead of coding it?)

2 years ago
0 Hi. Is It Possible To Run Pipelines Clearml Using Yaml Manifests Like Kubeflow Style?

The imports inside the functions are because the function itself becomes a stand-alone job running on a remote machine, not the entire pipeline code. This also automatically picks packages to be installed on the remote machine. Make sense?

2 years ago
0 Hi. Is It Possible To Run Pipelines Clearml Using Yaml Manifests Like Kubeflow Style?

In regards to the YAML how would you pass data? Like the pipeline from tasks example?

2 years ago
0 Is There A Way Clearml Can Be Stopped From Updating Dependencies When Cloning?

BroadSeaturtle49 agent RC is out with a fix:
pip3 install clearml-agent==1.5.0rc0Let me know if it solved the issue

2 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Uploading Artifacts On The Clearml Storage (Which Is On A Server Filesystem) Every X Iterations And Delete The Older Ones With

Hi PerfectChicken66

every X iterations and delete the older ones with

I have to ask, why not just overwrite the artifact? it is basically the same, no ?!

older ones with




I think you are correct, when you delete the entire Task you can specify, delete artifacts, but it does not do that on delete_artifact 😞
You can manually do that with:
` task._delete_uri(task.artifacts["artifact"].url)
task.delete_artifact() ...

2 years ago
0 With The Helm Charts, What Is The Recommend Way To Automate Getting An Api Secret Pair For The K8 Glue Agent So You Dont Have To Go Into The Ui And Generate One In Between The Server And Agent Helm Releases?

So essentially, the server helm chart creates randomly generated secret pair and deploys it as a shared k8 secret that pods can access.

This is the tricky part, for the helm chart to be able to create it, it means it can login to the server it means there is a secret embedded in the helm chart that lets you access the default server. you see my point ?

2 years ago
0 With The Helm Charts, What Is The Recommend Way To Automate Getting An Api Secret Pair For The K8 Glue Agent So You Dont Have To Go Into The Ui And Generate One In Between The Server And Agent Helm Releases?

Bummer... that seems like a bit of an oversight tbh.

There is never a solution for those, unless the helm chart "knows" something about the server before spinning it the first time, which basically means a predefined access-key, I do not think we want that 😉

2 years ago
0 With The Helm Charts, What Is The Recommend Way To Automate Getting An Api Secret Pair For The K8 Glue Agent So You Dont Have To Go Into The Ui And Generate One In Between The Server And Agent Helm Releases?

I have to admit, I'm not sure...
Let me talk to backend guys, in theory you are correct the "initial secret" can be injected via the helm env var, but I'm not sure how that would work in this specific case

2 years ago
0 With The Helm Charts, What Is The Recommend Way To Automate Getting An Api Secret Pair For The K8 Glue Agent So You Dont Have To Go Into The Ui And Generate One In Between The Server And Agent Helm Releases?

I think you are correct and the first time you spin the server it is not possible (I mean you need it up to get the access/secerey and only then you can insert them into the helm values) ... 😞

2 years ago
0 Hello, When Running A Task With A Remote Interpreter I Get

hmm DeliciousKoala34
what are you getting if you put this at the top of your code (the one you are running in the remote docker)
import os print([(k, os.environ[k]) for k in os.environ if k.startswith("CLEARML_")])

2 years ago
0 Hello, When Running A Task With A Remote Interpreter I Get

And this is with the latest pycharm plugin 1.1.0 ?

2 years ago
0 Kindly Let Me Know, How To Change The Hyper-Parameter Value ?

So now for it to take place you need to enqueue the Task and set an agent to pick it up and run it.
When the agent is running the Task the new parameter will be passed.
does that make sense ?

one year ago
0 Kindly Let Me Know, How To Change The Hyper-Parameter Value ?

Hi @<1540142641931358208:profile|FancyBaldeagle86>
You mean in the UI? i.e. clone an experiment hover over the Configuration / Hyperparameter section and clicking edit ?

one year ago
0 Hi Guys. Say That We Train A Model With 10 Epoch, And Suddenly Interruption Occur On Epoch 5. How Can We Continue The By Using Clearml?

Hi @<1546665666675740672:profile|AttractiveFrog67>

  • Make sure you stored the model's checkpoint (either pass output_uri=True in Task.init or manually upload)
  • When you call Task.init pass " continue_last_task=True "
  • Now you can do last_checkpoint=task.models["output"][-1].get_local_copy() and all you need is to load last_checkpoint
one year ago
0 Hi Guys. Say That We Train A Model With 10 Epoch, And Suddenly Interruption Occur On Epoch 5. How Can We Continue The By Using Clearml?

Then running by using the

, am I right?


I have put the


while running Yolov5 and ClearML does not save the weight per epoch that I have trained. Why is this happened?

But do you still see it in the clearml UI ? do you see the models logged in the clearml UI ?

one year ago
0 Hello! I Have An Issue Reproducing My Runs. The Task.Create Completes Successfully. When I Clone And Enqueue A Completed Task The Clone Fails. It Fails During The Python Requirements Installation. Why Is This? Do You Know How I Can Debug? Thank You In Adv

Hi @<1734020162731905024:profile|RattyBluewhale45>
What's the clearml agent version? And could you verify with the latest RC?
Lastly how are you running the agent, docker mode? What's the bade container?

4 months ago
0 Hello, Can I Get Somehow Json Files Of Plots For The Given Task? I Know There Is The "Download Json" Button Near The Plots In Your Web Ui, But I Need Do It Programatically (There Are Many Plots And Many Tasks).

If this is the case then the easiest is:
from clearml.backend_api.session.client import APIClient client = APIClient() res = client.events.get_task_plots(task="<task-id>")We should defiantly have a nice interface 🙂

3 years ago
0 Hi, We Are Using Clearml For Our Experiment Tracking But Now Investigating Using The Pipeline Functionality As Well For Scheduling. We Also Want To Be Able To Trigger A Pipeline Run When There Is New Data In An External Database. Is This Possible? From Wh

. Looking at this example here, it looks like it only works with tasks:

Aha! Pipeline is a Task 🙂 (a specific type of Task, nonetheless a Task)
Just use the pipeline ID, and make sure you push it into the services queue, voila

11 months ago
0 Hi, We Are Using Clearml For Our Experiment Tracking But Now Investigating Using The Pipeline Functionality As Well For Scheduling. We Also Want To Be Able To Trigger A Pipeline Run When There Is New Data In An External Database. Is This Possible? From Wh

Hi @<1654294828365647872:profile|GorgeousShrimp11>

can you run a pipeline on a


or are schedules only for Tasks?

I think one tiny details got lost here, Pipelines (the logic driving them) are a type of Task, this means you can clone and enqueue them like other tasta
(Task.enqueue / Task.clone)
Other than that looks good to me, did I miss anything ?

11 months ago
0 Hi I Have A Most Probably A Beginer Question Abour Loading The Data In Pycharm And Later On In Google Colab From An Dataset From Clearml. I Used From Page:


' error [Errno 13] Permission denied:

Seems like a permission issue ?
Try to remove your entire clearml cache folder None

12 months ago
0 Hi All, I Am Trying To Deploy Clearml Server In A Local Machine. I Followed All The Steps In

nice @<1724960458047229952:profile|EnergeticKoala33> !
The issue was that the agent was trying to start the docker but had no credentials to do that, your solution is exactly what was needed to be done

5 months ago
0 Hi All, I Am Having Trouble Using The

Notice: dataset_rgb.list_files() will list the content of the dataset, Not the local files:
e.g.: /folder/myfile.ext and not /hone/user/cache/folder/myfile.ext
So basically i think you are just not passing actual files, you should probably do:
for local_file in Path(folder_rgb).rglob('*'): ...

3 years ago
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