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  Active since 10 January 2023
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We are at AAAI NY, come look us up :)
4 years ago
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YEY!!!! Download as CSV 🤯
2 years ago
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@<1523703325881536512:profile|ConvolutedSealion94> these are xgboost internal metrics that are automatically picked by clearml
one year ago
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apparently everyone can ...
4 years ago
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Is you server using https ?!
4 years ago
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Lol, I wonder what the adblock rule was ;)
4 years ago
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4 years ago
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Hi Guys! I have great news, we finally fully implemented support for continuing previously trained models 🎉 Here is a quick example (this is torch, but any ...
4 years ago
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Hi :robot_face: , humans We have the new documentation site up and running 🎉 None 🎊 This is still a work in progress, so we keep the previous version alive...
3 years ago
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we recently released a new version of clearml-session with Persistent Workspace support! 🚀 🎉 Finally you can develop on remote machines with workspace fold...
6 months ago
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Hi ! trains 0.16.2 is finally out with the new pipelines interface! Check out the new example https://github.com/allegroai/trains/blob/master/examples/pipeli...
3 years ago
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OMG Look who just joined the PyTorch EcoSystem None Yes! it is TRAINS 🚆 🎉 🎈
4 years ago
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🎊 🍾 Happy new year ! 🎆 🎇 We wanted to thank you all for the great feedback, contribution and general support you guys give us. It is truly fulfilling to ...
3 years ago
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Gals, Guys & :robot_face: , if you want to checkout the Hyper-Parameters automation (Using Bayesian Optimization Hyper-Band) We have an example on the demo s...
4 years ago
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I would guess connectivity issues, the TLS is probably python inaccurate response (I mean in a way, it is also a TLS error, but I would imagine this has more...
4 years ago
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YummyWhale40 you are saying the example code is not working when running with the demo server? Also I think I was able to view your experiment on the demo se...
4 years ago
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Hi Guys/Gals, If you want to checkout the latest RC we have 0.15.0rc0 out : pip install trains==0.15.0rc0 pip install trains-agent==0.15.0rc0Many of the impr...
4 years ago
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3 years ago
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0 Slack Admins Will Create A

Hi CheerfulGorilla72
Notice all posts on that channel are @ channel 🙂

2 years ago
0 One More Follow-Up Still; We'Re Trying To Run Non-Gpu Scaler, And I'Ve Finally Sorted Out Subnet And Security Groups Issues, Only To Run Into This:

I just set the git credentials in the


and it works out of the box

git has issues with passing the user/token from the main repo to the submodules, hence my surprise that it is working out-of-the-box.
Do notice that if you are ussing ssh-key this is a none issue.

Nope, no


defined anywhere, ...

If this is the case can you try to add the following to your "extra_vm_bash_script"
` echo machine example.com > ~/.netrc && echo log...

2 years ago
3 years ago
0 Could You Please Explain A Bit More How Trains Adapt The Torch Version Depending On The Installed Cuda Version? Here Is My Setup:

JitteryCoyote63 I think this only holds for the conda distribution.
(Actually quite interesting, I wonder what happens if you already installed cudatoolkit...)

3 years ago
0 Another Strange Behavior Of The Python Sdk Cli: After Executing Python My_Task.Py, Where My_Task.Py Creates And Send To The Queue An Experiment, The Command Returns But After Some Time Some Messages Are Printed In The Console, Such As

ok, but this happens in my local machine, not in the agent

resource monitoring is always running in the background, even on local machines. (of course you can turn it off)

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Trying To Upload A Plot To An Existing Task Using The

What's the matplotlib version ? and python version?

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Have An Agent That Is Running Two Experiments At The Same Time: One That Was Running For A Long Time (11H) And One That The Agent Picked Up Afterwards, While The First One Was Still Running. Context: I Have 3 Agents Up (Not In Docker Mode) And All O


Picks a new experiment on top of the long one running

This is very very strange. Is the long running experiment being logged (i.e. do you still see console output in the UI)?

4 years ago
0 This Will Close It

Yup, I just wanted to mark it completed, honestly. But then when I run it, Colab crashes.

task.close() will do that
BTW what's the exception you are getting ?

3 years ago
0 Hey Everyone, I'M Having An Issue Due To Conflicting Git Credentials On The Clearml-Agent (Running Inside The Docker). I'M Using Ssh Settings (

Hi PleasantGiraffe85
Did you set git_host to only point to your host ? do you expect all the git clones to use SSH? how does the requirements.txt git link looks like ?

2 years ago
0 I Have A Question Regarding Running The Code On The Remote Machine, Each Time I Run The Code I See The Console In The Clearml Server Start Downloading All The Libraries I Used In The Code And When I Run Another Code The Same Thing Happens So Why It Has To

I have a question regarding running the code on the remote machine, each time I run the code I see the console in the ClearML server start downloading all the libraries I used in the code and when I run another code the same thing happens so why it has to download all the libraries again and many times?

I'm assuming you are referring to the installation, the downloaded python packages are cached.
You can turn on full caching by uncommenting the following line:

2 years ago
0 I Have A Question Regarding Running The Code On The Remote Machine, Each Time I Run The Code I See The Console In The Clearml Server Start Downloading All The Libraries I Used In The Code And When I Run Another Code The Same Thing Happens So Why It Has To

how to put or handle this configuration and where?

In your clearml.conf on the machine with the agent just add at the bottom of the file agent.venvs_cache.path=~/.clearml/venvs-cache

2 years ago
0 I Have A Notebook Which Is Uncommited. It Is Being Run On A Remote Machine With Clearml-Agent Through Clearml-Session. Everything With Newest Versions, Server Is Community-Hosted. Under Uncommitted Changes I See

okay, let me check it, but I suspect the issue is running over SSH, to overcome these issues with pycharm we have specific plugin to pass the git info to the remote machine. Let me check what we can do here.
FiercePenguin76 BTW, you can do the following to add / update packages on the remote session
clearml-session --packages "newpackge>x.y" "jupyterlab>6"

3 years ago
0 Dear Developers, I Encountered A Question That The Local Module Cannot Be Found When Pulling Task From Queue. I Opened A Issue Here

Yeah the ultimate goal I'm trying to achieve is to flexibly running tasks for example before running, could have a claim saying how many resources I can and the agent will run as soon as it find there are enough resources

Checkout Task.execute_remotely() you can push it anywhere in your code, when execution get to it, If you are running without an agent it will stop the process and re-enqueue it to be executed remotely, on the remote machine the call itself becomes a noop,


2 years ago
0 Hi There, I Have A Package Called

Hi IrritableGiraffe81

I have a package called


in my requirements.txt file.

This means feast is installing additional packages, once the agent is done installing everything, it basically calls pipe freeze and stores back All the packages including versions
Now the question is, how come redis is not installed.
Notice that the Task already has the autodetected packages (it basically ignores requirem,ents.txt as it is often not full missing or just wrong)

2 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Getting A Lot Of The Following Logs

Hi PompousBeetle71
Try this one, let me know if it helped

4 years ago
0 Hello. It'D Be Really Helpful If Someone Could Let Me Know Why I Keep Getting "Misconfigurationexception('No Supported Gpu Backend Found!')" Error. I Am Using "Task.Execute_Remotely(Queue_Name="Default", Exit_Process=True)". Once It Gets Queued, I Clone I

Hi @<1715175986749771776:profile|FuzzySeaanemone21>

and then run "clearml-agent daemon --gpus 0 --queue gcp-l4" to start the worker.

I'm assuming the docker service cannot spin a container with GPU access, usually this means you are missing the nvidia docker runtime component

3 months ago
2 years ago
0 I Have An Experiment That Generates Many Plots, But Not All Of Them Show Up In The “Plots” Section Of The Experiment Results. I Thought I Read Somewhere About A Limit On The Number Of Plots That Would Be Shown In That Section, But I Couldn’T Find It In Th

NastyFox63 ask SuccessfulKoala55 tomorrow, I think there is a way to change the default settings even with the current version.
(I.e. increase the default 100 entries limit)

3 years ago
0 Hi All! I’M Currently Working On A Project Where I’M Making Use Of Clearml For Hyperparameter Tuning. In My Workflow, I Have A Python Script That I Usually Run With The Following Command:

What are you seeing in the Task that was cloned (i.e. the one the HPO created not the original training task)?
by that I mean, configuration section, do you have the Args there ? (seems like the pic you attached, but I just want to make sure)

Also in the train.py file, do you also have Task.init ?

one year ago
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