Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
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Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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Gals, Guys & :robot_face: , if you want to checkout the Hyper-Parameters automation (Using Bayesian Optimization Hyper-Band) We have an example on the demo s...
4 years ago
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4 years ago
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4 years ago
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we recently released a new version of clearml-session with Persistent Workspace support! πŸš€ πŸŽ‰ Finally you can develop on remote machines with workspace fold...
6 months ago
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4 years ago
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Gals, Guys & :robot_face: If you want to get some inspiration on building DL Continuous Integration pipelines, I suggest this post (obviously built on top of...
4 years ago
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🎊 🍾 Happy new year ! πŸŽ† πŸŽ‡ We wanted to thank you all for the great feedback, contribution and general support you guys give us. It is truly fulfilling to ...
3 years ago
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Hi Guys/Gals, If you want to checkout the latest RC we have 0.15.0rc0 out : pip install trains==0.15.0rc0 pip install trains-agent==0.15.0rc0Many of the impr...
4 years ago
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2 years ago
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0 Votes 6 Answers 393 Views
Hi :robot_face: , humans We have the new documentation site up and running πŸŽ‰ None 🎊 This is still a work in progress, so we keep the previous version alive...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 10 Answers 457 Views
Happy Friday everyone ! We have a new repo release we would love to get your feedback on πŸš€ πŸŽ‰ Finally easy FRACTIONAL GPU on any NVIDIA GPU 🎊 Run our nvidi...
7 months ago
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New releases: pip install trains==0.13.3https://github.com/allegroai/trains/releases/tag/0.13.3 pip install trains-agent==0.13.2https://github.com/allegroai/...
4 years ago
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πŸ™ There is no v1.0 release without a prompt v1.0.1 following it, and we are no different 😊 pip install clearml==1.0.1
3 years ago
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Lol, I wonder what the adblock rule was ;)
4 years ago
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4 years ago
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I would guess connectivity issues, the TLS is probably python inaccurate response (I mean in a way, it is also a TLS error, but I would imagine this has more...
4 years ago
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Quick note: v1.3.1 caused PipelineDecorator Tasks to by default disable the automagic frameworks connection, this bug is solved in the latest RC pip install ...
2 years ago
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0 Hello Everyone, I’M Newcomer For Clearml. I Have Question Related To

That’s the question i want to raise too,

No file size limit
Let me try to run it myself

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Using Pipelinedecorator To Create Tasks. Is There A Way To Force It To Use The Entire Git Repo It Is Created From On The Pythonpath? Vs. Just The Decorated Function And Perhaps The Helper_Function=[Some_Function]?

So I had to add it explicitly via a docker init script

Oh yes, that makes sense, can't think of a better hack other than sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "src"))

2 years ago
0 I Uncommented The Line

HurtWoodpecker30 in order to have the venv cache activated, it uses the full "pip freeze" it stores on the "installed packages", this means that when you cloned a Task that was already executed, you will see it is using the cached venv.
(BTW: the packages themselves are cached locally, meaning no time is spent on downloading just on installing, but this is also time consuming, hence the full venv cache feature).
Make sense ?

2 years ago
0 I Am Trying To Use Clearml In My Work And I Am Facing Some Problems So Could Anyone Help Me With That? I Have Connected My Workstation With The Clearml Server As An Agent And When I Run The Code In My Local Device Then Clone It And Enqueue It To Run The C

is it normal that it's slower than my device even though the agent is much more powerful than my device? or because it is just a simple code

Could be the agent is not using the GPU for some reason?

2 years ago
0 Hi All, Playing Around With Hp Optimisation, And I Notice In The Hyperparameteroptimizer Class Itself, The

Found it, definitely a bug in the callback, it has not effect on the HPO process itself

3 years ago
0 Hello, In The Following Context:

I called task.wait_for_status() to make sure the task is done

This is the issue, I will make sure wait_for_status() calls reload at the ends, so when the function returns you have the updated object

4 years ago
0 How Come

what does it mean to run the steps locally?

start_locally : means the pipeline code itself (the logic that runs / controls the DAG) runs on the local machine (i.e. no agent), but this control logic creates/clones Tasks and enqueues them, for those Tasks you need an agent to execute them
run_pipeline_steps_locally=True: means the Tasks the pipeline creates, instead of enqueuing them and having an agent runs them, they will be launched on the same local machine (think debugging, other...

2 years ago
0 I Saw Some Talk Of Clearml + Kedro On Reddit. Is That A Good Approach?

So the main difference is kedro pipelines are function based steps (I might be overly simplifying, so please take it with a grain of salt), while in ClearML pipeline is Job, i.e. it needs its own environment and is longer than a few seconds (as opposed to a single function)

3 years ago
0 I Am Not Familiar With Pytorch, But Is It Expected That So Many “Models” Are Created? These Are Being Repeated As Well For A Single Task (This Is Training A T5_Model With Transformers):

these are being repeated as well for a single task (this is training a t5_model with transformers):Β (edited)

Seems like someone is storing lots of files with torch.save that ClearML automatically logs.
You can disable the autolog:
task = Task.init(..., auto_connect_frameworks={'pytorch': False})

3 years ago
0 Hi


Can this be solved by using a docker image with the preinstalled packages at a user level?

Yes πŸ™‚
BTW: I think I missed how you managed to install the object_detection API in the first place?
Is it the git repo of the Task? did you fork it? is it a submodule of your git repo?

Yes Slack is quite good at reminding you, but generally saying always prefer @ , it will send me an email if I miss the message :)

3 years ago
0 When I Run An Experiment (Self Hosted), I Only See Scalars For Gpu And System Performance. How Do I See Additional Scalars? I Have

BoredHedgehog47 you need to make sure "<path here>/train.py" also calls Task.init (again no need to worry about calling it twice with different project/name)
The Task.init call will make sure the auto-connect works.
BTW: if you do os.fork , then there is no need for the Task.init, the main difference is that POpen starts a whole new process, and we need to make sure the newly created process is auto-connected as well (i.e. calling Task.init)

one year ago
0 If I Clone A Task, I Suppose All Artifacts Are Not Cloned With It, Even If They Are Registered, Right?

Very lacking wrt to how things interact with one another

If I'm reading it correctly, what you are saying is that some of the "big picture" / holistic approach on how different parts interact with one another is missing, is that correct?

I think ClearML would benefit itself a lot if it adopted a documentation structure similar to numpy ecosystem

Interesting thought, what exactly would you suggest we "borrow" in terms of approach?

2 years ago
0 Hi, Can You Help Me Pls, I Got: Environment Setup Completed Successfully Starting Task Execution: Traceback (Most Recent Call Last): File "Agro_Api.Py", Line 13, In From Help_Models.Consts Import Urls Importerror: No Module Named 'Help_Models'

You are correct, the agent will clone the git and install the requirements, as written in the task installed packages section. Regrading the git branch, notice it will pull the specific commit id as stated in the execution section, and it will apply any uncommitted changes. You can edit the execution section and change the commit to the latest in a specific version (you should probably also clear the uncommitted changes of you do that)

4 years ago
0 I Would Like To Understand The Limitations Of

Hi TightElk12

would like to understand the limitations ofΒ 


Basically this will always get you an instance of the current Task. This will work from sub-processes as well as the main process. Is there a specific scenario you have in mind, or a challenge with the use case ?

3 years ago
0 Can Anyone Recommend Some Good Ai Deployment Frameworks For Kubernetes? (Better If They Have/Can Be Integrated With Clearml)

So good news (1) Dashboard is being worked on as we speak. (2) we released clearml-serving doing exactly that, the next release of clearml-serving will include integration with kfserving (under the hood) essentially managing the serving endpoints on top of the k8s cluster , wdyt?

3 years ago
0 I Cannot Get The Configuration From A Task: I Run

In the documentation it warns about


"Only call Task.close if you are certain the Task is not needed."

Maybe this is not clear enough, this means you do not need to automatically Add/Log/Track things into the Task in the current process.
This does Not mean you cannot access the Task or its artifacts

Mark closed means to externally (i..e not from the process that crated the Task, maybe even from a different machine) close and mark the task as completed (this...

one year ago
0 Https://Clearml.Slack.Com/Archives/Ctk20V944/P1713357955958089

Thank you @<1523701949617147904:profile|PricklyRaven28> !!!
Let me see if we can reproduce and how to solve it

4 months ago
0 Hi There!

Would it also be possible to query based on


user properties

multiple key/value I think are currently not that easy to query,
but multiple tags are quite easy to do

tags=["__$all", "tag1", "tag2],
one year ago
0 Hi, Thank You So Much For Your Awesome Product! But I Have One Issue, Please Tell Me How To Fix It: I Deployed Clearml-Server On A Corporate Virtual Machine. Its Address I Am Able To Send Requests From All Other Virtual Machines On The Serv

Hi MinuteGiraffe30

Thank you so much for your awesome product!

😍 !

s address I am able to send requests from all other virtual machines on the server to the address However, when I try to do this from my own computer connected to the corporate network via VPN, it fails to connect to 8008.

I'm assuming there is a firewall on the VPN connection itself (i.e. the VPN gateway) that blocks 8008 port, as you already tried curl to 8008 is...

one year ago
0 [Injecting Secrets Into A Clearml Agent / Accessing

Won’t they be printed out as well in the Web UI?

They would in the log, but it will not be stored back on the Task (the idea is these are "agent specific" additions no need for them to go with the Task)

So I’ve tried the approach and it does work,

ScantChimpanzee51 What do you mean it does not work? what exatcly are you trying with task.connect and does not work?

Is there a way to inject environment variables into a Task or into its container?

Yes you can with:
` task.s...

one year ago
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