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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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Hi Guys/Gals, If you want to checkout the latest RC we have 0.15.0rc0 out : pip install trains==0.15.0rc0 pip install trains-agent==0.15.0rc0Many of the impr...
4 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 875 Views
4 years ago
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Is it a one time thing? or recurring?
4 years ago
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docs are up
4 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 964 Views
New video is out 🙂 Cloud Autoscalers are awesome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4XVMAaUt3E
2 years ago
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Slack security ... Go figure 😉
4 years ago
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Is you server using https ?!
4 years ago
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YummyWhale40 awesome thanks!
4 years ago
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4 years ago
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We are at AAAI NY, come look us up :)
4 years ago
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YEY!!!! Download as CSV 🤯
2 years ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 355 Views
🙏 Please skip cleaml python package v1.0.1 and just move on to v1.0.2 😊 apologies for the inconvenience 🙂 pip install clearml==1.0.2
3 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 965 Views
Gals, Guys & :robot_face: If you want to get some inspiration on building DL Continuous Integration pipelines, I suggest this post (obviously built on top of...
4 years ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 946 Views
Quick note: v1.3.1 caused PipelineDecorator Tasks to by default disable the automagic frameworks connection, this bug is solved in the latest RC pip install ...
2 years ago
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0 Votes 3 Answers 468 Views
we recently released a new version of clearml-session with Persistent Workspace support! 🚀 🎉 Finally you can develop on remote machines with workspace fold...
6 months ago
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3 years ago
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Gals, Guys & :robot_face: , if you want to checkout the Hyper-Parameters automation (Using Bayesian Optimization Hyper-Band) We have an example on the demo s...
4 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 1K Views
New releases: pip install trains==0.13.3https://github.com/allegroai/trains/releases/tag/0.13.3 pip install trains-agent==0.13.2https://github.com/allegroai/...
4 years ago
Show more results questions
0 Hi Guys, I Am Having Some Trouble Running Some Training Scripts With The Agent Functionality:

When we enqueue the task using the web-ui we have the above error

ShallowGoldfish8 I think I understand the issue,
basically I think the issue is:
task.connect(model_params, 'model_params')Since this is a nested dict:
model_params = { "loss_function": "Logloss", "eval_metric": "AUC", "class_weights": {0: 1, 1: 60}, "learning_rate": 0.1 }The class_weights is stored as a String key, but catboost expects "int" key, hence it fails.
One op...

2 years ago
0 Hey, Just Trying Out Clearml-Serving And Getting The Following Error

RobustRat47 what's the Triton container you are using ?
BTW, the Triton error is:
model_repository_manager.cc:1152] failed to load 'test_model_pytorch' version 1: Internal: unable to create stream: the provided PTX was compiled with an unsupported toolchain.https://github.com/triton-inference-server/server/issues/3877

2 years ago
0 Hi Everyone, Now I Am Evaluating Clearml. I Have A Question About How To Handle Datasets. Does Clearml Provide Any Function To Manage Datasets? Or Do We Need To Manage Them By Ourselves? In Our Usecase, We Update Datasets Little By Little Over Days Or W

BattyLion34 the closest I can think of the is monitoring class that can easily be extended.
Datasets are a type of Task, so we can monitor a project and trigger an action when we see a change in number of Tasks/Datasets that are completed.
Monitoring class:
Monitoring example:

I think a dataset monitoring example wil...

3 years ago
0 Hi Everyone, I Have A Question About Using

Verified @<1643060801088524288:profile|HarebrainedOstrich43> RC will be out soon for you to test, thank you again for catching it, not sure how internal tests missed it (btw the pipeline is created it's just not shown in the right place due to some internal typo)

8 months ago
0 Hi All


, not the pipeline itself. And that's the last part I'm looking for.

Good point, any chance you want to PR this code snippet ?

    def add_tags(self, tags):
        # type: (Union[Sequence[str], str]) -> None
        Add Tags to this pipeline. Old tags are not deleted. 
        When executing a Pipeline remotely (i.e. launching the pipeline from the UI/enqueuing it), this method has no effect.

        :param tags: A li...
one year ago
0 Hi, I Have An Agent That Is Running Two Experiments At The Same Time: One That Was Running For A Long Time (11H) And One That The Agent Picked Up Afterwards, While The First One Was Still Running. Context: I Have 3 Agents Up (Not In Docker Mode) And All O

Instead you can do: TRAINS_WORKER_NAME = "trains-agent":$DYNAMIC_INSTANCE_ID
Then the Worker ID will running instance appended to the worker name. This means that even if you use the same $DYNAMIC_INSTANCE_ID twice, you will not have two agent registering on the same name.

4 years ago
0 Are There Any Particular System Dependencies Needed To Enable

I still don't get resource logging when I run in an agent.

@<1533620191232004096:profile|NuttyLobster9> there should be no difference ... are we still talking about <30 sec? or a sleep test? (no resource logging at all?)

have a separate task that is logging metrics with tensorboard. When running locally, I see the metrics appear in the "scalars" tab in ClearML, but when running in an agent, nothing. Any suggestions on where to look?

This is odd and somewhat consistent with actu...

5 months ago
0 Hi, I Try To Write An Article On Medium About Clearml And Face Some A Problem With Plotly Figures. When Displaying The Figure Locally In A Browser Works Fine, But On The Cleaml Server (I Use The Free Tier Service) The Plot Is Empty And Has The Title 'Unkn

WickedGoat98 Same for me, let me ask the UI guys, I think this is a UI bug.
Also maybe before you post the article we could release a fix to both, what do you think?
Never mind 🙂 i just saw the medium link, very cool!!!

3 years ago
0 Hello All, I'M Trying To Adapt Clearml With My Workflow. I Installed A Server At My Server, With Workers Attached To It. I'M Trying To Execute A Task From My Local Within One Of My Workers. Trying To Use Docker Mode And A Custom Image. I Also Have A Local

The driver script (the one initializes models and initializes a training sequence) was not at git repo and besides that one, everything is.

Yes there is an issue when you have both git repo and totally uncommitted file, since clearml can store either standalone script or a git repository, the mix of the two is not actually supported. Does that make sense ?

2 years ago
one year ago
0 Hello, I'M Confused About The Best Way To Use A Docker Container To Manage The Environment For Experiments. I'Ve Gone Through Some Of The Tutorials Running In Venv Mode And Am Now Trying To Run Some Of My Own Codebase. I Have A Docker Container With All T

Hi @<1653207659978952704:profile|LovelyStork78>

I have a docker container with all the dependencies.

Well I think the main question is are you using the clearml-agent to launch jobs/experiments? If you do it makes sense to specify your docker as "base docker image" (in the UI look for under the Execution tab, Container).
This means the agent will use the pre-installed environment and will add anything that your Task needs on top of it, this of course includes pushing your codebase i...

9 months ago
0 Hello! Is There A Way To Override The Configuration Vault Parameters Of A Pipeline Step With The Add_Function_Step Method? I See In The Docs That Add_Step Method Has The Option To Override The Vault With The Configuration_Overrides Argument, But Not Add_F

Hi @<1688721797135994880:profile|ThoughtfulPeacock83>

the configuration vault parameters of a pipeline step with the add_function_step method?

The configuration vault are a per set at execution user/project/company .
What would be the value you need to override ? and what is the use case?

4 months ago
0 Hi There. I'M Trying To Switch Pipeline Code From A Local Run Using

I think that clearml should be able to do parameter sweeps using pipelines in a manner that makes use of parallelisation.

Use the HPO, it is basically doing the same thing with some more sophisticated algorithm (HBOB):

For example - how would this task-based example be done with pipelines?

Sure, you could do something like:
` from clearml import Pi...

2 years ago
0 I Have A Reporting Task I Want To Schedule Using Taskscheduler. 2 Main Input Params Are

can I add user properties to a scheduler configuration?

please expand, what do you mean by user property and how one would use it?

2 years ago
0 I'M Using Tensorboard Summarywriter To Add Scalar Metrics For The Experiment. If Experiment Crashed, And I Want To Continue It From Checkpoint, For Some Reason It Plots Metrics In A Really Weird Way. Even Though I Pass Global_Step=Epoch To The Summarywrit

sorry that I keep bothering you, I love ClearML and try to promote it whenever I can, but this thing is a real pain in the ass 

No worries I totally feel you.
As a quick hack in the actual code of the Task itself, is it reasonable to have:
task = Task.init(....) task.set_initial_iteration(0)

2 years ago
0 Hi All! I Have A Question About Pipelines. My Pipeline Consists Of Several Steps:

GrotesqueDog77 when you say "the second issue" , do you mean the fact that both step 1 and step 2 should have access to the same filesystem?

one year ago
0 Hi All

Hi CooperativeFox72
Sure 🙂

3 years ago
0 With The Helm Charts, What Is The Recommend Way To Automate Getting An Api Secret Pair For The K8 Glue Agent So You Dont Have To Go Into The Ui And Generate One In Between The Server And Agent Helm Releases?

So essentially, the server helm chart creates randomly generated secret pair and deploys it as a shared k8 secret that pods can access.

This is the tricky part, for the helm chart to be able to create it, it means it can login to the server it means there is a secret embedded in the helm chart that lets you access the default server. you see my point ?

one year ago
0 Hi, I Encountered An Issue That Might Affect Others As Well: When Using "

IrritableJellyfish76 hmm maybe we should an an extra argument partial_name_matching=False to maintain backwards compatibility?

2 years ago
0 Did Someone Here Already Try The

I see... Let me check something

3 years ago
0 Anyone Knows Why This Happens?

Yes the "epoch_loss" is the training epoch loss (as expected I assume).

thought that was just the loss reported at the end of the train epoch via tf

It is, isn't that what you are seeing ?

2 years ago
0 Does Clearml Creates Separate Virtual Environments For Each Pipeline Steps When Running Remotely?

what do you mean? the same env for all components ? if they are using/importing exactly the same packages, and using the same container, then yes it could

one year ago
0 Hi Guys, I’M Using Clearml For A While Now, And I’M Trying To Install

are we talking about the agent failing to install the package ?

2 years ago
0 Hello! I Think I'Ve Found A Bug, But Couldn'T Fix It Completely To Make A Pull Request. I Want To Optimizer Hyperparameters With Trains.Automation But:

PungentLouse55 I'm checking something here, you might stumbled on a bug in parameter overriding. Updating here soon ...

4 years ago
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