Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hi Everyone, I Was Working With Model Serving And Monitoring, And Wanted To Know About Monitoring Aspects/Usage In Serving. I Actually Wanted To Know About Exactly What All Queries Related To The Serving Can Be Done, Like What All Are Important Metric Mon

A few examples here:

Grafana model performance example:

    browse to 

    login with: admin/admin
    create a new dashboard
    select Prometheus as data source
    Add a query: 100 * increase(test_model_sklearn:_latency_bucket[1m]) / increase(test_model_sklearn:_latency_sum[1m])
    Change type to heatmap, and select on the right hand-side under "Data Format" s...
one year ago
0 Hello, I Am Looking For A Way To Increase Number Of Images Saved In Results>Debug Samples. Looks Like There Is A Limit Of 100 Images Per Experiment, And All Images Saved After Are Not Displayed In Web Client. I Like To Have First Batch With Predictions V

I have to problem that "debug samples" are not shown anymore after running many iterations.

ReassuredTiger98 could you expand on it? What do you mean by "not shown anymore" ?
Can you see other reports ?

3 years ago
0 Hi All, I Observed That When I Get A Dataset With

I think you are correct 😞 Let me make sure we add that (docstring and documentation)

2 years ago
0 Hello, We Have A Self Hosted Clearml Server Connected To Different Queues And Use It To Launch Remote Experiments (Clearml==1.9.3, Clearml-Agent==1.5.2Rc0). It Is Working Really Well For Us Unless One Workflow :) We Would Like To Abort An Experiment And E

I had again the same problem but within a remote pipeline setup.

Are you saying the ussue is not fixed? can you verify the pipeline & pipeline components are using the at least 1.104rc0 version?

one year ago
0 Hi, Is There Any Documentation For Setting Up And Using Ssl Certs With The Clearml Server And Agent?

We're not using a load balancer at the moment.

The easiest way is to add ELB and have amazon add the httpS on top (basically a few clicks on their console)

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Failed To Update The "Started At" And The "Completed At" Attributes In The "Info" Tab. I Tried To Do So By The Following Steps:

I failed to update the "STARTED AT" and the "COMPLETED AT" attributes in the "INFO" tab.

I'm not sure this can actually be overridden...

3 years ago
0 Hello! I Don'T Know If It Is The Right Place To Ask About It But Maybe Someone Else Has Faced The Same Problem I Created Task "My_Task" From Branch "My_Branch" With "My_Commit_Id" Then I Merged "Another_Brach" Into "Master" After Merging Clearml-Agent Can

Hi RobustHippopotamus53
The way "latest from branch" works:
On the Task you specify the branch name (e.g. "master", no need to add the origin/ prefix) The agent then pulls the latest commit from that branch and updates back the Task to the current commit ID (the latest on the branch at the time of execution) This process ensures reproduciblity and traceability as we can always be certain the exact commit that was executed.Could it be the you "forced-push" a commit/squash, hence the "origina...

3 years ago
0 Hey Has Anyone Managed To Capture Darts Logging With Clearml When Using The Temporal Fusion Transformers ? Even When Overriding Their Trainer With A Custom Pytorch Lightning Trainer It Seems That Clearml Cannot Retrieve The Iteration Log...

a bit sad that there is no working integration with one of the leading time series framework...

You mean a series darts reports ? if it does report it, where does it do so? are you suggesting we have Darts integration (which sounds like a good idea) ?

one year ago
0 When Starting A Training I Keep Seeing These Messages: Clearml.Model - Info - Selected Model Id: 7Bd69Df73653400197A2Ddb438B2A046 Also Under Artifacts > Input Models A Lot Of Input Models Are Listed. This Is Because I Save Cache Files During Training, The

Hi GreasyPenguin14

  1. Did using auto_connect_frameworks={'pytorch': False} solved the issue? ( I imagine it did )
  2. Maybe we should have the option to have wildcard support so I will only auto log based on filename. Basically using auto_connect_frameworks={'pytorch': "model*.pt"} will only auto log the model files saved/logged , wdyt?
2 years ago
0 Is Trains Adaptable For Federated Learning Scenarios?

LazyLeopard18 could you explain some more on the specific use case you have in mind?

4 years ago
0 Hmm Is There Any Clear (Pun Intended) Documentation On The Roles Of Storagemanager, Dataset And Artefacts? It Seems To Me There Are Various Overlapping Roles And I'M Not Sure I Fully Grasp The Best Way Of Using Them. Especially When Looking At The Way Da

Btw I sometimes get a gzip error when I am accessing artefacts via the '.get()' part.

Hmm this is odd, is this a download issue? if this is reproducible maybe we should investigate further...

3 years ago
0 Autoscaler Parallelization Issue: I Have An Aws Autoscaler Set Up With A Resource That Has A Max Of 3 Instances Assigned To The

Come to think about it, maybe we should have "parallel_for" as a utility for the pipeline since this is so useful

2 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Trying To Make Use Of New Capabilities Of Dag Creation In Clearml. Seems That Api Has Changed Pretty Much Since A Few Versions Back. There Seems To Be No Need In

MelancholyElk85 assuming we are running with clearml 1.1.1 , let's debug the pipeline and instead of pipeline start/wait/stop :
Let's do:

2 years ago
0 Question About Using Agents. When Initializing An Agent, Credentials Are Required. As I See It, Credentials Is Something Personal, Which Belongs To Data Scientists Working Remotely Sharing The Same Server And The Same Set Of Agents. So I Wonder - Why Sho

So I wonder - why should an agent be related to a specific user's credentials? Is the right way to go about this is to create a "fake user" for the sake of the agent?

Very true you have to have credentials for the trains-agent, so it can "report" to the trains-server, that said, the creator of the Task (i.e. the person who cloned it) will be registered as the "user" in the UI.
I would recommend to create an "agent" user and put it's credentials on the trains-agent machine (the same way...

4 years ago
0 Hi, Is It Possible To Resume An Experiment That Stopped Unexpectedly, By Using A Checkpoint Of The Model?

If you have the check point (see output_uri for automatically uploading it) then you can always load it. Do you mean if you can change the iteration/ step counter? Or do you mean with trains-agent?

4 years ago
0 Hi, Is There A Way To Force The Requirements.Txt? I Have A Package I Installed Directly From Github But The Version Is Always Wrong. Any Other Way To Do This?

Funny this was mentioned just today 🙂

Basically if you want to always ignore the "installed packages" in your clearml.conf, put:
agent.package_manager.force_repo_requirements_txt = true

3 years ago
3 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Trying To Setup The Path To Trains.Conf File Programatically And Having Trouble.. We Tried Using Os.Environ['Trains_Config_File'] = Path, And Also Other Variations Of Overriding The Trains.Backend_Config.Defs But Nothing Seem To Work.. When Creat

The problem is, the configuration is loaded at import time, so there is no "time" to pass anything other than environment variable.
That said if the only difference is server config you can use

3 years ago
0 Colors Of Cm Reporting Are Strange... Is It Possible To Adjust The Default Ones

This is strange... Could you send the browser console log, maybe there is an exception there

4 years ago
0 Hello, We Have Issues With

Hi RotundHedgehog76

we have issues with


when using standalone mode. ...

What is the use case for standalone mode? is this venv or docker mode?

one year ago
0 Hello All, Thanks For This Really Cool Software And Community! I Have A Question On

Calling the script without the


i.e. running the pipeline remotely still gives the

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named

Do you have the needed module listed on the pipeline controller Task ? (press on the details link, then go to Execution tab / "Installed Packages"

one year ago
0 When Using

Hi SteadyFox10 the way it works is that Trains limits the debug image history by reusing the same files names, so the UI will only present the iterations where the debug images are relevant for. With your sample code it looks like it exposes a bug , the generated link should contain iteration number, it does not and so it overwrites the debug images every iteration. Here is the image link: https://demofiles.trains.allegro.ai/Test/test_images.6ed32a2b5a094f2da47e6967bba1ebd0/metrics/Test/te...

4 years ago
0 What Happens If The Task.Init Doesn'T Happen In The Same Py File As The "Data Science" Stuff I Have A List Of Classes That Do The Coding And I Initialise The Task Outside Of Them. Something Like

I want the model to be stored in a way that clearml-serving can recognise it as a model

Then OutputModel or task.update_output_model(...)
You have to serialize it, in a way that later your code will be able to load it.
With XGBoost, when you do model.save clearml automatically picks and uploads it for you
assuming you created the Task.init(..., output_uri=True)
You can also manually upload the model with task.update_output_model or equivalent with OutputModel class.
if you want to dis...

one year ago
0 Hi Friends, We Got On A Sales Call With Clearml Yesterday And A Discussion About Webhooks Came Up.

Hi @<1541954607595393024:profile|BattyCrocodile47>

It seems to me that instead of implementing webhooks to react to things like adding a tag to a model

Did you look at this example ?

Can we straightforwardly stream ALL ClearML events to another system?

what would you consider an event?
The "basic" object type is Task, a state in task is changed via an api call, would that be an e...

one year ago
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