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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hi! How To Add Files Locally To

at means I need to pass a single zip file to 


 argument in 


 , right?

actually the opposite, you pass a folder (of files) to add_files. Then add_files remembers the files location (and pre calculates the hash of the files content). When you call upload it will actually compress the files that changed into a zip file (or files depending on the chunk size), and upload the files to the destination (as specified in the upload call...

2 years ago
0 Hi There Trains Riders, Is There A Built-In Way To Send Notifications Upon Completed/Failed Experiment? I Have Seen The Slack_Alerts Code Sample, Where The Monitor Is Implemented By Code. Nice. My Question Is About Existing Monitors In The Trains-Server (

ColossalDeer61 btw, it turns out the docker-compose services docker was ill configured on the GitHub 😞 I suggest you get the latest copy of it:
curl -o docker-compose.yml

4 years ago
0 [Task Gets Interrupted / Aborted / Reset When In Offline Mode] For Local Testing, We Have Added A

Any idea where that could come from? Could we turn off the local logging as well - in these kinds of runs we don’t need it?

It is supposed to create it automatically... I tested with other examples (clearml version 1.7.3rc1) everything seems to work
What am I missing? how do we recreate the issue ? can you verify it is still not working with the latest RC?

one year ago
0 I Want To Retrieve The Logged Metrics To Be Able To Save The Best Model From My Training. This Is My Step:

SteadyFox10 With pleasure 🙂
BTW: you can retrieve the Task id from its name with
Task.get_tasks(project_name='my project', task_name='my task name')See https://allegro.ai/docs/task.html?highlight=get_tasks#trains.task.Task.get_tasks

4 years ago
0 Hi Folks, One Question: I Have A Script That Looks Like:

About .get_local_copy... would that then work in the agent though?

Yes it would work both locally (i.e. without agent) and remotely

Because I understand that there might not be a local copy in the Agent?

If the file does not exist locally it will be downloaded and cached for you

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Have A Future Roadmap Question On Clearml-Datasets. The Current Implementation Works Well For Small Datasets But Its Rather In Effective For Very Large Datasets. For Example, Let'S Say I Have 10 Million Images Just For The Training Dataset, And My T

SubstantialElk6 I just realized 3 weeks passed, wow!
So the good news we have some new examples:
The bad news the documentation was postponed a bit, as we are still messaging the interface (the community is constantly pushing for great ideas and uses cases , and they are just too good to miss out 🙂 )...

2 years ago
0 Hi, Where Can I Find Documentation Of The Full, Paid Version Of Allegro? (Including The Data Management Section)

Ohh I see.
In your web app, look for the "?" icon (bottom left corner), click on it, it should open the full platform documentation

4 years ago
0 Is There A Document Which Describes What Kind Of Data Is Stored In Elasticsearch, Mongodb And Redis.. Just Trying To Understand The Architecture Of Trains And See How It Fit Together

PompousParrot44 unfortunately not yet 😞
But the gist is :
MongoDB stores experiment data (i.e. execution parameters, git ref etc.)
ElasticSearch stores results (i.e. metrics console logs, debug image links etc.)
Does that help?

4 years ago
0 Colors Of Cm Reporting Are Strange... Is It Possible To Adjust The Default Ones

Could you maybe send a screenshot? This is very strange? Also what's the trains version?

4 years ago
0 I Am Trying To Use

No that's okay

3 years ago
0 Hi!

generally speaking the agent will convert the repo url to the auth scheme it is configured with, ssh->hhtp if using user/pass, and http->ssh if using ssh

3 years ago
0 Hey Since Hydra Does Not Work With

Hmm that should have worked ...
I'm assuming the Task itself is running on a remote agent, correct ?
Can you see the changes in the OmegaConf section ?
what happens when you pass
--args overrides="['dataset.path=abcd']"

one year ago
0 Hey, Could You Help Me? I’Ve Tried Update Clearml-Server In K8S Old And New Clearml In The Different Namespaces, But After Migrate I Got The Error Error 101 : Inconsistent Data Encountered In Document: Document=Output, Field=Model How It Fix?

Error 101 : Inconsistent data encountered in document: document=Output, field=model

Okay this point to a migration issue from 0.17 to 1.0
First try to upgrade to 1.0 then to 1.0.2
(I would also upgrade a single apiserver instance, once it is done, then you can spin the rest)
Make sense ?

3 years ago
0 Afaiu By Default Trains Logs All Tensorboard Things, Can This Be Turned Off?

Hi HealthyStarfish45
You can disable the entire TB logging :
Task.init('examples', 'train', auto_connect_frameworks={'tensorflow': False})

3 years ago
0 Another Question: How Can I Make Clearml-Agent Use Pre-Installed Version From The Nvidia/Pytorch (


How can I make clearml-agent use pre-installed version from the nvidia/pytorch

If the Same version is required, the agent will not try to reinstall it (the new venv the agent is creating inside the container, inherits from the preinstalled system packages)

Comes with PyTorch Version 1.12 based on a commit

. I tried

torch >= 1.11


torch == 1.12

If in your installed packages you have torch==1.12
the agent should not tr...

2 years ago
0 Does Artifact Track Per File Base? What If Only Some File Is Updated, Does It Knows Only Uploading The New Files? Also, Wonder What Is The Best Way To Setup Storage For Teams To Share? (Not Prefer Using Cloud As Network Cost Can Be Significant Since We Do


oh, this is a bit different from my expectation. I thought I can use artifact for dataset or model version control.

You totally can use artifacts as a way to version data (actually we will have it built in in the next versions)

Getting an artifact programmatically:
Task.get_task(task_id='aabb'). artifacts['artifactname'].get()

Models are logged automatically. No need to log manually

4 years ago
0 Question About Pipeline And Long-Waiting Tasks: Say I Want To Generate A Dataset. The Workflow I Have Requires

So if you are using the latest clearml (i.e. +1.3) reenqueuing the pipline will automatically continue it from where it stopped.
With previous versions (which is your case, I think), you clone the pipeline Task, change the parameter and enqueue it.
(The state itself of the pipeline is stored on the Task, and when you clone it, you are cloning the state as well).
Make sense ?

2 years ago
0 Hi, Expanding On

DeliciousBluewhale87 You can havwe multiple queues for the k8s queuea in priory order:
python k8s_glue_example.py --queue glue_q_high glue_q_lowThen if someone is doing 100 experiments (say HPO), then they push into the "glie_q_low" which means it will first pop Tasks from the high priority queue and if it is empty it will pop from the low priority queue.
Does that make sense ?

3 years ago
0 Any Pointers On Running Gpu Tasks With K8S Glue?

Can you let me know if i can override the docker image using template.yaml?

No, you cannot.
But you can pass OS environment "CLEARML_DOCKER_IMAGE" to set a diff default one

3 years ago
0 Hey! I'M Trying To Play With The

Are you running the agent in docker mode? or venv mode ?
Can you manually ssh on port 10022 to the remote agent's machine ?
ssh -p 10022 root@agent_ip_here

3 years ago
0 Hey Guys, I'M Trying To Run An Experiment Using Trains-Agent. I Have A Custom Docker Image With Nightly Versions Of Pytorch And Our Own Library Installed From A Private Repo. I Was Assuming That These Packages Will Be Automatically Available To Trains Dur

hmmm, somehow I have a bed feeling about it... Could you check the log, it should say something like "Collecting torch==1.6.0.dev20200421+cu101 from https://"
It should be right at the top of the installation. What do you have there?

4 years ago
0 How Many People Are Actually Working At Allegroai/On Clearml?

We are always looking for additional talented people 😉 DM me...

3 years ago
0 Hi, Coming Back With The Venv Caching: With The Following Setting:

replace it with:
git+No need for the repository name, this will ensure you always reinstall it (again pip feature)

3 years ago
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