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48 Questions, 8043 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hello, I Have An Error While Installing Git Dependencies Of Local Package: So Far I Used Task.

JitteryCoyote63 you mean? (notice no brackets)
task.update_requirements(".")Β Either pass a text or a list of lines:
The safest would be '\n'.join(all_req_lines)

3 years ago
3 years ago
0 Hello, I Have An Error While Installing Git Dependencies Of Local Package: So Far I Used Task.

Ohh so the setup.py is the one containing these requirements, oops I totally missed that :( let me check what pep has to say about that ... (Basically this is not a clearml issue but a pip one...)

3 years ago
0 Hey, Can Anyone Please Explain To Me How The /Tmp/.Clearml_Agent.Something.Cfg File Is Generated Which Next Is Used In Docker? Because This File Is Slightly Different From Mine For Example In Mine /Home/Asa/Clearml.Conf I Set System_Site_Packages = False

I prepared my own image and want use this venv

No worries, it creates a "transparent" venv, it uses everything from the docker (the penalty of create a new venv is negligible πŸ™‚ , you end up with the exact same set of packages)

3 years ago
0 Task Struck At

The only weird thing to me is not getting any "connection warnings" if this is indeed a network issue ...

one year ago
0 In Your

DefeatedCrab47 link is fixed :)

4 years ago
0 Hi Everyone. I'M New To Trains. I Do Not Have Sudo Access To My Departmental Servers. Can I Still Use Trains Beyond The Demo Server?

Tensorboard is automatically captured and sent to the trains server. This is in addition to the local copy of your TB files. Actually in most cases the local copy is redundant

4 years ago
0 Hello! Question About

Hi @<1547028116780617728:profile|TimelyRabbit96>

Trying to do model inference on a video, so first step in


class is to extract frames.

Basically this depends on the RestAPI, usually would will be sending a link to data to be processed and returned Synchronously
What you should have a custom endpoint doing the extraction, send Raw data into another endpoint doing the model inference, basically think "pipeline" end points:

one year ago
0 Hello! Question About

notice that even inside docker the venv is cached on the host machine πŸ™‚

one year ago
0 Hi, Anyone Seen This Issue?

MelancholyElk85 notice there is the pipeline controller queue (i.e. which agent will run the logic of the pipeline), and the default queue for the pipeline steps (i.e. the actual steps of the pipeline).
The default queue for the pipeline logic itself is services . you can change it ( pipeline.start(..., queue='another_q') )
Make sense ?

2 years ago
0 Hi There Trains Riders, Is There A Built-In Way To Send Notifications Upon Completed/Failed Experiment? I Have Seen The Slack_Alerts Code Sample, Where The Monitor Is Implemented By Code. Nice. My Question Is About Existing Monitors In The Trains-Server (

ColossalDeer61 btw, it turns out the docker-compose services docker was ill configured on the GitHub 😞 I suggest you get the latest copy of it:
curl -o docker-compose.yml

4 years ago
0 Hi, Similar To Task.Set_Offline(True), Is There A Way To Simulate An Execution In An Agent? (For Testing Purposes)

Since I'm assuming there is no actual task to run, and you do not need to setup the environment (is that correct?)
you can do:
$ CLEARML_OFFLINE_MODE=1 python3 my_main.pywdyt?

2 years ago
0 Hi, Similar To Task.Set_Offline(True), Is There A Way To Simulate An Execution In An Agent? (For Testing Purposes)

It's the same but done from outside, you want the same and "offline" as well right?

2 years ago
0 Can Anyone Point Me To Web Ui Source Code Out, I’M Wondering How Can I Customizing Web App Ui A Little Bit

MagnificentPig49 quick update, front-end guys updated me that with the next trains-server update they will have the web client code available on the repository , ETA probably mid May or so :)

4 years ago
0 I Originally Posted In

That would be great! Might have to useΒ 


Β in some of my bash scripts

Feel free to test and PR :)

One other question regarding connecting. We have setup sshd inside the docker image we are using.

Actually the remote session opens port 10022 on the host machine (so it does not collide with the default ssh port)
It actually runs an additional sshd inside the docker, setting its port.
And the clearml-session will ssh directly into the container sshd...

2 years ago
0 I Originally Posted In

As we use a custom CUDA image, we do not want this running on user login, and get ugly error messages about missing symlinks.

You can customize the startup bash script (running inside Any container) here:
LackadaisicalOtter14 Would that help?

2 years ago
0 I Originally Posted In

I have made a PR request.

Thanks you!!! πŸŽ‰ we will merge shortly πŸ™‚

2 years ago
0 I Originally Posted In

Hi LackadaisicalOtter14

Is it possible to remove this line to stop it from being executed

Everything is possible πŸ™‚ II think the main question is why it is there (which ti the best of my understanding, is to solve for any cuda drivers and installed packages, meaning anything that is installed in runtime)
I think we can suppress the error, wdyt?
'echo "ldconfig" 2>/dev/null >> /etc/profile && '

2 years ago
0 [Task Gets Interrupted / Aborted / Reset When In Offline Mode] For Local Testing, We Have Added A

Thanks ScantChimpanzee51 !
Let me see what I can find, should be easy enough to fix now πŸ™‚

one year ago
0 Hello! I’M Wondering If There Is An Option To Run A Termination Hook Script

Hmm, so this is kind of a hack for ClearML AWS autoscaling ?
and every instance is running an agent? or a single Task?

2 years ago
0 Is There Anyone Know How To Use The Pycharm Plugin To Debug Code Remotely?

Hi ExcitedCat13
Sure, download the plugin from the git repo (Install instructions in the repo).
Regarding remote debugging, are referring to ssh ?
The plugin itself is designed to make sure that when you work on a remote machine with pycharm clearml will log the local git repo and changes (as the .git folder is not synced to the remote machine)

2 years ago
3 years ago
0 Hi

Hi IrritableJellyfish76
If you are running a code that uses clearml from kubeflow, you have out of the box integration between the two, what am I missing?

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Have A Future Roadmap Question On Clearml-Datasets. The Current Implementation Works Well For Small Datasets But Its Rather In Effective For Very Large Datasets. For Example, Let'S Say I Have 10 Million Images Just For The Training Dataset, And My T

SubstantialElk6 I just realized 3 weeks passed, wow!
So the good news we have some new examples:
The bad news the documentation was postponed a bit, as we are still messaging the interface (the community is constantly pushing for great ideas and uses cases , and they are just too good to miss out πŸ™‚ )...

2 years ago
0 When I Tried To Create A Clearml Serving Inference Endpoint For Yolov8, I Received The Following Error:

This line πŸ™‚
Notice Triton (and so is clearml-serving) needs the pytorch model to be converted into torchscript, so that the triton backend can load it

one year ago
0 Hi, I Am Trying To Run Experiment From Clearml Web Ui. I Did Experiment Copy, Enqueue, But In The Execution Log I See That It Runs Command

, I need to understand it what happens when I press "Enqueue" In web UI and set it to default queue

The Task ID is pushed into the execution queue (from the UI / backend that is it), Then you have clearml-agent running on Your machine, the agent listens on queue/s and pulls jobs from queue.
It will pull the Task ID from the queue, setup the environment according to the Task (i.e. either inside a docker container or in a new virtual-env), clone the code/apply uncommitted changes ...

3 years ago
0 Hi Again, I Am Trying To Execute A Pipeline Remotely, However I Am Running Into A Problem With The Steps That Require A Local Package. Basically I Have A Repo, That I Created Specifically For This Pipeline And I Have Packaged It So That I Can Split It I

I would just add git+ None to your requirements (either in the requirements.txt or even better as part of the pipeline/component where you also specify the repo to be used)
The agent will automatically push the crednetilas when it installs the repo as wheel.
btw: you might also get away with adding -e . into the requirements.txt (but you will need to test that one)

7 months ago
0 Hi Again, I Am Trying To Execute A Pipeline Remotely, However I Am Running Into A Problem With The Steps That Require A Local Package. Basically I Have A Repo, That I Created Specifically For This Pipeline And I Have Packaged It So That I Can Split It I

The second problem that I am running into now, is that one of the dependencies in the package is actually hosted in a private repo.

Add your private repo to the extra index section in the clearml.conf:

7 months ago
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