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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 When I Run Experiments I Set

IntriguedRat44 If the monitoring only shows a single GPU (the selected one) it means it reads the correct CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES (this is how it knows that you are only using a selected GPU not all of them).
There is nothing else in the code that will change the OS environment.
Could you print os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] while running the code to verify ?

3 years ago
0 Hi All, I'M Trying To Deploy Trains On Rancher (Nice Kubernetes Cluster Orchestration Project) Where I'M Quite New To Rancher And Kubernetes. I Have Been Able To Install Trains Using Helm


I will try to collect the installation steps in a document and share it to the community once ready

Thank you! this will be awesome !

We're here if you need anything 🙂

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Run 'Manually' On My Local Machine With No Errors. Then, I Clone The Completed Task And Enqueue It. I Get To Stage When 'Environment Setup Completed Successfully'. But Right After I Get An Error Related To 'Connect' Method - Task.Connect(Config.Mode

@<1571308003204796416:profile|HollowPeacock58> seems like an internal issue copying this object config.model
This is a complex object, and it seems that for some reason

As a workaround just do not connect this object. it seems you cannot pickle it / copy it (see GH issue)

one year ago
0 More Clarification On Documentation (Clearml Data):

Right so this is checksum based?


Are there plans to only store delta changes for files (i.e. store the changed byte instead of the entire file)?

Long story short, no 😞
Basically delta changes are not scaleable. and work only in text based files, see git, and breaks very quickly when large files are involved, see the fun of git-lfs ...
Does that make sense? is there a specific reason you are thinking about byte granularity ?

2 years ago
0 When I Run Experiments I Set

Thanks IntriguedRat44 !
I'll follow up on GitHub 🙂

3 years ago
0 Hi, Similar To Task.Set_Offline(True), Is There A Way To Simulate An Execution In An Agent? (For Testing Purposes)

JitteryCoyote63 if this is simulating an agent, the assumption is that the Task was already created, hence the task ID.

If i am working with Task.set_offline(True)

How would the two combine ? I mean off-line is be definition not executed by an agent, what am I missing ?

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Have Another Problem

That depends on what you have installed 🙂

4 years ago
0 Hi Everyone, I Have Questions Related To Clearml-Serving.

Hmm, how does your preprocessing code looks like?

2 years ago
0 Hi All, I Am Starting To Use Clearml-Agent. Run It With

The issue itself is changing the default user.

USER appuser
WORKDIR /home/appuser

Any reason for it ?

3 years ago
0 Hello, I'M Trying To Save A Keras Model As A Task Artifact, And Then Upload It From Another Task. Does Anyone Know The Syntax For That? What I'Ve Seen Is Not Quite Working.

Hi ConfusedPig65
Any keras model will be automatically uploaded if you pass an upload url to the Task init:
task = Task.init('examples', 'keras upload test', output_uri=" ")(You can also pass to output_uri s3://buckket/folder or change the default output_uri in the clearml.conf file)
After this line any keras model will be automatically uploaded (you will see it under the Artifacts Tab)
Accessing models from executed tasks:
` trains_task = Task.get_task('task_uid_here')

3 years ago
0 Another Question: Is It Possible To Read The Dependencies Manually From A Conda Environment.Yml? It Seems Like Clearml Is Not Able To Fetch The Dependencies Correctly When

ReassuredTiger98 I can verify the code snippet reproduces the issues with packages missing from "installed package".
If you feel this is important, please open a GitHub issue.
Also, you can manually add packages:
Task.add_requirements('package_name_here', 'optional version here')
So when you manually load the package you can make sure it will be listed, do remember to call it before the Task.init call.

3 years ago
0 Hello, Does Clearml Have A Feature Like The Wandb'S Reports? E.G.

Hi PunyGoose16 ,
next release includes it (eta after this weekend 😉 )

3 years ago
0 Hi Anyone

That is a good question, usually the cuda version is automatically detected, unless you overrride it with the conf file or OS env. What's the setup? Are you using as package manager ? (conda actually installs CUDA drivers, if the original Task was executed on a machine with conda, it will take the CUDA version automatically, reason is to match the CUDA/Torch/TF)

3 years ago
0 Happy Friday Everyone ! We Have A New Repo Release We Would Love To Get Your Feedback On


Is there currently a way to bind the same GPU to multiple queues? I believe the agent complains last time I tried (which was a bit ago)

run multiple agents on the same GPU,

CLEARML_WORKER_NAME=host-gpu0a clearml-agent daemon --gpus 0
CLEARML_WORKER_NAME=host-gpu0b clearml-agent daemon --gpus 0
7 months ago
0 Hey, Trying To Figure Out How To Create An

FierceHamster54 are you sure you have write permissions ?

one year ago
0 Hello, I Have Some Problems With Allegro. I Run A Programm And Then I Saw It On The Trains Server. But Now I Change Something With The Code And I Pushed It Again. Now I Cloned It. But The Old Code Was Executed. How Can I Run The New Code I Pushed?

SuperiorDucks36 you mean to manually set an experiment (and the dummy Task is just a way to have an entry to configure), do I understand you correctly ?
Following on that, we are thinking of doing it all for you with a CLI , that will basically create a task from a code/repo you already have on your machine. What do you think?

3 years ago
0 Hi There

JitteryCoyote63 try to add the prefix to the parameter name, e.g. instead of "artifact_name" use "Args/artifact_name"

4 years ago
0 Hi I Want To Have Several Boards Connected To The Same Experiment Manager, And Have Agents On The Manager Using These Boards, One Agent For Each Board. I Thought That If I Know What The Agent Is, I Can Assign One Board Per Agent - If The Agent Is 1, Then

Queues can have multiple workers, and that implies multiple instances of a task can run concurrently.

@<1533619716533260288:profile|SmallPigeon24> as long as these are the Exact same instances you can have them runing simultaneously (think multi node training), that said each one should "know" not to report over the others, because of course it will overwrite the reports.

Back to your point on multiple agents:
You cannot have two Tasks in the same queue, that means that a single agen...

one year ago
0 I Got An Interesting Question From My Devs. If They Wish To Do Distributed Training, Is Clearml K8S Glue Suitable For It? Local Multiple Gpu: Just A Matter Of Assigning More Than One Gpu In The Yaml File Sent To The K8S Glue. Question Is How To Make This

HI SubstantialElk6
Yes you are correct the glue only needs to change the yaml and it will work.
When you say "Dev end" , what do you mean? I was thinking adding additional glue for multi node and just adding queues , for example add 4nodes queue and attach a glue to it, wdyt?
Regrading horovod, horovod is spinning its own nodes so integration with k8s is not trivial (regardless of ClearML). That said I know that they do have support for horovod in the Enterprise edition, but I'm not sure ...

3 years ago
0 Hello, I'M A Bit Lost In The Docs For The Mlops, I Have Script Which Already Integrate Clearml Logging, Should I Use Clearml-Task To Launch It On An Agent ? (I Already Have A Clearml-Server And A Clearml-Agent Running).

Could it be the code is not in a git repository ?
clearml support either a single script or a git repository, but Not a collection of standalone files. wdyt?

3 years ago
0 Hey, I'M Probably Being Thick Here But I Would Like To Pull Some Data From A Database And Write It To A Particular Bucket In S3 Within A Task I'M Doing. I'M Using Task.Upload_Artifact But Can'T Understand Where I Write The Bucket Path.

It should have been:

3 years ago
0 Good Day! I Ran Into A Problem When When Running Two Or More Identical Nodes In A Pipeline (Multi_Instance_Support=True ), Only One Of Them Uses An Already Created Venv From Cache For This Task. And The Other Node Starts To Re-Create The Same Virtual Envi

This is by design, they cannot use the exact same venv because if the code starts creating files/change them it happens inside the venv and might cause them to crash.
That said if you are running with venv cache, the first one will create the venv and the second one will create a copy from the cache.

one year ago
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