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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 My Autoscaled Instance Fails When Running "Git Clone" On A Private Repo. I

oh that makes sense.
I would add to your Task's docker startup script the following:

ls -la /.ssh
ls -la ~/.ssh
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Let's see what you get

one year ago
0 Hi, Is There Any Way To Get Experiment Debug Images Programmatically?

Maybe different API version...
What's the trains-server version?

4 years ago
0 I’M

@<1541954607595393024:profile|BattyCrocodile47> you mean like environment variables?

one year ago
0 I Have Managed To Deploy Model By Thr Clearml-Serving, Now They Are Runing On The Docker Container Engine (That Doesn'T Have Gpu In It) , What Is The Entrypoints To The Model In Order To Get Predictions?

can i run it on an agent that doesn't have gpu?

Sure this is fully supported

when i run clearml-serving it throughs me an error "please provide specific config.pbtxt definion"

Yes this is a small file that tells the Triton server how load the model:
Here is an example:

3 years ago
0 I Would Like To Schedule A Task For Remote Execution.

Nice SoreHorse95 !
BTW: you can edit the entire omegaconf yaml externally with set/get configuration object (name = OmegaConf) , do notice you will need to change Hydra/allow_omegaconf_edit to true

one year ago
0 Hi Everybody. When I Want To Force The Agent To Not Reproduce My Local Pip Environment, I Add

task.set_script(working_dir=dir, entry_point="my_script.py")Why do you have this part? isn't it the same code, the script entry point is auto detected ?

... or when I run my_script.py locally (in order to create and enqueue the task)?

the latter, When the script is running locally

So something like

os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), "requirements.txt")

is the right way?

Sure this will work 🙂

2 years ago
0 Hello, I'M Trying Clearml-Serving On Any Of The Example Models From The 'Clearml Examples' Project. After Running 'Clearml-Serving Triton ...' I Always Get The Following Error: Clearml-Serving Triton --Endpoint "Keras_Mnist" --Model-Project "Clearml Exa

Sorry ScaryLeopard77 I missed the reply,

the tutorial in the readme of clearml-serving repo doesn't mention it though. Where should I set it?

oh dear ... you are right (I think it was there in previous versions)
clearml-serving --helphttps://github.com/allegroai/clearml-serving/blob/ce6ec847b1e01c6f5bf35d638e6ceb8148db8a7a/clearml_serving/main.py#L142
This is the equivalent of what is created here in the example:

2 years ago
0 I Have A Question Regarding Reducing Execution Time Of Pulling Results From The Server With The Python Api. As Part Of Some Pipeline, After Running Hpo I Am Pulling All The Results From My Optimizer Task And Also Pulling All The Scalars Associated With Th

or creating a dedicated function I would suggest also including the actual sampled point in the HP space.

Could you expand ?

This would be the most common use case, and essentially the reason for running the HPO understanding the sensitivity of metrics with respect to hyper-parameters

Does this relates to:

manually" filtering the keys I've put in for the HP space. I find it a bit strange that they are not saved as part of t...

2 years ago
0 Hi I'M Using Clearml Datasets. How Do I Tell From The Clearml Ui Which Datasets Version Am I Using?

How is this different from argparser btw?

Not different, just a dedicated section 🙂 Maybe we should do that automatically, the only "downside" is you will have to name the Dataset when getting it (so it will have an entry name in the Dataset section), wdyt ?

3 years ago
0 Hey Guys, Is There A Ready Script That Can Delete All Models From S3 (Or Other Storage) That Are Related To Deleted Or Archived Experiments?

What is the recommended way of providing S3 credentials to cleanup task?

cleaml.conf or OS environment (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID ...)

3 years ago
0 Hi Folks, I Have A Question On The

, i thought there will be some hooks for deploying where the integration with k8s was also taken care automatically.

Hi ObedientToad56
Yes you are correct, basically now you have a docker-compose (spinning everything, even though per example you can also spin a standalone container (mostly for debugging).
We are working on a k8s helm chart so the deployment is easier, it will be based on these docker-compose :

2 years ago
0 Anyone Here With Any Idea Why My Service Tasks Get Aborted When Going To Sleep?

Hmm okay let me check that, I think I understand the issue

one year ago
0 I Created Credentials From My Account, Stored Them As A K8S Secret And They Are Reused Whenever Anyone From Our Ml Team Starts A New Ml Model Training, Which Causes All The Tasks To Have Me As The Author In The Dashboard. Can The User Be Overwritten Durin

and those env variables are credentials for ClearML. Since they are taken from k8s secrets, they are the same for every user.

Oh ...

I can create secrets for every new user and set env variables accordingly, but perhaps you see a better way out?

So the thing is, if a User spins the k8s job, the user needs to pass their credentials (so the system knows who it is)... You could just pass the user's key/secret (not nice, but probably not a big issue, as everyone is an Admin anyhow,...

2 years ago
0 How To Read A Params File In Pipeline Decorater

The pipeline itself is also a task, so this line works in a pipeline. Task.current_task is a class method that returns the running task (pipeline in our case), then then the usual interface. BTW what are you having in the conf file ?

one year ago
0 Hi, I Am Trying To Clone An Experiment. Using The Server Gui, I Select 'Clone' And Then 'Enqueue'. In The Console Window, I See That Clearml Makes Sure The Environment Is Installed, And Then It Goes Into A 'Completed' Status Although The Experiment Did N

Hi RotundSquirrel78
How did you end up with this command line?
/home/sigalr/.clearml/venvs-builds/3.8/code/unet_sindiff_1_level_2_resblk --dataset humanml --device 0 --arch unet --channel_mult 1 --num_res_blocks 2 --use_scale_shift_norm --use_checkpoint --num_steps 300000the arguments passed are odd (there should be none, they are passed inside the execution) and I suspect this is the issue

one year ago
0 Hey Guys, I'Ve Got This Weird Issue In My Pipeline! Any Ideas Of What I Could'Ve Missed? My Parameter Becomes

This will fix it, the issue is the "no default value" that breaks the casting
@PipelineDecorator.component(cache=False) def step_one(my_arg=""):

one year ago
0 Quick Question, Can Trains Log Keras Loss Values And/Or Metrics Automatically? Or Would I Have To Attach A Tensorboard Callback?

Hi ElegantCoyote26 , yes I did 🙂
It seems cometml puts their default callback logger for you, that's it.

3 years ago
0 Hello Everyone. Nice To Meet You I Got This Error When I Run Docker-Compose After Upgrading Clearml-Serving From 1.0 => 1.3 Have You Seen This Error? If You Did And Solved, Could You Tell Me How To Solve It?

Hi @<1557899668485050368:profile|FantasticSquid9>
There is some backwards compatibility issue with 1.2 (I think).
Basically what you need it to spin a new one on a new session ID and rergister the endpoints

one year ago
0 Hey, Trying To Figure Out How To Create An

while I want to upload a converted


weights with custom tags to my custom project

Oh I see, sure, see this one?


one year ago
0 Hi Everyone, I'M Using The

Hi AttractiveCockroach17

. Many of these experiments appear with status running on clearml even though they have finish running,

Could it be their process just terminated? (i.e. not properly shutdown) ?
How are you running these multiple experiments?
BTW: if the server does not see any change in a Task for (I think the default is 2 hours) it will automatically mark these Task as aborted

2 years ago
0 Hi Everybody, I Found That It Is Possible To Schedule Experiments Using The Taskscheduler Class In Python

Hi StoutElephant16
You mean like cron Job?
(Unfortunately if this is the case, then currently no CLI for that, but it is a great idea, maybe open a github issue to make sure we do not forget to add it 😄 )

2 years ago
0 Another Strange Behavior Of The Python Sdk Cli: After Executing Python My_Task.Py, Where My_Task.Py Creates And Send To The Queue An Experiment, The Command Returns But After Some Time Some Messages Are Printed In The Console, Such As

I believe a process is still running in the background. Is it expected? (v0.17.4)

Yes it is expected.
Basically it reports that the resource monitoring did not detect any "iterations"/"steps" reporting, so instead of reporting resources based on iterations it reports based on time. Make sense ?

3 years ago
0 Can One Compare Experiments/Tasks From Different Projects? Edit: I Mean, I Can Manually Navigate To Some

why not let the user start with an empty comparison page and add them from "Add Experiment" button as well?

Apologies, I was not clear. Yes I'm with you, this is a great idea 🙂

2 years ago
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