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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hey Guys!

HI QuizzicalDove0
I guess the reason is that the idea is integration is literally 2 lines, and it will take less time to execute the code on a system with working env (we assume there is one) then to configure all the git , python packages, arguments etc...
All that said you can create an experiment from code , using Task.import_task https://allegro.ai/docs/task.html#trains.task.Task.import_task

4 years ago
0 Was There Any Changes To Clearml Python Sdk In The Past 24 Hours?

RC you can see on the main readme, (for some reason the Conda badge will show RC and the PyPi won't)

one year ago
0 <image>

Hmm so the Task.init should be called on the main process, this way the subprocess knows the Task is already created (you can call Task.init twice to get the task object). I wonder if we somehow can communicate between the sub processes without initializing in the main one...

3 years ago
0 <image>


3 years ago
0 Hey All. I Need Some Help Debugging Some Errors. I Keep Getting An Error About Failing To Clone The Repository On The Remote Instance. What Could Be The Reason Of This? Are There Any Common Errors Related To This? I Suspect Permissions, But Not Entirely

Hi @<1687643893996195840:profile|RoundCat60> , I just saw the message,

Just by chance I set the SSH deploy keys to write access and now we're able to clone the repo. Why would the SSH key need write access to the repo to be able to clone?

Let me explain, the default use case for the agent is to use user/pass (as configured in the clearml.conf file(
It will change any ssh links to https links and will add the credentials to clone the repository.
You can also provide SSH keys (basicall...

3 years ago
0 , This Is A Great Tool For Visualizing All Your Experiments. I Wanted To Know That When I Am Logging Scalar Plots With Title As Train Loss And Test Loss They Are Getting Diplayed As Train Loss And Test Loss In The Scalar Tab. I Wanted That The Title Shoul

Create one experiment (I guess in the scheduler)
task = Task.init('test', 'one big experiment')
Then make sure the the scheduler creates the "main" process as subprocess, basically the default behavior)
Then the sub process can call Task.init and it will get the scheduler Task (i.e. it will not create a new task). Just make sure they all call Task init with the same task name and the same project name.

4 years ago
0 Is There A Way To Set Precedence On Package Managers? If We Set An Agent To Use

UnevenDolphin73 sounds great, any chance you can open a git issue on clearml-agent repo for this feature request ?

2 years ago
0 <image>

Let me know if it solved it, if it did I'll make sure we push the RC

3 years ago
0 Hi, Expanding On

Thanks DeliciousBluewhale87 ! greatly appreciated 🙂

3 years ago
0 Hi All, Is There A Way To Clone A Pipeline From The Web Ui Like You Can With A Task? The Goal Is To Be Able To Give The Cloned Version A Different Name So I Can Organize Pipeline Runs By Project.

So what you’re saying is to first kick off a new run and then rename the underlying Pipeline Task, which will cause that particular run to become a new pipeline name?

Correct, basically you are not changing the "pipeline" per-se but the execution name of the pipeline, if that makes sense

What would be most ideal would be to be able to right-click on a pipeline run and have a “clone” option, like you can with a task, where you can start a new run with a new name in a single step.


7 months ago
0 Hi All, Is There A Way To Clone A Pipeline From The Web Ui Like You Can With A Task? The Goal Is To Be Able To Give The Cloned Version A Different Name So I Can Organize Pipeline Runs By Project.

If you want to rename it (any pipeline), click on the "Full details" in the "Run Info" (right hand side panel), then in the full detail of the Pipeline Task you will be able to rename the pipeline execution
(Is renaming useful? should we add a right click to rename ?)

7 months ago
0 Hi All, Is There A Way To Clone A Pipeline From The Web Ui Like You Can With A Task? The Goal Is To Be Able To Give The Cloned Version A Different Name So I Can Organize Pipeline Runs By Project.

Hi @<1533620191232004096:profile|NuttyLobster9>

Hi All, is there a way to clone a pipeline from the web UI like you can with a task?

Right click on the pipeline and select Run (it is basically the same thing as cloning it)

7 months ago
0 Hi! I Deployed Clearml Server Along With Jupyterhub On Azure K8S (Aks). The Way It Works Is That Every User Is Assigned A New Pod That Is Spawned With A Docker Image Of A Choice (One Of Them With Clearml Sdk Installed). I Managed To Configure Most Of The

Hi GreasyPenguin66
So the way clearml can store your notebook is by using the jupyter-notebook rest api. It assumes, that it can communicate with it as the kernel is running on the same machine. What exactly is the setup? is the jupyter-lab/notebook running inside the docker? maybe the docker itself is running with some --network argument ?

3 years ago
0 Hi All, I Am Faced With The Situation That My Company'S Gitlab Is Temporarily Out Of Service At A Certain Time In The Early Morning (Due To Regular Maintenance Service, Something I Cannot Control). Normally, My System'S Inference Pipelines Are Scheduled T

Is there any contingency plan for an agent to continue running a task without reading the repository on the GitLab server?

Not sure what can be done ... any suggestions ?

At runtime, can I ask the agent to use some cached repository?

sometimes you will have it (as the agent stores a cached copy, but I would hardly count on it (and it might be at different states on different machines...)

... (due to regular maintenance service, something I cannot control).

Maybe let "th...

2 years ago
0 Hi Everyone, Does Anybody Now If The Latest Release 1.15 Is Still Vulnerable To

Hi Martin, of course not,


I was just wondering if it has been patched yet and if not what is the expected timeline for patching it

Yes, I believe the target is a patch version 1.15.1 to be released in a couple of weeks. This is not a major issue but it's always better to have have it fixed. (btw: the enterprise version never had this issue to being with, because it is of course authenticated, as well as it has additional RBAC layer on top.)

6 months ago
0 Hi Everyone, Does Anybody Now If The Latest Release 1.15 Is Still Vulnerable To

Hi @<1689808977149300736:profile|CharmingKoala14> , let me double check that

5 months ago
0 Hi Everyone, Does Anybody Now If The Latest Release 1.15 Is Still Vulnerable To

Hi @<1658281099807166464:profile|SmallCamel52>

Lack of authentication in all versions of the fileserver component

Are you leaving the fileserver open to the world ?

6 months ago
0 Hi All, I Am Running Into Ssl Verification Issues With Trying To Upload Model Artifacts To Minio. We Are Running The Clearml Agent In A Container, Have Mounted A Ca Bundle To The Container And Referenced It On Env Vars So That Aws Cli/Boto And Requests Us

(Venv mode makes sense if running inside a container, if you need docker support you will need to mount the docker socket inside)
What is exactly the error you re getting from clearml? And what do you have in the configuration file?

2 years ago
0 I Am Trying To Do A Remote Execution Of A Test Task, But It Fails During Env Setup Due To Trying To Install An Obscure Version Of Pytorch. Been Trying To Solve This For Three Days! The Script:

Can you try to manually install it and see what you are getting?
python3.10 -m pip install /home/boris/.clearml/pip-download-cache/cu117/torch-1.12.1+cu116-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl

one year ago
0 Hello, How Do I Deploy An Agent In

Hi IcySwallow94
Are you deploying the clearml server with the helm chart ?

one year ago
0 Hi, Is A Remote Task Execution Wit Azure Devops Private Repository Working? I Am Hitting A Problem Where Clearml Is Creating A Wrong Url For Loading:

is it also possible to somehow propagate ssh keys to the agent pod? Not sure how to approach that

I would use the k8s secret manager to do that (there is a way to mount secrets files into pod, SSH is relatively standard to do)

one year ago
0 Hi All, I Got An Issue With The Pipliene Before Create Launching The Next Steps What Can Be Help To Solve This? File "/Home/Core/.Clearml/Venvs-Builds.1.2/3.8/Lib/Python3.8/Site-Packages/Clearml/Automation/Controller.Py", Line 795, In Start Self._Start(

I think there is some mismatch between the code creating the pipeline and the actual Task?! Could that somehow be the case? "relaunch_on_instance_failure" is a missing argument somehow

can you try to launch the entire Pipeline with the latest RC ?
pip3 install clearml==1.7.3rc0

one year ago
0 Hey Everyone, I Have An Autoscaler Configuration That Runs Different Ec2 Instances. I Want The Ec2 Worker Launched By The Autoscaler Could Handle A Bucket With Different Aws Keys. The Configuration I Am Passing Is As Follows:

GrumpySeaurchin29 you can pass s3 credential for the autoscaler, but all the tasks will have them. Are you saying two diff sets of credentials is the issue, or is it the visibility?

2 years ago
0 We'Re Moving From On-Premise To Aws - Is There An Easy Way To Migrate Wall The Tasks, Projects, Etc To The New Instance?

I think that just backing up /opt/clearml and moving it should be just fine 🤞

2 years ago
0 I'M Training A Tensorflow Model And Saving It In The End. I Looked At The Outputmodel Class. How Do I Connect The Model I'M Saving To The Outputmodel?

When I look at the details, model artifact in the ClearML UI, it's been saved the usual way, and no tags that I added in the OutputModel constructor are there.

Did you disable the autologging ? Are you saying the tags not appearing is a bug (it might be) ?

Also, I don't mind auto logging either if I have control over publishing the model or not directly from that script, and adding tags etc, like OutputModel.

Sure you can publish models / add tags etc, wither from the UI or pr...

2 years ago
0 Different Question About Warnings: I'M Getting (Infrequently) This Warning, Followed By My Script Hanging

WittyOwl57 that is odd there is a specific catch for SystemExit
How do I reproduce this issue/warning ?
Also: "Repository and package analysis timed out (300.0 sec), giving up" seriously ove 5 minutes ?! how large is the git repo?

3 years ago
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