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Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
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Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
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Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 6 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hi! How To Fix This Error With Response?

AbruptHedgehog21 could it be the console log itself is huge ?

2 years ago
0 Hi People! I Think The Clearml

Should be fixed soon (1.10 is supposed to be released next week)

one year ago
0 Hi People! I Think The Clearml

😞 I'll pass to the guys

one year ago
0 Suggestion

Hi SolidSealion72

"/tmp" contained alot of artifacts from ClearML past runs (1.6T in our case).

How did you end up with 1.6TB of artifacts there? what are the workflows on that machine? at least in theory, there should not be any leftover in the tmp folder, after the process is completed.

2 years ago
0 Is It Expected That K8S Helm Chart Also Starts A Clearml Worker?

UnevenDolphin73 you mean the clearml-server helm chart ?

2 years ago
0 Hey, I'M Running A Pipeline, And 1 Stage Passed - But The Next One Failed. I Fixed The Bug For The Second One - Is There Any Way To Retry The Pipeline From The Failure?

Hi CleanPigeon16
Yes there is, when you are cloning the pipeline in the UI, go to the Configuration/Pipeline/continue_pipeline and change it to True

3 years ago
0 In Your

DefeatedCrab47 link is fixed :)

4 years ago
0 Hey, I'M Running A Pipeline, And 1 Stage Passed - But The Next One Failed. I Fixed The Bug For The Second One - Is There Any Way To Retry The Pipeline From The Failure?

Is there an option to do this from a pipeline, from within theΒ 


Β method? Can you link a reference to cloning and editing a task programmatically?

Hmm, I think there is an open GitHub issue requesting a similar ability , let me check on the progress ...

nope, it works well for the pipeline when not I don't choose to continue_pipeline

Could you send the full log please?

3 years ago
0 Hi, Plotting A Debug Sample With A

Thanks VirtuousFish83 !
This is great

3 years ago
0 Hi, I’M Trying To Create A Dataset On Clearml Server From My Aws S3 Bucket Via:

Hi @<1562610699555835904:profile|VirtuousHedgehong97>
I think you need to upgrade your self-hosted clearml-server, could that be the case?

one year ago
0 Hello Everyone! I'D Like To Mount Some Data On Trains Agent Into Docker Container Directory That Contains Cloned Source Code From Repo, Like This:

Hi ProudMosquito87
so you mean to mount your data folder onto the the docker so that the code could access it, correct?
If that is the case, is there a specific version not to use absolute path? (e.g. /mnt/data/mine )?

4 years ago
0 Hi, Is There A Way To List All Agents Running In A Host, I Do Not Find Relevant One In Clearml-Agent -H.

In the UI you can see all the agents and their IDs
Then you can so

clearml-agent daemon --stop <agent id>
one year ago
0 When I Do

BoredHedgehog47 that actually depends on the container, are you running as root inside the container ?
if not I think the easiest hack is to always map /etc/hosts as a k8s secret file?

one year ago
0 Hi! For

load_model will get a link to a previously registered URL (i.e. it search a model pointing to the specific URL, if it finds it, it will get you the Model object)

2 years ago
0 Hi

You might need to update it to the latest Detection API 😞

3 years ago
0 Hello, Is It Possible To Edit Scalars/Plots From An Experiment (Rename Or Delete Them) With The Python Client Or With The Server Api?

Hmm I think this is not doable ... 😞
(the underlying data is stored in DBs and changing it is not really possible without messing about with the DB)

one year ago
0 Hi Team, I Have Created Inference For Statsmodels, I Am Trying To Clone And Run By Running Agent But It Throwing Error That Statsmodels Is Not Found .Could You Reply.

Hi @<1533257278776414208:profile|SuperiorCockroach75>

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'statsmodels'

seems like this package is missing from the Task
wither import it manually import statsmodels (so the automagic logs it)
Or add before task init:

task = Task.init(...)

ps: no need to @ so many people ...

one year ago
0 Hi Guys, I Am Running An Optimization Task Via Clearml-Agent And I Get The Following Warning

I am symlinking the .clearml directory to a NAS server and this is perhaps part of the problem.

Yep, that sounds about right, it uses Posix file system for internal lock mechanisms (multi process locks), and my guess is that the NAS for some reason does not support it...

one year ago
0 Hey Guys, I Have Set Up A Clearml Pipeline For My Simple Isolation Forest Model. But I Have Been Receiving This Error.

Hi @<1552101447716311040:profile|SteadySeahorse58>

ValueError: Could not find queue named "services"

Did you set an agent / auto-scaler ? where is the pipeline and its components will be running ?

one year ago
0 Hey Guys, I Have Set Up A Clearml Pipeline For My Simple Isolation Forest Model. But I Have Been Receiving This Error.

If you are using the "default" queue for the agent, notice you might need to run the agent with --services-mode to allow for multiple pipeline components on the same machine

one year ago
0 Hi Clearml Community. I Interviewed Nir Bar-Lev On The Practical Ai Podcast, So I Had Allegro/Clearml In The Back On My Mind. I’M Launching A New Project At My Org Now, And I Think Clearml Might Be A Good Fit. Questions That Have Come Up Are:

I would ideally just want to have NVIDIA drivers and Docker on the on-prem nodes (along with the clearML agents). Would that allow me to get by with basic job scheduling/queues through clearML?
Yes this is fully supported and very easy to setup.
Regrading limiting users usage. This is doable, I think the easiest solution both for users and management of the cluster is introducing priority into the queue, basically a user can push job into low priority, and only some users can push into high...

3 years ago
0 Hi All, We Have Just Set Up The Clearml Server On An On-Prem Server And We Can Successfully Access Its Apis When We Are On-Prem From Pcs Within Our Network. However, When We Try To Access The Webapi From Remote Through The Vpn We Fail. The Vpn Logs Don'T

However, when we try to access the webapi from remote through the VPN we fail. The VPN logs don't show any blockage. Any ideas?

Maybe the VPN firewall blocks http connections ? or it might be BrightRabbit75 case, that sounds quite logical to never show anywhere

2 years ago
0 Is There Any Simple Way To Orchestrate A Batch To Train A Model With Different Features (In Order To Do Feature Selection, For Example) Through A Single .Py File? I Saw The Following Example

using only a subset of the features

ShallowGoldfish8 if you have some parameter that controls it (i.e. select different features) then you can launch it with two sets f parameters.
Am I missing something?
for example:
` my_features_select = {"type": "set_a"}

if my_features_select["type"] == "set_a":

do something


do something else `wdyt?

2 years ago
0 Hi. Shoulf This Command Succeed In The Presence Of Project

well it should fail, but I think the error message should be fixed πŸ™‚
ValueError: dataset 'tmp_datset' not found in projectlavi-testing' `wdyt?

2 years ago
0 Hi, Plotting A Debug Sample With A

Hi VirtuousFish83 ,
Is it throwing an exception? Are you seeing the plot in the UI but the title is incorrect?

3 years ago
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