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48 Questions, 8044 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hi, Together With

"Updates a few seconds ago"

That just means that the process is not dead.

Yes that seemed to be stuck 😞
Any chance you can verify with the RC version?
I'll try to dig into the commits, maybe I can come up with an explanation ...

4 years ago
0 Clearml-Session Question: I’M Using The Tool With An On-Prem Machine. Normal Tasks Are Being Executed Normally - But When Using

Sometimes it is working fine, but sometimes I get this error message

@<1523704461418041344:profile|EnormousCormorant39> can I assume there is a gateway at --remote-gateway <internal-ip> ?
Could it be that this gateway has some network firewall blocking some of the traffic ?
If this is all local network, why do you need to pass --remote-gateway ?

one year ago
3 years ago
0 Hey Everyone

PricklyRaven28 basically this is the issue:

python -m fastai.launch <script>

There are multiple copies of the script running, but they are Not aware of one another.
are you getting any reporting from the diff GPUs? I'm assuming there is a hidden OS environment that signals the "master" node, so all processes can communicate with it. This is what we should automatically capture. There is a workaround the fastai.launch, that is probably similar to this one:

2 years ago
0 Hi, Does Anyone Know How To Setup Clearml In Google Colab/Jupyterlab? E.G., Where To Put The

Hi HollowDolphin18
Sure just use:
Task.set_credentials( api_host=None, web_host=None, files_host=None, key=None, secret=None, store_conf_file=False )https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/912f6f5ba2328b26de042de03f02de5802df360f/clearml/task.py#L2153

3 years ago
0 This Message Is For The Clearml Team. I'Ve Found A Bug. I Think It'S Reproducible. Basically, When Dealing With Bools Inside Args, I Think What You Guys Do Is Just Cast It To Bool Since All The Args Are Stored As Strings If I'M Correct. Only Issue Is, Boo

Hi VexedCat68
can you supply more details on the issue ? (probably the best is to open a github issue, and have all the details there, so we have better visibility)

2 years ago
0 If I Clone A Task, I Suppose All Artifacts Are Not Cloned With It, Even If They Are Registered, Right?

For example, the


object is heavily overloaded and its documentation would benefit from being separated into logical units of work. It would also make it easier for the ClearML team to spot any formatting issues.

This is a very good point (the current documentation is basically docstring, but we should create a structured one)

... but some visualization/inline code with explanation is also very much welcome.

I'm assuming this connected with the previous po...

2 years ago
0 Another Question: How Can I Make Clearml-Agent Use Pre-Installed Version From The Nvidia/Pytorch (

hm ReassuredTiger98 can you send the full log? I think it should have worked (but as you mentioned it might be conda/pip mix?!)

2 years ago
0 Hey, Is There A Shortcut On The Dataset Sdk To Directly Get The Latest Version Of A Dataset ?

Hi FierceHamster54
Sure just do
dataset = Dataset.get(dataset_project="project", dataset_name="name")This will by default fetch the latest version

one year ago
0 Hey Since Hydra Does Not Work With

So I think there are two bugs here?
--args overrides="key=value" does not work request: add --hydra to override hydra arguments (and if this is added the first one is not needed)Is that correct?

one year ago
0 Hey Guys Trying To Save A Model Via The Outputmodel.Update_Weights Function I Get The Following Error:

You have that at the bottom of the script, never call it on yourself, it will kill the actual process.
So what is going on you are marking your own process for termination, then it terminates itself leaving the interpreter and this is the reason for the errors you are seeing

The idea of mark_* is to mark an external Task, forcefully.
By just completing your process with exit code (0) (i.e. no error) the Task will be marked as completed anyhow, no need to call...

one year ago
0 Hi There, How Can I Set The Model Metadata Using Code? The Model Object Has The

Hi IrritableGiraffe81
You can access the model object with, task.models['output']
To set the model metadata I would recommend making sure you have the latest clearml package, I think this is relatively new addition

2 years ago
0 Hello Guys, Is It Possible To Transfer All Data From Experiments Logged In Clearml From Paid Hosted Account (Pro) To Self-Hosted Clearml ? Has Anyone Done This Kind Of Migration ?

Not really sure that's easily done ... I mean you could query the data, but I'm not sure how you would import it. Btw why would you move from pro to self hosted?

one year ago
0 Hello Everyone! I'M Encountering An Issue When Trying To Deploy An Endpoint For A Large-Sized Model Or Get Inference On A Large Dataset (Both Exceeding ~100Mb). It Seems That They Can Only Be Downloaded Up To About 100Mb. Is There A Way To Increase A Time

using the docker-compose file for the


pipeline, do we also have to mount it somehow?

oh yes, you are correct the values are passed using environment variables (easier when using docker compose)
You can in addition add a mount from the host machine to a conf file,

      - ${PWD}/clearml.conf:/root/clearml.conf


5 months ago
0 Hello Everyone, Is There Any Way To Remove A Serving Instance?

Hi @<1657918706052763648:profile|SillyRobin38>
You mean remove the entire serving session? is it still running somewhere ?
(for example if you take the docker-compose down it will be marked aborted automatically after 2 hours)

4 months ago
0 Has Anyone Used

ElegantCoyote26 what is the model input layer definition? This implies the data format to pass to the serve endpoint

2 years ago
0 Hi (Again... Sorry For Asking So Many Questions) Question About Using Google Cloud Storage In A Clearml Agent Running In Aws Ec2 Instance. My

Hi PanickyMoth78
Hmm yes, I think the StorageManager (i.e. the google storage pythonclinet) also needs a json file with the credentials.
Let me check something

2 years ago
0 I Am Trying To Use

try: trains-init config

3 years ago
0 ..

I have no idea what string reference could be used when steps come from Task?

Oh I see, you are correct, when it comes to Tasks the assumption is your are passing strings (with selectors on the strings, i.e. the curly brackets) but there is no fancy serialization/deserialization as you have with pipelines from decorators / functions. The reason for that is that the Task itslef is a standalone, there is no way for the pipeline logic to actually "pull data" from it and "pass" it to the o...

2 years ago
0 Also, Small Question On Logging Inference Data: I Ran An Experiment To Train A Model. Now I Want To Run Inference Using That Model And Log Inference Metrics To The Same Experiment Which Has Training Details. So Overall There Is Just One Experiment Which

SourSwallow36 it is possible.
Assuming you are not logging metrics by the same name, it should work.
Task.init('examples', 'training', continue_last_task='<previous_task_id_here>')

3 years ago
0 I Have A Local Folder A, And A Dataset B. A:

Oh then this should just work
cp -R --link b a/You can achieve the same symbol link link from python as well

2 years ago
0 Hello! Is It Possible To Run Pipeline Controller Tasks Locally, Similar To Regular Tasks That Run Locally By Default If

Can I make the Tasks that I'm adding to the pipeline also run locally, such that the entire pipeline runs locally?

Ohh I think only if you have an agent running on your machine.
What is the use case ? (maybe we can add local execution as well?!)

3 years ago
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