Could you download and send the entire log ?
I mean just add the toy tqdm loop somewhere just before starting the lightning train function. I just want to verify that it works, or maybe there is something in the specific setup happening in real-time that changes it
Plan is to have it out in the next couple of weeks.
Together with a major update in v0.16
So basically the APIClient is a pythonic interface to the RestAPI, so you can do the following
See if this one works# stats from he last 60 seconds for worker in workers: print(client.workers.get_stats(worker_ids=[], from_date=int(time()-60),to_date=int(time()), interval=60, ))
Hi EnviousStarfish54
After the pop up do you see the plot on the web UI?
Hi UnevenDolphin73
Is there an easy way to add a link to one of the tasks panels? (as an artifact, configuration, info, etc)?
You can add a link as an artifact, that is probably the easiest:tasl.upload_artifact(name="just link", artifact_object="
EDIT: And follow up regarding the dataset. As discussed somewhere previously, the datasets are now automatically moved to a hidden "sub-project" prefixed with
. This creates several annoyances that I...
@<1523716917813055488:profile|CloudyParrot43> yes server upgrades deleted it 😞 we are redeploying a copy, should take a few min
Hi DepressedChimpanzee34
This is not a query call, this is a reporting call. see docs below
It is used by the worker to report its own status.
I think this is what you are looking for:
however can you see the inconsistency between the key and the name there:
Yes that was my point on "uniqueness" ... 😞
the model-key must be unique, and it is based on the filename itself (the context is known, it is inside the Task) but the Model Name is an entity, so it should have the Task Name as part of the entity name, does that make sense ?
I would say 4vCPUs and 512GB storage , but it really depends on the load you will put on it
Try to upload something to the file server ?
Ohh so even easier:print(client.workers.get_all())
from clearml import TaskTypes
That will only work if you are using the latest from the GitHub, I guess the example code was modified before a stable release ...
Hmm I suspect the 'set_initial_iteration' does not change/store the state on the Task, so when it is launched, the value is not overwritten. Could you maybe open a GitHub issue on it?
sorry that I keep bothering you, I love ClearML and try to promote it whenever I can, but this thing is a real pain in the assÂ
No worries I totally feel you.
As a quick hack in the actual code of the Task itself, is it reasonable to have:task = Task.init(....) task.set_initial_iteration(0)
EnviousStarfish54 data versioning on the open source leverages the artifacts and storage and caching capabilities of Trains.
A simple workflow
- Upload data - Preprocessing data - Using data
Hi SpicyLion54
the -f flag is not very stabe for pip (and cannot be added in requirements.txt). ClearML agent mwill automatically find the correct torch (from the torch repository) based on the cuda it detects in runtime.
This means it automatically translates torch==1.8.1 and will pull form the correct repo based on torch support table.
 seems does not allow me passing theÂ
 argument without value
EnviousStarfish54 did you try --args run=True
I'm assuming run is a boolean of a sort ?
a. The submitted job would automatically download data from internal data repository, but it will be time consuming if data is re-downloaded every time. Does ClearML caching the data somewhere?
What do you mean by the agent will download the data ? are you referring to Dataset
Okay, some progress, so what is the difference ?
Any chance the issue can be reproduced with a small toy code ?
Can you run the tqdm loop inside the code that exhibits the CR issue ? (maybe some initialization thing that is causing it to ignore the value?!)
I see TrickyFox41 try the following:--args overrides="param=value"
Notice this will change the Args/overrides argument that will be parsed by hydra to override it's params
EnviousStarfish54 will capture the figure, that if you call it multiple times, it will add a running number to the figure itself (because the figure might change, and you might want the history)
if you call plt.imshow, it's the equivalent of debug image, hence it will be shown in the debug-samples tab, as an image.
Make sense ?
EnviousStarfish54 whats your matplotlib version ?
Hi TrickyRaccoon92 , TB is automatically collected and converted into data stored on the system The UI uses plotly to display the data itself (on your web browser).
You still have the original TB protobuf file, if you want to dive deeper and debug the data (it is not automatically uploaded, but some users do upload it as additional artifact on the experiment)
Make sense ?
Hi CloudyHamster42
how do i have the trains-agent install myÂ
 file from my repo when creating the environment?
BTW if you clear all "the installed packages", then trains-agent
will user requirements.txt and update back all the packages in the UI
LazyTurkey38 I think this is caused by new versions of pip to report the wrong link:
Can you copy the "Installed Packages" here, and point to the package causing the issue?
For future readers, see discussion here: