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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 6 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 I Am Running Trains=0.16.4 Python==3.7.5 , And Notice That The "Log" Page Sometimes Didn'T Capture The Console Log From My Program. Is This A Known Issue, Anyone Have Experienced Similar Behavior?

EnviousStarfish54 quick update, regardless of the logging.config.dictConfig issue, I will make sure that even when the logger is removed, the clearml logging will continue to function 🙂
The commit will be synced after the weekend

3 years ago
0 What Could Be The Reason For My Package To Not Be Loading Under The "Installed Packages"? I Have A

Could you test with the latest "cleaml"
pip install git+Task.add_requirement(".") should be supported now 🙂

3 years ago
0 I'M Having Some Trouble Setting Up My Trains-Server Configuration For Trains. After Copying The Credentials I Get The Following:

ssh -R 8080:localhost:8080 -R 8008:localhost:8008 -R 8081:localhost:8081 replace_with_username@ubuntu_ip_heresolved the issue 🙂

3 years ago
0 I Am Trying To Use Clearml In My Work And I Am Facing Some Problems So Could Anyone Help Me With That? I Have Connected My Workstation With The Clearml Server As An Agent And When I Run The Code In My Local Device Then Clone It And Enqueue It To Run The C

is it normal that it's slower than my device even though the agent is much more powerful than my device? or because it is just a simple code

Could be the agent is not using the GPU for some reason?

2 years ago
0 Correct Way To Configure Ssh Authentication For Git In Agent With Docker Mode

I am struggling with configuring ssh authentication in docker mode

GentleSwallow91 Basically the agent will automatically mount the .ssh into the container , just make sure you set the following in the clearml.conf:
force_git_ssh_protocol: truehttps://github.com/allegroai/clearml-agent/blob/178af0dee84e22becb9eec8f81f343b9f2022630/docs/clearml.conf#L30

2 years ago
0 Executed From Within A Pipelinecontroller Task, What Possible Reason Does

Hi WackyRabbit7
So I'm assuming after the start_locally is called ?
Which clearml version are you using ?
(just making sure, calling Task.current_task() before starting the pipeline returns the correct Task?)

2 years ago
0 When I Pass Invalid Key To

it fails but with COMPLETED status

Which Task is marked "completed" the pipeline Task or the Step ?

2 years ago
0 I Want To Run My Clearml Task On An Agent In K8S Together With A Memory Profiler (Maybe

and I have no way to save those as clearml artifacts

You could do (at the end of the code
task.upload_artifact('profiler', Path('./fil-result/'))wdyt?

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Trying To Use The Config Values From A Experiment, But

Hi SkinnyPanda43
Are you trying to access the same Task or an external one ?

3 years ago
0 Getting This Error At

Hmm let me test the call itself.

3 years ago
3 years ago
0 I Am Running Trains=0.16.4 Python==3.7.5 , And Notice That The "Log" Page Sometimes Didn'T Capture The Console Log From My Program. Is This A Known Issue, Anyone Have Experienced Similar Behavior?

Will the new fix avoid this issue and does it still requires the 



It will avoid the issue, meaning even when incremental is not specified, it will work
That said the issue any other logger will be cleared as well, so, just good practice ...

From the 


 documentation ...

Hmmm so I guess Kedro should not use dictConfig ?! I'm not sure on the exact use case, but just clearing all loggers seems like a harsh approach

3 years ago
0 Hi, Just Checking.. Does Anyone Know Whether Clearml Enterprise Has Deployment Functionality..

DeliciousBluewhale87 out of curiosity , what do you mean by "deployment functionality" ? is it model serving ?

3 years ago
0 I Can'T Seem To Find Documentation On

correct on both.
notice that with upload you can specify any storage (S3/GS/Azure atc)

3 years ago
0 Anyone Using Trains With Snakemake? I Am Running My Workflow With Snakemake In A Docker Container, And It Can Output To The Trains Server Of Course, But Executing A Task From Trains Ui Tries To Run The Script In Its Own Container... It Downloads An Ubuntu

BroadMole98 as one can expect long answer as well 🙂

I have a workflow with 19000 job nodes in it.

wow, 19k job nodes? as in a single pipeline 19k steps?

The main idea of the trains-agent is to allow multi-node workloads, and creating pipelines on top of a scheduler without worrying about docker packaging (done automatically for you), and to have a proper scheduler with priority (that is missing from k8s)

If the first step is just "logging" all the steps, you can easily add "Task...

4 years ago
0 Hi, Does Anyone Use Mlflow / Weight & Biases /

Nice debugging experience

Kudos on the work !
BTW, I feel weird to add an issue on their github, but someone should, this generic setup will break all sorts of things ...

4 years ago
0 Clearml Pipelines Can Be Build From Tasks, Functions, And Decorated Functions, According To The Examples In

I am writing quite a bit of documentation on the topic of pipelines. I am happy to share the article here, once my questions are answered and we can make a pull request for the official documentation out of it.

Amazing please share once done, I will make sure we merge it into the docs!

Does this mean that within component or add_function_step I cannot use any code of my current directories code base, only code from external packages that are imported - unless I add my code with ...

one year ago
0 Hi I Saw This On The Clearml-Agent Docs But Other Than The Docker Image, I'M Not Sure How To Integrate This With Clearml Py And Clearml-Server. Please Advise.

Hi SubstantialElk6
Yes this is the queue the glue will pull jobs from and push into the k8s. You can create a new queue from the UI (go to the workers&queues page and to the Queue Tab and press on "create new" Ignore it 🙂 this is if you are using config maps and need TCP routing to your pods As you noted this is basically all the arguments you need to pass for (2). Ignore them for the time being This is the k8s overrides to use if launching the k8s job with kubectl (basically --override...

3 years ago
0 Hello Everone, I Have Hosted Clearml Server And Trained A Yolov8 Model To Test My Installations. The Model Was Trained Successfully And I Tried To Optimize The Hyderparameters By Using The Sample Code From Clearml But Im Getting Some Error In Doing So An

the parameter datatypes are not being changed when loading them up.

These are the auto logged parameters , inside YOLO, correct?
Just to make sure, you can actually see the value None in the UI, is that correct? (if everything works as expected, you should see empty string there)

9 months ago
0 Hi, Trying To Understand Clearml-Session. I Have An Agent Running On A Machine Monitoring A Queue Then I Ran Clearml-Session --Queue Myqueu --Docker Torch-Image. The Clearml Session Ended Up Tunneling Into The Physical Machine That My Agent Is Running

Hi SubstantialElk6

The ClearML session ended up tunneling into the physical machine that my agent is running on,

Yes that is the correct behavior. basically the clearml-session is using the agent to "schedule" a machine, then spin a container with JupyterLab/VSCode , and finally connect your CLI directly with that machine.
You can think of it as a way to solve the resource allocation problem.
Make sense ?

3 years ago
3 years ago
0 Hey, I'M Trying To Get The Google Cloud Platform Credentials As A

Hi ClumsyElephant70

Any idea how to get the credentials in there?

How about to map it into the docker with -v you can set it here:
extra_docker_arguments: ["-v", "/host/folder/cred.json:/gcs/cred.json"]

3 years ago
0 Hello, I Am Looking For A Way To Increase Number Of Images Saved In Results>Debug Samples. Looks Like There Is A Limit Of 100 Images Per Experiment, And All Images Saved After Are Not Displayed In Web Client. I Like To Have First Batch With Predictions V

Hi ReassuredTiger98
So let's assume we call:
logger.report_image(title='training', series='sample_1', iteration=1, ...)And we report every iteration (keeping the same title.series names). Then in the UI we could iterate back on the last 100 images (back in time) for this title / series.
We could also report a second image with:
logger.report_image(title='training', series='sample_2', iteration=1, ...)which means that for each one we will have 100 past images to review ( i.e. same ti...

3 years ago
0 Clearml Server Deployment Uses Node Storage. If More Than One Node Is Labeled As App=Clearml, And You Redeploy Or Update Later, Then Clearml Server May Not Locate All Your Data.

is there GPU support

That's basically depends on your template yaml resources, you can have multiple of those each one "connected" with a diff glue pulling from a diff queue. This way the user can enqueue a Task in a specific queue, say single_gpu , then the glue listens on that queue and for each clearml Task it creates a k8s job the single gpu as specified in the pod template yaml.

3 years ago
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