Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
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Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
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Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 6 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hi All, I Am Trying To Execute Somewhat Custom Hpo Scheme With Clearml. I Would Want That A Single Running Python Script Will Be Able To Sample The Optimizer, Init A Task And Report The Result Multiple Times. I Didn'T Find Anything Similar In The Docs Or

But it does make me think, if instead of changing the optimizer I launch a few workers that "pull" enqueued tasks, and then report values for them in such a way that the optimizer is triggered to collect the results? would it be possible?

But this is Exactly how the optimizer works.
Regardless of the optimizer (OptimizerOptuna or OptimizerBOHB) both set the next step based on the scalars reported by the tasks executed by agents (on remote machines), then decide on the next set of para...

3 years ago
0 Hello. It'D Be Really Helpful If Someone Could Let Me Know Why I Keep Getting "Misconfigurationexception('No Supported Gpu Backend Found!')" Error. I Am Using "Task.Execute_Remotely(Queue_Name="Default", Exit_Process=True)". Once It Gets Queued, I Clone I

Hi @<1715175986749771776:profile|FuzzySeaanemone21>

and then run "clearml-agent daemon --gpus 0 --queue gcp-l4" to start the worker.

I'm assuming the docker service cannot spin a container with GPU access, usually this means you are missing the nvidia docker runtime component

3 months ago
0 Hi Everyone! I Have The Following Question, I Want To Run This Docker Image:

Oh what if the script is in the container already?

Hmm, the idea of clearml is that the container is a "base environment" and code is "injected", this makes sure it is easy to reuse it.
The easiest way is to add an "entry point" scripts that just calls the existing script inside the container.
You can have this python initial script on your local machine then when you call clearml-task it will upload the local "entry point" script directly to the Task, and then on the remote machin...

3 months ago
0 Hi Everyone! I Have The Following Question, I Want To Run This Docker Image:

Hi @<1720249416255803392:profile|IdealMole15>
I'm assuming you mean on a remote machine with clearml-agent running ?
If you do, then you either use clearml-task to create a Task (Job) and specify the container and script. or click on "Create New Experiment" in the UI, and fill out the git repo / script and specify the docker image.
Make sense?

3 months ago
0 Hey, I'M Running A Pipeline, And 1 Stage Passed - But The Next One Failed. I Fixed The Bug For The Second One - Is There Any Way To Retry The Pipeline From The Failure?

Hi CleanPigeon16

can I make the steps in the pipeline use the latest commit in the branch?

manually clone the stesp's Task (in the UI), and in the UI edit the Execution section and change to "last sommit on branch" and specify the branch name programmatically (as the above, clone+edit)

ValueError: Could not parse reference '${run_experiment.models.output.-1.url}', step run_experiment could not be found

Seems like the "run_experiment" step is not defined. Could that be ...

3 years ago
0 I Have Code That Does Torch.Load(Path) And Deserializes A Model. I Am Performing This In Package A.B.C, And The Model’S Module Is Available In In A.B.C.Model Unfortunately, The Model Was Serialized With A Different Module Structure - It Was Originally Pla

Nice workaround!
RoughTiger69 how do I reproduce this behavior? (I'm still unsure on why exactly the clearml binding broke it, and would like to fix that)
(can you also provide the crash trace, maybe that could help as well)

2 years ago
one year ago
0 I Have 5 Unarchived Pipeline Runs That Were Defined With This Decorator:
  • Maybe we should add an option, archive components as well ...
2 years ago
0 Hello! Getting Credential Errors When Attempting To Pip Install Transformers From Git Repo, On A Gpu Queue.

Also in the same open docker session, can you try:
$LOCAL_PYTHON -m clearml_agent execute --disable-monitoring --id <task_id_here>Where the Task ID is one of the failed executions (only reset it before)

3 years ago
0 Hi. Question About Dataset Upload Errors: When Uploading A

PanickyMoth78 quick update the fix is already being tested, I'm hoping an RC tomorrow 🙂

one year ago
0 Hey Everyone, I'M Having An Issue Due To Conflicting Git Credentials On The Clearml-Agent (Running Inside The Docker). I'M Using Ssh Settings (

PleasantGiraffe85 can you send examples of the different git repo links (one internal one public) ?

2 years ago
0 Latex In Plot Labels?

TrickyRaccoon92 I didn't know that 🙂
where did you try to add it? did you report a plotly figure or is it with report_???

3 years ago
0 Hi, Where Can I Find Documentation Of The Full, Paid Version Of Allegro? (Including The Data Management Section)

PlainSquid19 yes the link is available on in the actual paid product 😞
I don't think they have the documentation open yet...
My recommendation is to fill the contact us form, you'll get a free online tour as well 😉

4 years ago
0 Hi Abit Of A Crazy Question... But Is It Possible To Use Clearml In Rust, Without Writing A Wrapper. I Noticed The Api Doesnt Cover Dataset Operations But The Cli Can.

Hi @<1747428509627715584:profile|CumbersomeDuck6>

but is it possible to use ClearML in Rust, without writing a wrapper.

With the RestAPI you can...

noticed the API doesnt cover dataset operations but the CLI can.

Yes the CLI will fetch/create datasets for you,

15 days ago
0 Hi All, I'M Trying To Use The Relatively New Jupyter Preview Feature But For Some Reason I Have The Notebook Artifact Under Artifacts But The Preview Is Unavailable.. Am I Missing Some Needed Steps? Thanks!

Oh I do not think this is possible, this is really deep in a background thread.
That said we can sample the artifacts and re-register the html as a debug media:
url = Task.current_task().artifacts['notebook preview'].url Task.current_task().get_logger().report_media('notebook', 'notebook', iteration=0, url=url)Once the html is uploaded, it will keep updating on the same link so no need to keep registering the "debug media". wdyt?

3 years ago
0 Fyi: Conda Installation Of Pytorch Is Broken Again. My Old Tasks Which Worked Before Now Fail Since They Do Not Find Torch. However, I Can See In The Execution That Conda Had Errors. Most Probably It Happens Because Pytorch 1.8.1 Has Been Released, But I

(for some reason it kind of jumps over PyTorch, but then installs torchvision?!)
Could you run with the latest with --debug
We just added but you will have to install from git:
pip3 install git+Then run with --debug:
clearml-agent --debug daemon ...

3 years ago
3 years ago
0 Hi! Can Someone Show Me An Example Of How

can someone show me an example of how 


I think the idea is to store a draft versio of the pipeline (not the decorator type, I think, but the one launching pre-executed Tasks).
GiganticTurtle0 I'm not sure I fully understand how / why you are using it, can you expand?


However, my intention is ONLY to create it to be executed later on.

Hmm so may like enqueue it?

2 years ago
0 Hi, I'Ve Got A Quick Question About

. Does


send each element of the dictionary as a separate api request? Has anyone else encountered this issue?

Hi SuperiorPanda77
the task.connect ends up as a single call with all the data being sent on a single request.
That said, maybe the connect dict is not the best solution for thousand key dictionary ...
Maybe artifact, or connect_configuration are better suited ?

2 years ago
0 Hi Again. Is There Any Way To Have Trains-Agent Do A 'Docker Build' On The Dockerfile In The Repository It Pulls And Then Run That Image? I Know I Can Specify The Base Image Trains-Agent Runs The Task In And That Will Get Pulled/Run At Execution Time, But

RobustGoldfish9 I see.
So in theory spinning an experiment on an gent would be clone code -> build docker -> mount code -> execute code inside docker?
(no need for requirements etc.?)

3 years ago
3 years ago
0 On A Separate Note, That Embed Seems To Be Slightly Off With Regards To Where The Link Is Actually Pointing To, Which Is

that embed seems to be slightly off with regards to where the link is actually pointing to

I think this is the Slack preview... 😞

16 days ago
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