Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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48 Questions, 8044 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
2 years ago
0 Hi Everyone, I Have Questions Related To Clearml-Serving.

EmbarrassedPeacock82 are you using keras/pytorch etc for serving (i.e. Triton) ?

2 years ago
0 Hi, When Using The Logger.Report_Table() Method (

Yep, this seems like a bug in the display

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Getting A Lot Of The Following Logs

Thanks PompousBeetle71
Quick question, what frameworks are you using?
Do you use save method directly to file stream (or any other direct storage)?

4 years ago
0 Hello, I Have Two Experiments Having The Same Plot With The Same X Values. When I Compare These Two Experiments, The Plots Are Drawn Next To Each Other (See Figure), But I Would Appreciate To See The Y-Values Of The Experiments Just In One Plot. The Plot

Hi CurvedHedgehog15
Yes you are correct, plots are displayed side-by-side in the ui. The reason is that since they are very generic, it is very challenging to actually be able to merge / overlay two arbitrary plots.
I can see two options

  1. To allow user to combine two plots in the ui (this way the responsibility is on the user to understand this is possible
  2. Maybe add programmatic interface to more easily access the raw data?
2 years ago
0 Hi, I Do The Following:

How about a git Issue? It sounds like it could be useful 🙂

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Have A Local Package That I Use To Train My Models. To Start Training, I Have A Script That Calls

Hi JitteryCoyote63

So that I could simply do


but when I do this, the clearml agent (latest version) does not try to grab the matching cuda version, it only takes the cpu version. Is it a known bug?

The easiest way to go about is to add:
Task.add_requirements("torch", "==1.11.0") task = Task.init(...)Then it will auto detect your custom package, and will always add the torch version. The main issue with relying on the package...

2 years ago
0 Hi! I Was Wondering Regarding This Issue:

In any case, do you have any suggestion of how I could at least hack tqdm to make it behave? Thanks

I think I know what the issue is, it seems tqdm is using Unicode for the CR this is the 1b 5b 41 sequence I see on the binary log.
Let me see if I can hack something for you to test 🙂

2 years ago
0 Hi. Here'S A Question For

Hi FancyWhale93 , in your clear.conf configure default output uri, you can specify the file server as default, or any object storage:

2 years ago
0 Hey, Is There A Way To Disable Going To The Demo Server

Hi SharpDove45


 suggested about how it fails on bad/missing credentials

Yes, this is correct, since you specifically set the hosts worst case you will end up with wrong credentials 🙂

3 years ago
0 Hi! I Was Wondering If It'S Possible For A Clearml Agent To Create An Environment From A Conda Environment.Yml File Every Time An Experiment Is Run

Hi SmugOx94
Hmm are you creating the environment manually, or is it done by Task.init ?
(Basically Task.init will store the entire environment of conda, and if the agent is working with conda package manager it will use it to restore it)

3 years ago
0 Hi Clearml, Does Clearml Orchestration Have The Ability To Break Gpu Devices Into Virtual Ones?

Sure thing, any specific reason for querying on multi pod per GPU?
Is this for remote development process ?
BTW: the funny thing is, on bare metal machines multi GPU woks out of he box, and deploying it with bare metal clearml-agents is very simple

2 years ago
0 With The Helm Charts, What Is The Recommend Way To Automate Getting An Api Secret Pair For The K8 Glue Agent So You Dont Have To Go Into The Ui And Generate One In Between The Server And Agent Helm Releases?

Bummer... that seems like a bit of an oversight tbh.

There is never a solution for those, unless the helm chart "knows" something about the server before spinning it the first time, which basically means a predefined access-key, I do not think we want that 😉

one year ago
0 Hi, I'Ve Recently Upgraded To 0.15.1 From 0.14.2, And For Some Reason A Code That Previously Worked In Which I'M Getting The Tags Of A Model Using

PompousBeetle71 I think that was you saw as tags in previous version was actually systems tags, now we also have users tags (i.e. .tags). If you still want to access the system tags can you try:

4 years ago
0 Hello, In The Following Context:

PS. I just noticed that this function is not documented. I'll make sure it appears in the doc-string.

4 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Having Problems With The Installed Packages When Creating An Experiment. The Installed Packages Used To Be A List With The Versions Of All The Installed Packages In The Venv. However, Now I Get The Following:

Ok, I think figured it out.


ClearML doesn't add all the imported packages needed to run the task to the Installed Packages

It does (but not derivative packages, that are used by the required packages, the derivative packages will be added when the agent is running it, because it creates a new clean venv and then it add the required packages, then it updates back with everything in pip freeze, because it now represents All the packages the Task needs)

Two questions:
Is t...

2 years ago
0 Hi, Can We Upload Our Project Repository To Trains Server? If We Can, How Should We Do? I Know When We Write "Task.Init()", It Uploads Our Experiment Into Server, But It Also Run The Experiment. However, I Want To Upload All My Experiments In Draft Status

MysteriousBee56 I see...
So yes, you can with the APIClient you have full RESTful access to the backend.
I think there was a similar discussion https://allegroai-trains.slack.com/archives/CTK20V944/p1593524144116300
HandsomeCrow5 how did you end up solving it? I think you had a similar use case?!

4 years ago
0 Is It Possible To View The Actual Code Of A Task? As In The Script That Created The Task?

WackyRabbit7 if this is a single script running without git repo, you will actually get the entire code in the uncommitted changes section.
Do you mean get the code from the git repo itself ?

3 years ago
0 Is There Any Reason Why Doing The Following Is Not Possible? Am I Doing It Right? I Want To Run A Pipeline With Different Parameters But I Get The Following Error?

GiganticTurtle0 this is exactly what I did, and ended up with two pipelines, comparing them produced what I expected (different arguments as passed by the script).
What are you getting ?

2 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Trying To Set Storage Manager To Use Our Internal Miniio Installation But I Ran Into This Issue With This Testing Code:

at that point we define a queue and the agents will take care of training 

This is my preferred way as well :)

3 years ago
0 Regarding The “Classic” Datasets (Not Hyper Datasets): Is There An Option To Do Something Equivalent To Dvc’S “

you can run md5 on the file as stored in the remote storage (nfs or s3)

s3 is implementation specific (i.e. minio weka wassaby etc, might not support it) and I'm actually not sure regrading nfs (I mean you can run it, but it actually means you are reading the data, that said, nfs by definition I'm assuming is relatively fast access)

2 years ago
0 Hi All, I Am Trying To Spin Up Some Aws Autoscaler Instances, But I Seem To Have Some Issues With The Instance Creation:

Sure go to the "All Projects" and filter by Task Type, application / service

one year ago
2 years ago
0 Is It Possible To Disable Vcs-Cache? I Tried To Change Value From True To False In The Trains.Conf, But It Does Not Affect Anything. I Want To Disable It, Because It Gives Error When I Run A Project Firstly On Docker Then On Venv.

Hi MysteriousBee56 ,
Yes this is permissions issue, the docker creates all folders as root (as it is the root user running inside the docker), Then when you execute in venv mode, you are running it from your user, which obviously cannot change root created folders.

4 years ago
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