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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 6 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Can I Run A Random Task From A Queue? Like This

so it would be better just to use the original code files and the same conda env. if possibleโ€ฆ

Hmm you can actually run your code in "agent mode" assuming you have everything else setup.
This basically means you set a few environment variables prior to launching the code:
export CLEARML_TASK_ID=<The_task_id_to_run> export CLEARML_LOG_TASK_TO_BACKEND=1 export CLEARML_SIMULATE_REMOTE_TASK=1 python my_script_here.py

2 years ago
0 Can I Run A Random Task From A Queue? Like This

, the easiest way possible would be if could just some how run task and let the lsf manage the environment

You mean let the LSF set the conda/venv ? or do you also mean to get the code-base, changes etc ?

2 years ago
0 What’S The Easiest Way To Update The Repo Url Alone For A Task? Need - In My Ci, The Url Used Is Https But I Need The Ssh Url To Be Used. I See That We Can Pass Repo To Task.Create But Not Task.Init

Need - in my CI, the url used is https but I need the ssh url to be used. I see that we can pass repo to Task.create but not Task.init

Are you cloning an existing Task, or creating a new one ?

3 years ago
0 Typo: Was Going Crazy For A Short Amount Of Time Yelling To Myself: I Just Installed Clear-Agent Init!

BTW: is this on the community server or self-hosted (aka docker-compose)?

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Trying To Clone And Queue Experiments For Running Them On My Workers. I Am Able To Successfully Clone And Queue The Task, But Seems Like The Task Does Not Pass The Correct Parameters To My Python Script On The Worker. We Use Hydra For Configuring

Is this a bug, or an issue with clearml not working correctly with hydra?

It might be a bug?! Hydra is fully supported, i.e. logging the state and allowing you to change the Arguments from the UI.
Is this example working as expected ?

If you're referring to the run executed by the agent, it ends after this message because my script does not get the right args and so does not know what to...

2 years ago
0 Hi Everyone, I Have Questions Related To Clearml-Serving.

self.task.upload_artifact('trend_step', self.trend_step + 1)Out of curiosity why would every request generate an artifact ? Wouldn't it be better to report as part of the statistics ?
What would be the size / type of the matrix X (i.e. np.size / np.dtype) ?

2 years ago
0 Hi All! I Have A Question About Pipelines. My Pipeline Consists Of Several Steps:

GrotesqueDog77 when you say "the second issue" , do you mean the fact that both step 1 and step 2 should have access to the same filesystem?

one year ago
0 Hey, Our Elastic Search Just Randomly Crashed On Our Self-Hosted K8S Deployment. On Debugging, It Looks Like Indices Are Corrupt. Any Suggestions Of How We Might Solve This?

Hi @<1535069219354316800:profile|PerplexedRaccoon19>

On debugging, it looks like indices are corrupt.

ishhhhh, any chance you have a backup?

17 days ago
0 Hi Im Getting This Error And I Have No Idea How To Solve It, Please Help

Question - why is this the expected behavior?

It is ๐Ÿ™‚ I mean the original python version is stored, but pip does not support replacing python version. It is doable with conda, but than you have to use conda for everything...

2 years ago
0 I Am Seeing That Some Steps In A Pipeline Are Being Skipped. Like For Example, In A Pipeline With 4 Steps, It’S Directly Starting At Step 3. Is There Some Reason For This, Some Optimization Kicking In?

Hmm there was this one:
Basically always caching steps (hence the skip), you can install from the main branch to verify this is the issue. an RC is due in a few days (it was already supposed to be out but got a bit delayed)

3 years ago
0 Hi


3 years ago
0 Hi All! I Might Have Found An Issue With The Migration Guide.

is it possible to change an existing model's URL?

Edit the DBs ... That's basically the only way ๐Ÿ˜ž

one year ago
0 Hi, We Have A Use Case That We Would Like To Upload A Local Folder Into The Cloud

OutrageousSheep60 so this should work, no?
ds.upload(output_url='gs://<BUCKET>/', compression=0, chunk_size=100000000000)Notice the chunk size is the maximum size (in bytes) per chunk, so it should basically very large

one year ago
0 Hi Anyone

AstonishingWorm64 can you share the full log (In the UI under Results/Console there is a download button)?

3 years ago
0 Hi All, I Am Starting To Use Clearml-Agent. Run It With

Yes this is definitely the issue, the agent assume the docker user is "root".
Let me check something

3 years ago
0 Hello! Does Anyone Know How To Do

OmegaConf is the configuration, the overrides are in the Hyperparameters "Hydra" section

one year ago
0 Hi Everyone, Is It Possible To Show The Upload Progress Of Artificats? E.G. I Use

Simple file transfer test gives me approximately 1 GBit/s transfer rate between the server and the agent, which is to be expected from the 1Gbit/s network.

Ohhh I missed that. What is the speed you get for uploading the artifacts to the server? (you can test it with simple toy artifact upload code) ?

3 years ago
0 Hi! I Need Help Debugging The Following Issue Please. I'M Training A Cnn And Plotting The Confusion Matrices For Train And Val In Each Epoch. When I Get To Epoch 101, The Ui Kind Of Breaks..It Starts Showing Me The Images For Epoch 1. When I Right Click O

So the TB issue was reported images were not logged.
We are now talking about the caching, which is actually a UI thing which clearml-server version are you using ?
And where are the images stored (the default files server or is it S3/GS etc.) ?

3 years ago
0 Hi, Is There Any Way To Get Experiment Debug Images Programmatically?

Basically try with the latest RC ๐Ÿ™‚
pip install trains 0.15.2rc0

4 years ago
0 Hey

Oh no, I just saw the message @<1541954607595393024:profile|BattyCrocodile47> is this stills relevant?

11 months ago
0 Hi, I Would Like To Add Artifacts From Two Parallel Process In The Same Task. But One One Process Finished It Changed Task Status To Complete. May Be You Know Some Save Way To Deal With Such Situation? Or Maybe The Best Way To Check Task Status Before Upl

Hi EnthusiasticCoyote38

But one one process finished it changed task status to complete. May be you know some save way to deal with such situation? Or maybe the best way to check task status before upload object?

Well, you can actually forcefully set the state of the Task to running, then add artifacts, then close it?
would that work?

` my_other_task.reload()

3 years ago
0 Hi! I Need Help Debugging The Following Issue Please. I'M Training A Cnn And Plotting The Confusion Matrices For Train And Val In Each Epoch. When I Get To Epoch 101, The Ui Kind Of Breaks..It Starts Showing Me The Images For Epoch 1. When I Right Click O

why doesn't this happen on my other experiments?

same 100+ reports ?
(My new theory is that calling Task.reload() will fix it, and it might be called internally for the other experiments, like when reporting models/artifacts)
Could that be the case ?

3 years ago
0 I Wanted To Ask About K8S + Clearml-Agent Integration. Details In The Thread.

K8s + clearml-agent integration.

Hmm is this an on-prem k8s cluster?

2 years ago
0 Hi, I’M Using

GrittyKangaroo27 any chance you can open a GitHub issue so this is not forgotten ?
(btw: we I think 1.1.6 is going to be released later today, then we will have a few RC with improvements on the pipeline, I will make sure we add that as well)

2 years ago
0 Hi, I’M Using


2 years ago
0 Hey, Is It Possible To Use Clearml-Init (Configuration File Creation ) Under Root Permissions? I Get :

Hi EmbarrassedSpider34
clearml-init will try to create ~/clearml.conf I'm assuming that when you execute under root it is resolved to /root/clearml.conf That said you might be able to override it with:
CLEARML_CONFIG_FILE=$HOME/clearml.con sudo clearml-init

2 years ago
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