Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
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48 Questions, 8044 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 When Running In

the use case i have is to allow people from my team to run their workloads on set of servers without stepping over each other..

So does that mean CPU only workloads?
Also are we afraid of fairness? (i.e. someone "taking" all the CPU for themselves)

4 years ago
3 years ago
0 Hi

Yes it does. I'm assuming each job is launched using a multiprocessing.Pool (which translates into a sub process). Let me see if I can reproduce this behavior.

3 years ago
0 Hi Everyone And Thanks Again For The Help, I Still Have No Success In Running Clearml Agent, It Just Gets Stuck Without Any Output, On Debug Mode For

ChubbyLouse32 could it be the configuration file is not passed to the agent machine itself ?
(were you able to run anything against this internal server? I mean to connect to it from code, clearml/cleamrl-agent) ?

2 years ago
0 Hi, Is There A Concept Of An Agent Taking More Then One Job?

is there a way to assign a job to a specific worker? or is it only working on queue level

Only on a queue level, but you can have as many as you like and spin the agent on it (notice you can have multiple queues on the same agent, pulling based on priority/order).

3 years ago
0 Hi All! Question Around Resource Management Using

Containers (and Pods) do not share GPUs. There's no overcommitting of GPUs.Actually I am as well, this is Kubernets doing the resource scheduling and actually Kubernetes decided it is okay to run two pods on the Same GPU, which is cool, but I was not aware Nvidia already added this feature (I know it was in beta for a long time)
I also see thety added dynamic slicing and Memory Proteciton:
Notice you can control ...

2 years ago
0 Hi Guys, Any Plan To Integrate The

Hi JitteryCoyote63
Wait a few hours, there is a new fix, I'll make sure we upload it later today (scheduled to be there anyhow, I'll push it forward)

4 years ago
0 Hello All, I'M Trying To Adapt Clearml With My Workflow. I Installed A Server At My Server, With Workers Attached To It. I'M Trying To Execute A Task From My Local Within One Of My Workers. Trying To Use Docker Mode And A Custom Image. I Also Have A Local

Ohh yes, if the execution script is not on git and git exists, it will not add it (it will add it if it is in a tracked file via the uncommitted changes section)
ZanyPig66 in order to expand the support to your case. Can you explain exactly which files are on git and which are not?

2 years ago
0 Hi I Saw This On The Clearml-Agent Docs But Other Than The Docker Image, I'M Not Sure How To Integrate This With Clearml Py And Clearml-Server. Please Advise.

Are you asking regrading the k8s integration ?
(This is not a must, you can run the clearml-agent bare-metal on any OS)

3 years ago
0 Hello! Getting Credential Errors When Attempting To Pip Install Transformers From Git Repo, On A Gpu Queue.

in the UI, find the task (just search for the Task ID, it will find it), then tight click it, and select "reset"

3 years ago
0 Hey, How Can I Add A Private Key In Order To Let The Clearml Agent To Clone From A Private Git Repository?

well, it's only when adding a 

  • name

 to the template

Nonetheless it should not break it 🙂

3 years ago
0 What’S The Point Of Tracking Artifacts Dynamically?

Hi FiercePenguin76
Artifacts are as you mentioned, you can create as many as you like but at the end , there is no "versioning" on top , it can be easily used this way with name+counter.
Contrary to that, Models do offer to create multiple entries with the same name and version is implied by order. Wdyt?

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Running A File Like This

Hi DeliciousBluewhale87
You can achieve the same results programmatically with Task.create

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Wondering Why Do I Need To Create Files Before Applying Diff ?

But the git apply failed, the error message is the "xxx already exists in working directory" (xxx is the name of the untracked file)

DefeatedOstrich93 what's the clearml-agent version?

3 years ago
4 years ago
0 I'M Having A Problem Reusing The Last Task Id On Jupyter Notebooks. Dispite Having Reuse_Last_Task_Id=True On Task.Init, It Always Creates A New Task Id. Anyone Ever Had This Issue?

Hi GrotesqueOctopus42

Dispite having reuse_last_task_id=True on Task.init, it always creates a new task id. Anyone ever had this issue?

So the way "reuse_last_task_id=True" works is that if there are no artifacts on the Task it will reuse it, but when running inside jupyter it always has artifacts (the notebook itself), so it starts a new Task.
You can however pass a specific Task ID and it will reuse it "reuse_last_task_id=aabb11", would that help?

one year ago
0 Hi All! I Noticed When A Pipeline Fails, All Its Components Continue Running. Wouldn'T It Make More Sense For The Pipeline To Send An Abort Signal To All Tasks That Depend On The Pipeline? I'M Using Clearml V1.1.3Rc0 And Clearml-Agent 1.1.0

The new parameter 


 could be a list containing the name of the

I like that, we can also have it as an argument per step (i.e. the decorator can say, abort_pipeline_on_fail or continue_pipeline_processing)

2 years ago
0 Hello! Getting Credential Errors When Attempting To Pip Install Transformers From Git Repo, On A Gpu Queue.

Hi SmallDeer34
I need some help what is the difference between the manual one and the automatic one ?
from your previous log, this is the bash command executed inside the container, can you try to "step by step" try to catch who/what is messing it up ?
` docker run -it --gpus "device=1" -e CLEARML_WORKER_ID=Gandalf:gpu1 -e CLEARML_DOCKER_IMAGE=nvidia/cuda:11.4.0-devel-ubuntu18.04 -v /home/dwhitena/.git-credentials:/root/.git-credentials -v /home/dwhitena/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig -v /tmp/...

3 years ago
0 Hello, Does Clearml Have A Feature Like The Wandb'S Reports? E.G.

Notice that you can embed links to specific view of an experiment, by copying the full address bar when viewing it.

3 years ago
0 Assuming I Call

is there a way for me to get a link to the task execution? I want to write a message to slack, containing the URL so collaborators can click and see the progress

WackyRabbit7 Nice!
basically you can use this one:

2 years ago
3 years ago
0 Hi All! When I Set A List As A Task Parameter And Later Try To Retrieve It, What I Get Is A String. Is This The Expected Behavior? I Have Prepared The Following Snippet So That You Can Reproduce It.

If I try to connect a dictionary of type 

dict[str, list]



, when retrieving this dictionary with

Wait, this should work out of the box, do you have any specific example?

2 years ago
0 [Task Gets Interrupted / Aborted / Reset When In Offline Mode] For Local Testing, We Have Added A

BTW, this one seems to work ....
` from time import sleep
from clearml import Task

task = Task.init(project_name="debug", task_name="offline test")


for i in range(300):

print("done") `

one year ago
0 Hi Folks Any Info On When The Helm Chart Will Be Updated For 1.0.1 ?

(I think the GCP is already up, I'll double check)

3 years ago
0 Our Mac Users Are Having Some Issues. They Have Their Respective ~/Clearml.Conf, And Yet They Get: Clearml 1.1.5

I believe that happens natively thanks to pyhocon? No idea why it fails on mac

That's the only explanation ...
But the weird thing is, it did not work on my linux box?!
Sounds good let's work on it after the weekend, 🙂

2 years ago
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