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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 6 months ago



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0 Question About The Trains Agent And The Git Credentials When Setting A Trains Agent, It Is Possible To Configure Git Credentials For It And I'M Trying To Figure Out In Which Cases It Is Necessary. When Executing A Task Remotely (

Hi WackyRabbit7 ,
Regrading git credentials, see here in the trains.conf https://github.com/allegroai/trains-agent/blob/master/docs/trains.conf#L18

Trains assumes one of two (almost three) possible setups
Your code/script is in a git repository. Then when executing manually all the git references incl` uncommitted changes are stored. Then when executing with the trains-agent, it will clone the code based on these references apply the uncommitted changes and run your code. To do that the ...

4 years ago
0 Has Anyone Used Dynaconf With Clearml? Trying To Decide Whether To Migrate To Hydra Or Stick With Dynaconf. Would Love To Take Advantage Of Automatic Logging Of The Hyperparameters

Which works for my purposes. Not sure if there's a good way to automate it

Interesting, so if we bind to hydra.compose it should solve the issue (and of course verify we are running on a jupyter notebook)

one year ago
0 Hi, I'M Attempting To Use

How do you run theย 


ย in docker mode

clearml-agent --docker
See here:

3 years ago
0 Hi Folks! I'M Using  

Let me check...

3 years ago
one year ago
0 Hi, Is There A Way To Instantiate A

Hi OutrageousSheep60

Is there a way to instantiate a


while providing it a


that it needs to build prior to executing the task?

Currently not really, as at the aned the agent does need to pull a container,
But you can cheive basically the same by adding the "dockerfile" script as --docker_bash_setup_script Notice of course that this is an actual bash script not Docker script, so no need for "RUN" prefix.

one year ago
0 Good Morning Folks, I Am Setting Up Clearml On A (Self-Hosted) K8S Cluster Using The

Correct, (if this is running on k8s it is most likely be passed via env variables , CLEARML_WEB_HOST etc,)

2 years ago
0 When I Do

URLs that it was uploaded with, as that URL could change.

How would that change, the actual files are there ?

2 years ago
0 Hi, With The Upcoming Version Of Hydra It Seems The Binding Breaks. Specifically In The

Ohh sorry you will also need to fix the def _patched_task_function
The parameter order is important as the partial call relies on it.

3 years ago
0 When I Run Experiments I Set

IntriguedRat44 how do I reproduce it ?
Can you confirm that marking out the Task.init(..) call will fix it ?

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Trying To Understand Clearml-Data And Only Found This Piece Of Article Explaining It.

Hi SubstantialElk6

but in terms of data provenance, its not clear how i can associate the data versions with the processes that created it.

I think DeliciousBluewhale87 โ€™s approach is what we are aiming for, but with code.
So using clearml-data from CLI is basically storing/versioning of files (with differentiable based storage etc, but still).
What ou are after (I think) is in your preprocessing code using the programtic Dataset class, to create the Dataset from code, this a...

3 years ago
0 Hello Everone, I Have Hosted Clearml Server And Trained A Yolov8 Model To Test My Installations. The Model Was Trained Successfully And I Tried To Optimize The Hyderparameters By Using The Sample Code From Clearml But Im Getting Some Error In Doing So An

I think I was not able to fully express my point. Let me try again.
When you are running the pipeline Fully locally (both logic and components) the assumption is this is for debugging purposes.
This means that the code of each component is locally available, could that be a reason?

10 months ago
0 Question About Pipeline And Long-Waiting Tasks: Say I Want To Generate A Dataset. The Workflow I Have Requires

My main issue with this approach is that it breaks the workflow into โ€œa-syncโ€ set of tasks:

This is kind of the way you depicted it, meaning, there is an an initial dataset, "offline process" (i.e. external labeling) then, ingest process.

I was wondering if the โ€œwaitingโ€ operator can actually be a part of the pipeline.
This way it will look more clear what is the workflow we are executing.

Hmm, so pipeline is "aborted", then the trigger relaunches the pipeline, and the pipeli...

2 years ago
0 I'M Having A Problem Reusing The Last Task Id On Jupyter Notebooks. Dispite Having Reuse_Last_Task_Id=True On Task.Init, It Always Creates A New Task Id. Anyone Ever Had This Issue?

You can however pass a specific Task ID and it will reuse it "reuse_last_task_id=aabb11", would that help?

Hmm I'm sorry it might be "continue_last_task", can you try:
Task.init(..., continue_last_task="aabb11")

one year ago
0 Hello! Question About

Something like the TYPE_STRING that Triton accepts.

I saw the github issue, this is so odd , look at the triton python package:

one year ago
0 Hello Again! Also Wanted To Ask About

Hi BurlyRaccoon64
What do you mean by "custom_build_script" ? not sure I found it in "clearml,conf"

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Have A Future Roadmap Question On Clearml-Datasets. The Current Implementation Works Well For Small Datasets But Its Rather In Effective For Very Large Datasets. For Example, Let'S Say I Have 10 Million Images Just For The Training Dataset, And My T

Would you have an example of this in your code blogs to demonstrate this utilisation?

Yes! I definitely think this is important, and hopefully we will see something there ๐Ÿ™‚ (or at least in the docs)

3 years ago
0 Unrelated Problem (Or Is It?) The Clearml'S Built In Cleanup Service Fails

ย  is the "installed packages" part editable? good to know

Of course it is, when you clone a Task everything is Editable ๐Ÿ™‚

Isn't it a bit risky manually changing a package version?

worst case it will crash quickly, and you reset/edit/enqueue ๐Ÿ™‚
(Should work though)

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Saving Plt Chart To Clearml Using

Yes I think the writer.add_figure somehow crops the image

3 years ago
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