Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 6 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hello, I Am Getting `Valueerror: Could Not Get Access Credentials For '


3 years ago
0 Two Questions About Datasets: Question 1: Are Parallel Writes To A Dataset With The Same Version Possible? Is The Way To Go, To Have A Task, Which Creates A Dataset Object, Which In Turn Is Passed As Artifact To The Subsequent Ingestion Tasks? After The P

yes, or (because I deployed clearml using helm in kubernetes) from the same machine, but multiple pods (tasks).

Oh now I see, long story short, no 😞 the correct way of doing that is every node/pod creates it's own dataset,
then when you are done, you create a new version with the X datasets that you created as parents, the newly created version is just "meta" it basically tells the system how to combine the previously generated datasets (i.e. no data is actually re-uploa...

8 months ago
0 I Need To Create Some Meta-Analysis Of My Experiments. Is There A "Dashboard" View For Trains That I Can Create Plots For All Experiments Metadata? If Not, Is There An Easy Way To Export The Tables So I Can Make This Plot Locally. I Want To Create A "Kp

EnviousStarfish54 are those scalars reported ?
If they are, you can just do:
task_reporting = Task.init(project_name='project', task_name='report') tasks = Task.get_tasks(project_name='project', task_name='partial_task_name_here') for t in tasks: t.get_last_scalar_metrics() task_reporting.get_logger().report_something

3 years ago
0 Hi, Trying To Spin Up A Clearml Agent And Gettting This Error:

the latter is an ec2 instance

and the agent fails to install on the ec2 machine ?

2 years ago
0 How Can I Execute Jupyter Notebooks Using

GiddyTurkey39 do you have an experiment with the jupyter notebook ?

4 years ago
0 How Can I Execute Jupyter Notebooks Using

Are you seeing the entire jupyter notebook in the "uncommitted changes" section

4 years ago
0 One More Thing, I'M Trying To Take Full Advantage Of The Controller, But I Run Into A Problem In My Use Case. The Controller Is Super Useful For Creating A Dag Of Tasks Which Is A Behaviour Of Interest. But Issues Rise When The Tasks Are Changing. Not On

That is exactly that, the trains-agent is replicating the code from the git repo, and trying to apply the git diff (see uncommitted changes section). Obviously it failed 🙂

4 years ago
0 On The Clearml Web Interface You Obviously Need To Provide The Aws Credentials To Do Things Like Download Artifacts And Data Stored On Aws. One Thing I'M Curious About Is If You Do Provide The Credentials, When You Do Things Like Delete A Dataset Or Task,

Hi @<1545216070686609408:profile|EnthusiasticCow4>

will ClearML remove the corresponding folders and files on S3?

Yes and it will ask you for credentials as well. I think there is a way to configure it so that the backend has access to it (somehow) but this breaks the "federated" approach

one year ago
0 Executed From Within A Pipelinecontroller Task, What Possible Reason Does

Then what happens is that 




 for the pipeline's task...

Hmm that sounds like the pipeline Task was closed?! could that be? where (in the code) is the call to Task.current_task ?

2 years ago
0 Hello! There Is Great Alternative For Argparse Developed By Facebook For Ml Named

Hi ProudMosquito87
My apologies there is still no concrete ETA ...
That said I think a good toy example would really help accelerate this process.
How about opening a PR with a nice hydra example, then we can start discussing implementation details based on the toy example ?

4 years ago
0 Executed From Within A Pipelinecontroller Task, What Possible Reason Does

Hi WackyRabbit7
So I'm assuming after the start_locally is called ?
Which clearml version are you using ?
(just making sure, calling Task.current_task() before starting the pipeline returns the correct Task?)

2 years ago
0 Executed From Within A Pipelinecontroller Task, What Possible Reason Does

Just making sure, after the pipe object is created, you can call Task.current_task() , is that correct?

2 years ago
3 years ago
0 Hi, Guys! Thank You A Lot For Your Great Software, But I'Ve Got A Problem. I Have Got Two Remotes: Gitlab And Gitea. The Branch From Which I Run The Code Is Upstreamed With Gitea. However, In The Clearml Experiment, Gitlab Repository Is Automatically Sele

So the issue is that you have two reference branches on the local git, one to gitlab one to gitea and it fails to understand which on is the correct remote ...
I wonder if "git ls-remote --get-url" will always work ?!

2 years ago
0 Hmm Is There Any Clear (Pun Intended) Documentation On The Roles Of Storagemanager, Dataset And Artefacts? It Seems To Me There Are Various Overlapping Roles And I'M Not Sure I Fully Grasp The Best Way Of Using Them. Especially When Looking At The Way Da

Btw I sometimes get a gzip error when I am accessing artefacts via the '.get()' part.

Hmm this is odd, is this a download issue? if this is reproducible maybe we should investigate further...

3 years ago
0 Hi All. I'M Having Some Issues Authenticating With Clearml In Google Colab. Here'S What I Did Locally, Which Worked:

GleamingGrasshopper63 can you ping to your api server ?
!ping api.server.hereAlso what's the api server you configured ? (ip:8008 ?)
Any chance this is a Local machine, i.e. the colab machine cannot get back into the clearml server cunning locally ?

2 years ago
0 Hello, I use ```'-e', 'CLEARML_AGENT_AGENT_DOCKER_INTERNAL_MOUNTS__SDK_CACHE=/home/username/clearml_agent_cache',``` yet my mount looks like this ```'-v', '/home/clearml/.clearml/cache:/clearml_agent_cache',``` I want clearml to use `/home/username/clearm

Hi @<1715900788393381888:profile|BitingSpider17>
Notice that you need __ (double underscore) for converting "." in the clearml.conf file,
this means agent.docker_internal_mounts.sdk_cache will be CLEARML_AGENT__AGENT__DOCKER_INTERNAL_MOUNTS__SDK_CACHE

3 months ago
0 Hi All


, not the pipeline itself. And that's the last part I'm looking for.

Good point, any chance you want to PR this code snippet ?

    def add_tags(self, tags):
        # type: (Union[Sequence[str], str]) -> None
        Add Tags to this pipeline. Old tags are not deleted. 
        When executing a Pipeline remotely (i.e. launching the pipeline from the UI/enqueuing it), this method has no effect.

        :param tags: A li...
one year ago
0 Playing Around With Hpo For First Time. I Am Giving This As Hyperparameter:

Ok, just my ignorance then? 

LOL, no it is just that with a single discrete parameter the strategy makes less sense 🙂

3 years ago
0 Has Anyone Compared

Thank you so much!

2 years ago
0 Hello, I Am Trying To Retrieve A Simple Dict Artifact Uploaded In A Previous Task With

JitteryCoyote63 okay... but let me explain a bit so you get a better intuition for next time 🙂
The Task.init call, when running remotely, assumes the Task object already exists in the backend, so it ignores whatever was in the code and uses the data stored on the trains-server, similar to what's happening with Task.connect and the argparser.
This gives you the option of adding/changing the "output_uri" for any Task regardless of the code. In the Execution tab, change the "Output Destina...

4 years ago
0 Hi Team, Me Again! Im Curious If Someone Can Explain To Me Better How Task And Optimisers Integrate With Each Other. In The Example Hyperparameter Optimisation, There Is Both A Task Initialised With

I see what you mean.
an_optimizer = HyperParameterOptimizer( base_task_id='39d2c27baa8145929b2e21f686a17046', hyper_parameters=[], objective_metric_title='epoch_accuracy', objective_metric_series='epoch_accuracy', objective_metric_sign='max', optimizer_class=aSearchStrategy, max_iteration_per_job=0, total_max_jobs=0, auto_connect_task=False, ) print(an_optimizer.get_top_experiments(top_k=5))

3 years ago
0 Hi Community! I Have A Question Regarding Using Docker Containers With Conda. We Have Created A Docker Image Where All The Required Python Modules Are Installed Using Conda. The Conda Environment Is Activated Automatically In The Entrypoint Of The Docker

Hi @<1601023807399661568:profile|PompousSpider11>
Yes "activating" a conda/python environment in a docker is more complicated then it should be ...
To debug, what are you getting when you do:

docker run -it <docker name here> bash -c "set"
one year ago
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