Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 6 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hi

In the agent, no, it pipes stdout/stderr of the container and logs everything 😞

to get a json or something like that?

There is an api to get all the console logs, is this what you are after?

one year ago
0 Hi

Hi SmugTurtle78
Unfortunately there is no actual filtering for these logs, because they are so important for debugging and visibility. I have to ask, what's the use case to remove some of them ?

one year ago
0 Does Dataset.Add_Files Support Uploading From S3 Uri? I Have No Problem Uploading To S3 But Cant Use Data That Is Already In S3? Or Am I Dong Something Wrong? I Read In Documentation That Add_External_Files Supports This Feature, But I Want To Be Able To

Yes, but does add_external_files makes chunked zips as add_files do?

No it references them, (i.e. meta-data not actually doing something with the files themselves)

I need the zipping, chunking to manage millions of files

That makes sens, if that's the case you will have to download those files anyway, and then add them with add_files
you can use the StoargeManager to download them, and then add them from the local copy (this will zip/chunk them)

6 months ago
0 Hello Everyone. I'Ve Just Started Playing With Clearml. In The 2Nd 'Getting Started' Tutorial, I Launched The Agent From Google Colab. But Whenever A Task Is Picked, It Fails For The Following Error. Any Clues? Thank You!

Hi @<1686547344096497664:profile|ContemplativeArcticwolf43>

In the 2nd 'Getting Started' tutorial,

Could you send a link to the specific notebook?

. But whenever a task is picked, it fails for the following

You mean after the Task.init call?

6 months ago
0 I'M Having Some Trouble Setting Up My Trains-Server Configuration For Trains. After Copying The Credentials I Get The Following:

ssh -R 8080:localhost:8080 -R 8008:localhost:8008 -R 8081:localhost:8081 replace_with_username@ubuntu_ip_heresolved the issue πŸ™‚

3 years ago
0 Hi, Can We Custom Default Output_Uri For

Hi QuaintJellyfish58
You can always set it inside the function, with
Task.current_task().output_uri = "s3://"I have to ask, I would assume the agents are pre-configured with "default_output_uri" in the clearml.conf, why would you need to set it manually?

one year ago
0 Hi! Is It Possible To Change A Port On Which Clearml Server Is Launched?

Hi @<1544853721739956224:profile|QuizzicalFox36>
Sure just change the ports on the docker compose

one year ago
0 Hi Again. Is There Any Way To Have Trains-Agent Do A 'Docker Build' On The Dockerfile In The Repository It Pulls And Then Run That Image? I Know I Can Specify The Base Image Trains-Agent Runs The Task In And That Will Get Pulled/Run At Execution Time, But

I'm going to follow your suggestion and just put the extra effort into distributing a pre-built image.

That sounds good πŸ™‚
If you feel the need is important, I do have a hack in mind, it will be doable once we have support for entrypoint "-c python_code_here". But since this is still not available I believe you are right and build an image would be the easiest.

A note on the docker image, remember that when running inside the docker we inherit the system packages installed on the d...

3 years ago
0 Hey Guys,

Hi UnsightlyBeetle11
Is it possible to report the model's architecture (PyTorch model) automatically on ClearML, as we do it via Netron or other neural network visualisation tools?You mean like the actual network layout? Unfortunately, there is currently no option to do that, you can however manually store a plot/image that represents it
BTW:I think that at the beginning Netron was somehow integrated, but it was rarely used and support for it was not trivial so it was phased out. You can ho...

one year ago
0 Also, I Am Confused About Whether Trains Is Fully Open Source Because I Didn’T See Where The Source For The Web Client Is.

Awesome, PRs are always welcome, and we try to help with any request and feature coming for users. We just added audio support (RC releasing in a few days) based only on users request.

4 years ago
0 Sorry For Always Posting Such Cryptic Problems. I Managed To Create A Docker-Compose File That Runs Clearml

@<1541954607595393024:profile|BattyCrocodile47> not restarting the docker, restarting the Docker service (on Mac it's an app, I think there is an option on the Docker app to do that)

11 months ago
0 Can One Compare Experiments/Tasks From Different Projects? Edit: I Mean, I Can Manually Navigate To Some

Hi UnevenDolphin73

Can one compare experiments/tasks from different projects?

Yes, the easiest way is to go to the parent project ("all projects" if they have no common parent, then search for the specific Tasks (i.e. filter or using the search bar), then multi-select them.

2 years ago
0 Hey

Okay, I think this might be a bit of an overkill, but I'll entertain the idea πŸ™‚
Try passing the user as key, and password as secret?

11 months ago
0 Can One Compare Experiments/Tasks From Different Projects? Edit: I Mean, I Can Manually Navigate To Some
  1. Could we add a comparison feature directly from the search results (Dashboard view -> search -> highlight some experiments for comparison)?

Totally forgot about the global search feature, hmm I'm not sure the webapp is in the correct "state" for that, i.e. I think that the selection only works in "table view", which is the "all experiments" flat table

  1. Could we add a filter on the project name in the "All Experiments" project?

You mean "filter by project" ?

Could we ad...

2 years ago
0 "Clearml.Task - Error - Action Failed <500/0: Tasks.Edit/V1.0 (Update Failed (Bsonobj Size: 18330801 (0X117B4B1) Is Invalid. Size Must Be Between 0 And 16793600(16Mb) F"

Hi DrabOwl94
I think that if I understand you correctly you have a Lot of chunks (which translates to a lot of links to small 1MB files, because this is how you setup the chunk size). Now apparently you have reached the maximum number of chunks per specific Dataset version (at the end this meta-data is stored in a document with limited size, specifically 16MB).
How many chunks do you have there?
(In other words what's the size of the entire dataset in MBs)

one year ago
0 Could You Please Explain A Bit More How Trains Adapt The Torch Version Depending On The Installed Cuda Version? Here Is My Setup:

JitteryCoyote63 I think this only holds for the conda distribution.
(Actually quite interesting, I wonder what happens if you already installed cudatoolkit...)

3 years ago
0 Any Idea What Could Be Going On Here?

@<1523701099620470784:profile|ElegantCoyote26> what's the target upload? also how come you are uploading a local file and auto deleting it, and then uploading the same one as artifact ?

one year ago
0 I Am Creating Clearml Tasks Using Clearml.Task.Init, For Some Reason Clearml Started Reusing (And Overwriting) Old Tasks, Previously It Did Not Do So.

Hi @<1523703472304689152:profile|UpsetTurkey67>

I circumvented the problem by putting timestamp in task name, but I don't think this is necessary.

Just pass reuse_last_task_id=False to Task.init, it will never try to reuse them πŸ™‚

one year ago
0 I Am Creating Clearml Tasks Using Clearml.Task.Init, For Some Reason Clearml Started Reusing (And Overwriting) Old Tasks, Previously It Did Not Do So.

Maybe the configuration file changed?
The logic is if the name and project are the same, and there are no artifacts/models, and the last time it was created was under 72 hours, reuse the Task

one year ago
4 years ago
0 Assuming I Have A

Is it possibe to launch a task from Machine C to the queue that Machine B's agent is listening to?

Yes, that's the idea

Do I have to have anything installed (aside from theΒ 


Β PIP package) on Machine C to do so?

Nothing, pure magic πŸ™‚

4 years ago
0 Assuming I Have A

A few implementation / design details:
When you run code with Trains (and call init) it will record your environment (python packages, git code, uncommitted changes etc) Everything is stored on the Task object in the trains-server, when you clone a task you literally create a copy of the Task object (i.e. a second experiment). on the cloned experiment, you can edit everything (parameters, git, base docker image etc) When you enqueue a Task you add its ID to the execution queue list a trains-a...

4 years ago
0 Assuming I Have A

(without having to execute it first on Machine C)

Someone some where has to create the definition of the environment...
The easiest to go about it is to execute it one.
You can add to your code the following line
task.execute_remotely(queue_name='default')This will cause you code to stop running and enqueue itself on a specific queue.
Quite useful if you want to make sure everything works, (like run a single step) then continue on another machine.
Notice that switching between cpu...

4 years ago
0 Hey All -- I'M Fairly New To This But, As Of Today, My Required Packages Aren'T Being Recognized In Cloned Runs And They Are Repeatedly Failing. Has Anyone Had Similar Issues/Found A Fix?

Hi BoredSquirrel45

as of today, my required packages aren't being recognized in cloned

Are you saying you are editing the code directly in the cloned Task, then enqueue the Task an the agent does not "auto recognize" the package ?

2 years ago
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