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48 Questions, 8043 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Crazy Idea:

This is good stuff! Keep us posted here, I'll do my best to support live 😍

10 months ago
0 Hello! Tell Me Please, Is It Intended That Nan Values Are Converted To 0 When Logging? Upd: I See Nan In The Tensorboard, And 0 In Clearml. Upd2: Use V1.1.*


upd: I see NAN in the tensorboard, and 0 in Clearml.

I have to admit, since NaN's are actually skipped in the graph, should we actually log them ?

2 years ago
0 Hi, We Saw 2 More Issues With Images Logging: 1. You Need To Use Tf.Summary.Image And Not Summary_Ops_V2.Image 2. Image Needs To Be In Range [0, 1] And Not [0, 255] (Matplotlib And Tensorboard Can Handle Either One) Is That Expected?

So it seems to get the "hint" from the type:
This will work
tf.summary.image('toy255', (ex * 255).astype(np.uint8), step=step, max_outputs=10)wdyt, should it actually check min/max and manually cast it ?

3 years ago
0 , This Is A Great Tool For Visualizing All Your Experiments. I Wanted To Know That When I Am Logging Scalar Plots With Title As Train Loss And Test Loss They Are Getting Diplayed As Train Loss And Test Loss In The Scalar Tab. I Wanted That The Title Shoul

No. since you are using Pool. there is no need to call task init again. Just call it once before you create the Pool, then when you want to use it, just do task = Task.current_task()

4 years ago
0 Clearml Pipelines Can Be Build From Tasks, Functions, And Decorated Functions, According To The Examples In

In terms of creating dynamic pipelines and cyclic graphs, the decorator approach seems the most powerful to me.

Yes that is correct, the decorator approach is the most powerful one, I agree.

one year ago
0 Hello, I Am Trying To Run The

Hi ShinyRabbit94

system_site_packages: true

This is set automatically when running in "docker mode" no need to worry πŸ™‚
What is exactly the error you are getting ?
Could it be the container itself has the python packages installed in a venv not as "system packages" ?

2 years ago
0 Probably A Novice Question, But I’M Getting

Hi ExuberantParrot61
Is the pipeline logic code running from inside the repo?

2 years ago
0 Hello! Since Today I Get

Just tried: also works with 0.17.2


3 years ago
0 Hello Channel, Two Other Related Questions:

try these values:

    'CLEARML_VCS_COMMIT_ID': '<commit_id>',
    'CLEARML_VCS_BRANCH': 'origin/master',
    'CLEARML_VCS_ROOT': '.',

task = Task.init(...)
one year ago
0 I Hit A Issue That I Cannot See My Matplotlib Plot, But It Was Shown In The Panel. Any Idea?

Hi EnviousStarfish54
After the pop up do you see the plot on the web UI?

4 years ago
0 So I Bumped Onto This Comparison Shared By Dagshub. It Kinda Placed Clearml Is A Rather Bad Position Compared To Everything Else In The Industry.

Hi CynicalBee90
Sorry, I missed the reply.

"I think we’ll leave the checkmark and the warning and just write SSPL below," Sounds like a good solution πŸ‘
2. I have to admit, I would just write "language agnostic", but I will not insist further, so if you feel "platform" helps in explaining the reasoning, I'm with you.
3. "... to do smart analysis on my logged data easily, ..."
If this is the criteria, none of the options is Very easy, but they all have an interface.. not sure how to com...

3 years ago
0 I Have Set

Hi Guys, just curious here, what's was the final issue?
Also out of curiosity, what does that mean? "1.12.2 because some bug that make fastai lag 2x" ?

4 months ago
0 Help Please, After Creating My Data Drift Monitoring Dashboard Using Clearml Serving And Grafana, How Can I Configure My Alerts To Be Notified When The Distribution Of My Metrics (Variables) Changes On My Heatmaps?

Now, when I add delta to calculate the variation of this: error: bad_data: 1:110: parse error: ranges only allowed for vector selectors

This means your avg is already a scalar (i.e. not a vector) which means you can (as you said) have the alert based on that

4 months ago
0 Does Anyone Get These Junk Logs From Matplotlib While Using Clearml? Is There A Way To Disable It?

StraightDog31 how did you get these ?
It seems like it is coming from maptplotlib, no?

2 years ago
0 Hi Guys, We Are Running Clearml-Serving On A Kube Cluster On Aws And We Have Noticed That We Are Getting Some 502 Errors Once In A While That We Can'T Seem To Trace Back.

Hi @<1569858449813016576:profile|JumpyRaven4>

  • The gunicorn logs do not show anything including any error or trace of the 502 only siege reports the 502 as well as the ALB.Is this an ALB or an ELB ?
    What's the timeout its configured?
    Do you have GPU instances as well? what's the clearml-serving-inference docker version ?
9 months ago
3 years ago
0 Hi Everyone! Does Clearml Logs Everything That Tensorboard Generates? Tensorboard Creates A Graph Of The Neural Network And Would Be Nice To Have It On The Experiment Logs Aswell

Hi GrotesqueOctopus42

creates a graph of the neural network and would be nice to have it on the experiment logs aswell

I think the main issue is displaying later in the UI, thoughts?
BTW: is this useful for you outside f very local TF debugging ?

one year ago
0 Hi, There Is A Bug With Get_Logger Here:

SmarmySeaurchin8 could you test with the latest RC
pip install clearml==0.17.5rc2

3 years ago
0 Hi, The Following Does Not Seem To Work

Would I be able to add customized columns like I am able to inΒ 


Β ? Same question applies for parallel coordinates and all kinds of comparisons

No to both 😞

3 years ago
0 Hi All, Is It Possible To Control The Number Of Steps Of The Pipeline During Run Time. Eg. If User Wants #N Parallel Steps In The Pipeline

@<1523701523954012160:profile|ShallowCormorant89> can you verify it is reproducible in 1.9.3 ? because if it is I'd like to fix that πŸ™‚

will it be possible for us to configure the "new run" button in a way so that it always clones from a particular pipeline ?

What do you mean by "particular pipeline" ? by default it will clone the last successful one, and by right clicking a specific one you can run a copy of that one. what am I missing ?

one year ago
0 Hi, We Are Using Clearml For Our Experiment Tracking But Now Investigating Using The Pipeline Functionality As Well For Scheduling. We Also Want To Be Able To Trigger A Pipeline Run When There Is New Data In An External Database. Is This Possible? From Wh

Hi @<1654294828365647872:profile|GorgeousShrimp11>

can you run a pipeline on a


or are schedules only for Tasks?

I think one tiny details got lost here, Pipelines (the logic driving them) are a type of Task, this means you can clone and enqueue them like other tasta
(Task.enqueue / Task.clone)
Other than that looks good to me, did I miss anything ?

8 months ago
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