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48 Questions, 8043 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Is There A Way To Set The Name/Path Of The

Could you attach the Task log? (feel free to DM it)

8 months ago
0 Is There A Way To Get The Most Updated

So using the _edit method you have the ability to add/edit the execution.script field, without worrying about the API version (I guess the name edit is misleading, it also does add :)

4 years ago
0 Hi Folks! I'M Using  

ExcitedFish86 0.17.5rc3 should fix this issue.
This is what I'm getting:

3 years ago
0 , This Is A Great Tool For Visualizing All Your Experiments. I Wanted To Know That When I Am Logging Scalar Plots With Title As Train Loss And Test Loss They Are Getting Diplayed As Train Loss And Test Loss In The Scalar Tab. I Wanted That The Title Shoul

Create one experiment (I guess in the scheduler)
task = Task.init('test', 'one big experiment')
Then make sure the the scheduler creates the "main" process as subprocess, basically the default behavior)
Then the sub process can call Task.init and it will get the scheduler Task (i.e. it will not create a new task). Just make sure they all call Task init with the same task name and the same project name.

4 years ago
0 Hello, Is There A Way To Update A Task Diff Programatically? Eg, I'M Creating A Task Using

ShakyJellyfish91 what exactly are you passing to Task.create?
Could it be you are only passing script= and leaving repo= None ?

2 years ago
0 Hello, Is There A Way To Update A Task Diff Programatically? Eg, I'M Creating A Task Using

it seems it's following the path of the script i'm using to task.create, eg:

The folder it should run it is the script path you are passing (i.e. "script=ep_fn," )
Wrong path would imply that is it not finding the correct repository, is that the case ?

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Try To Optimize My Hyperparamters With

Okay, so I think it doesn't find the correct Task, otherwise it wouldn't print the warning,
How do you setup the HPO class ? Could you copy paste the code?

3 years ago
0 Hi Clearml, Does Clearml Orchestration Have The Ability To Break Gpu Devices Into Virtual Ones?

BattyLizard6 to my knowledge the main issue with fractional GPU, is there is no real restriction on GPU memory allocation (with the exception of MIG slices, which is limited in other ways).
Basically one process/container can consume the maximum GPU ram on the allocated card (this also includes http://run.ai fractional solution, at least from what I understand).
This means that developer A can allocate memory so that developer B on the same GPU will start getting out-of-memory
(Notice in a...

2 years ago
0 Hey All, Quick Question About Pipeline Execution Queues. I Set The

This workflow however is the only way I have found to easily fix my previous ‘Module not found’ errors

Hmm okay make sense,
Did you try to set these ?
or even hack the sys.path with something like
import sys, os sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)+"/../")

one year ago
0 Hello Again

I think EmbarrassedSpider34 is correct.
When you pass the requirements to clearml-task, actually the agent depending on how it was configured (conda / pip) will do the installation.
That said, maybe it is worth adding support to provide the env.yml in the CLI ?
(Notice that adding specific channels needs to be configured on the agent, they are not stored per Task)
AlertCamel57 wdyt?

2 years ago
0 Hi All, I Am Having Trouble Using The

Now I am passing it the same way you have mentioned, but my code still gets stuck as in above screenshot.

The screenshot shows warning from pyplot (matplotlib) not ClearML, or am I mising something ?

My guess is that it can't resolve credentials. It does not give me any pop up to login also

If it fails, you will get an error, there will never a popup from code 🙂

... We need a more permanent place to store data

FYI you can store the "Dataset" itself on GS (instead of...

3 years ago
0 Hi All, I Am Having Trouble Using The

Notice: dataset_rgb.list_files() will list the content of the dataset, Not the local files:
e.g.: /folder/myfile.ext and not /hone/user/cache/folder/myfile.ext
So basically i think you are just not passing actual files, you should probably do:
for local_file in Path(folder_rgb).rglob('*'): ...

3 years ago
0 Hi! Is It Possible To Make Some Projects Invisible For Certain Users?

IdealPanda97 hmmm interesting, what's exactly the scenario here?

4 years ago
0 Hello

Sorry I need the full log ... feel free to DM it to me

one year ago
0 Hi, Can You Pls Help Me? I Am Using V 0.14 (Will Update It Soon) And I Got The Following Error: /Usr/Bin/Python3.6: No Module Named Virtualenv Trains_Agent: Error: Command '['Python3.6', '-M', 'Virtualenv', '/Home/Ubuntu/.Trains/Venvs-Builds.2/3.6']' Ret

It should be the last line (or almost) of the Log. is it there ? Also it seems that from the log, that trains you are using trains 0.14.3 , try with trains 0.15 , let me know if you are still missing packages

4 years ago
0 Hi, Can You Pls Help Me? I Am Using V 0.14 (Will Update It Soon) And I Got The Following Error: /Usr/Bin/Python3.6: No Module Named Virtualenv Trains_Agent: Error: Command '['Python3.6', '-M', 'Virtualenv', '/Home/Ubuntu/.Trains/Venvs-Builds.2/3.6']' Ret

Yes actually that might be it. Here is how it works,
It launch a thread in the background to do all the analysis of the repository, extracting all the packages.
If the process ends (for any reason), it will give the background thread 10 seconds to finish and then it will give up. If the repository is big, the analysis can take longer, and it will quit

4 years ago
2 years ago
0 Hi, Is There Any Document About Migration Clearml-Server. Currently, I Have Clearml-Server Running On Servera But I Want To Move All Data (Including Artifacts, Task, Dataset) From Servera To Serverb.

And you have the exact same folder structure / content, and server A/B give a different set of experiments ?
(is serverB empty, meaning no experiments at all?)

2 years ago
0 What Happens If The Task.Init Doesn'T Happen In The Same Py File As The "Data Science" Stuff I Have A List Of Classes That Do The Coding And I Initialise The Task Outside Of Them. Something Like

ConvolutedSealion94 try scikit not scikitlearn
I think we should add a warning if a key is there and is being ignored... let me make sure of that

I just disabled all of them with


Yep that also works

one year ago
0 How Can I Remove A Service With Clearml-Serving?

ConvolutedSealion94 Let me try to explain how it works, I hope this will help in debugging.
There are two different entities here
Clearml-server: In this context clearml server acts as a control-plane, it stores configuration on the different endpoints, models, preprocessign code etc. It does Not perform any compute or serving clearml-serving-inference https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-serving/blob/e09e6362147da84e042b3c615f167882a58b8ac7/docker/docker-compose-triton-gpu.yml#L77 . This ...

one year ago
0 What Is The Right Way To Increase Number Of Retries When Using

DilapidatedDucks58 long story short:
if you do:
` from clearml import StorageManager
from clearml.storage.helper import StorageHelper

StorageHelper.get(" ", retries=5) `It should make sure that all the other s3:// links of this bucket will use the same original configuration (i.e. retries)

If this workaround works let's make sure we add it into the conf file, wdyt ?

2 years ago
0 I Am Trying To Use

No that's okay

3 years ago
0 Hello! There Is Great Alternative For Argparse Developed By Facebook For Ml Named

Hi PungentLouse55 ,
Yes we have integration with hydra on the todo list since it was first released, we actually know the guy behind Hydra, he is awesome!
What are your thoughts on integration, we would love to get feedback and pointers (Hydra itself is quite capable, and we waiting until we have multiple configuration support, and with v0.16 it was added, so now it is actually possible)

4 years ago
0 Hello Everyone! Found Some Strange Behavior With Histogram Logging: When I View My Neural Network Weight Distribution, I See The First Picture In Tensorboard And The Second In Trains Plots Tab. Tensorboard Plots Expected Unimodal Histogram, But Trains Cl

ProudMosquito87 Just a few pointers on how we convert the TB histograms to awesome (but less accurate) 3D surfaces.
First I have to admit, I almost never use these histograms, maybe to detect a plateau of if something goes really wrong...
The 3D surface is basically grouping all the histograms and then bucketing them (I think the default is 50 buckets) so that you get a general feel of what's going on, not necessary a detailed view. Bottom line, you are correct, the TB is the source of truth...

3 years ago
0 Hi All, After Solving My Multiprocessing Issue I'Ve Found The Following Issue: I Have A Machine With 2 Gpus. Starting An Agent There Specifying

PompousBeetle71 , These are cuda versions, I'm looking for the nvidia driver version for example 440.xx or 418.xx .
The reason is, we set an OS environment for the driver, and I remember that old drivers did not support it . Basically they do not support NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all , so I'm trying to see if that's the case, then we could add fix .

4 years ago
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