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48 Questions, 8048 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 I'M A Little Confused As To How Force_Requirements_Env_Freeze Works When No Requirements File Is Supplied. Is It Supposed To Store The Full Reqs Of The Environment That Calls It?

CostlyOstrich36 did you manage to reproduce it?
I tried conda w/ python3.9 on a clean Windows VM , and it worked as expected ....

2 years ago
0 Hi, Where Can I Find The Full Spec/Syntax For

Hi CourageousDove78
Not the cleanest, but you can basically pass everything here:
Reasoning is that it is passed almost as is to the server for the actual query.

3 years ago
0 Hello, Is There A Way To Update A Task Diff Programatically? Eg, I'M Creating A Task Using

Ā I want to schedule bulk tasks to run via agents, so I'm runningĀ 


I see, that makes sense.

specially when dealing with submodules,

BTW: submodule diff should always get stored, can you provide some error logs on fail cases?

Before manually modifying the diff:
If you have local commits (i.e. un-pushed) this might fail the diff apply, in that case you can set the following in your clearml.conf
store_code_diff_from_remote: truehttps://github.com/allegroai/clear...

2 years ago
0 Does Trains 0.16 Supports Pip >=20.2?

JitteryCoyote63 any specific reason for the question?

4 years ago
3 years ago
0 Hey Guys, Do You Have Any Plans To Add Functionality To Export Training Config With All Hyperparameters To The Different Formats, Such As Training Command Line Command, Yaml, Etc.?

You can always access the entire experiment data from python
It should all be there.
What's the exact use case you had in mind?

4 years ago
one year ago
0 Autoscaler Parallelization Issue: I Have An Aws Autoscaler Set Up With A Resource That Has A Max Of 3 Instances Assigned To The

Come to think about it, maybe we should have "parallel_for" as a utility for the pipeline since this is so useful

2 years ago
0 How Do We Configure S3 Bucket Credentials When Working With The Autoscaling Service?

Hi AdventurousRabbit79
"extra_clearml_conf" : "aws { s3 {key: A, secret : B, region: C, }} ",Generally speaking no need for the quotes on the secret/key
You also need the comma to separate between keys.
You can test if it is working by adding the same string to your local clearml.conf and importing the cleaml package

3 years ago
0 Hi. After Upgrading Clearml To Latest Version, Got This Error From My Pipeline (Windows10, Configured And Running Tensorflowod For Tf 2.3.):

The fact is that I use docker for running clearml server both on Linux and Windows.

My question was on running the agent, is it running with --docker flag, i.e. docker mode

Also, just forgot to note, that I'm running clearml-agent and clearml processes in virtual environment - conda environment on Windows and venv on Linux.

Yep that answers my question above šŸ™‚

Does it make any sense to chdngeĀ 


Ā toĀ 


Ā if I r...

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Considering Different Plans Clearml Offers And It Would Be Great If Somebody Could Confirm If My Understanding Is Correct. So For Now What I Understood Is: All Of The Information Related To Tasks Like Artifacts, Scalars And Plots Are By Default U

Hi @<1566596960691949568:profile|UpsetWalrus59>
All correct with the exception of " ...or 1GB Metric" this is a limit, since metrics (and meta data) is always stored on the clearml-server, so it is metered. There is also an API limit, basically anti abuse, which of course resets every month, but if you are running tens of experiments at the same time you will hit this limit. Make sense ?

one year ago
0 Hi All, A Newbie Question: How Can I Store Single Value Results Per Experiment That Will Appear As Metrics I Can Select In The Experiments Tables Columns. My Reference Is The "Tracking Leaderboards" Tutorial.


What would you say the use case for running an experiment with iterations

That could be loss value per iteration, or accuracy per epoch (iteration is just a name for the x-axis in a sense , this is equivalent to time series)
Make sense?

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Facing Some Issues When Try To Run A Pipeline, How Can A Import A Local Library Using Pipelines From Functions? Always Getting "Modulenotfounderror: No Module Named"

Hmm, this means the step should have included the git repo itself, which means the code should have been able to import the .py
Can you see the link to the git repository on the Pipeline step Task ?

2 years ago
0 Can Someone Confirm That

instead of the one that I want or the one of the env which it is started from.

The default is the python that is used to run the agent.
agent.ignore_requested_python_version = true agent.python_binary = /my/selected/python3.8

3 years ago
0 Hi I'M Trying To Clearml-Agent In My Dockerfile, But Even After Copying The Clearml.Conf To My Dockerfile Working Dir, The Clearlml Agent Does Not Start, Throwing Error Couldn'T Find ~/Clearlml.Conf How Do I Resolve This?

Hi TenderCoyote78

I'm trying to clearml-agent in my dockerfile,

I'm not sure I'm following, Are you traying to create a docker container containing the agent inside? for what purpose ?
(notice that the agent can spin any off the shelf container, there is no need to add the agent into the container it will take of itself when it is running it)

Specifically to your docker file:

RUN curl -sSL

| sh

No need for this line

COPY clearml.conf ~/clearml.conf

Try the ab...

2 years ago
0 Hey I’M Running This Script And Initialise The Clearml Task Also In This File

Still this issue inside a child thread was not detected as failure and the training task resulted in "completed". This error happens now with the Task.init inside theĀ 

if name == "main":

Ā  as seen above in the code snippet.

I'm not sure I follow, the error seems like your internal code issue, does that means clearml works as expected ?

3 years ago
0 Executed From Within A Pipelinecontroller Task, What Possible Reason Does

[Assuming the above is what you are seeing]
What I "think" is happening is that the Pipeline creates it's own Task. When the pipeline completes, it closes it's own Task, basically making any later calls to Tasl.current_task() return None, because there is no active Task. I think this is the reason that when you are calling process_results(...) you end up with None.
For a quick fix, you can do
pipeline = Pipeline(...) MedianPredictionCollector.process_results(pipeline._task)Maybe we should...

2 years ago
0 Hello! How Can I Use "Report_Scatter2D" In Order To Report Timestamp In The X-Axis?

SweetGiraffe8 Works when I'm using plotly...
Can you please copy paste the code with the plotly, it's probably something I'm missing

3 years ago
0 I Uncommented The Line

Actually with


it uses the cached venv, thanks for this suggestion! Seems like this is equivalent to cloning via UI.

exactly !

But ā€œcloningā€ via UI runs an exact copy of the code/config, not a variant,

You can override the commit/branch and get the latest ...

run exp tweak code/configs in IDE, or tweak configs via CLI have it re-rerun in exact same venv (with no install overhead etc)So you can actually launch it remotely directly from the code:

2 years ago
0 Question About The Storage Manager. Assuming I Have An Object That Updates Frequently And Always Saved At The Same Path (E.G.

Legit, if you have a cached_file (i.e. exists and accessible), you can return it to the caller

3 years ago
0 Hi All, I Am Trying To Spin Up Some Aws Autoscaler Instances, But I Seem To Have Some Issues With The Instance Creation:

Also this message suggests that I can change the configuration, but as said I can't find it anywhere and wouldn't know hot to change the configuration.

This means that you can launch a new one (i.e. abort, clone, edit, enqueue) directly from the web UI and in the UI edit the configuration. Unfortunately it does not support changing the configuration "live"

one year ago
0 Hello! I Faced The Issue With Hyper Parameters Optimization. When I Try To Run Optimization I Receive An Error:

Hi VastShells9
2022-12-20 12:48:02,560 - clearml.automation.optimization - WARNING - Could not find requested hyper-parameters ['duration'] on base task a6262a151f3b454cba9e22a77f4861e3Basically it is telling you it is setting a parameter it never found on the original Task you want to run the HPO o.
The parameter name should be (based on the screenshot) "Args/duration" (you have to add the section name to the HPO params). Make sense ?

one year ago
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