Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
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Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
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Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
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48 Questions, 8048 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Is The App/Ui/Backend Customizable? Any Tutorials For That?

As I'm a Full-stack developer at Core. I'd be looking to extend the TRAINS Frontend and Backend APIs to suit my need of On-Prem data storage integration and lots of other customization for Job Scheduler(CRON)/Dataset Augmentation/Custom Annot. tool etc.

That is awesome! Feel free to post a specific question here, and I'll try to direct to the right place πŸ™‚

Can you guide me to one such tutorial that's teaching how to customize the backend/front end with an example?

You mean l...

4 years ago
0 Is The App/Ui/Backend Customizable? Any Tutorials For That?

Hi CleanWhale17 let me see if I can address them all

Email Alert for finished Job(I'm not sure if it's already there).

Slack integration will be public by the end of the weekend πŸ™‚
It is fully customization / extendable, I'll be happy to help .


Full dataset tracking is supported using the artifacts and the ability to integrate to any central storage (shared folders/ S3 / GS / Azure etc.)
From my experience, it is easier to work with artifacts from Data-Processing Tasks...

4 years ago
0 Hello Everyone, I'M Currently Trying Clearml-Serving To Serve A Model Via An Endpoint. I Followed The Tutorial In The Documentation, But When I Try A Request, I Get An Error. Here It Is: Curl -X Post "

BTW: @<1673501397007470592:profile|RelievedDuck3> we just released 1.3.1 with better debugging, it prints full exception stack on failure to the clearml Serving Session Task.
I suggest you pull the latest image re run the docker compose and check what you have on the serving session Task in the UI

6 months ago
0 Hello Everyone! I Have A Problem With Clearml. Could You Please Help Me? I Have 2 Little Projects With Total 31 Experiments. And Its 837Mb Metric Stored. Where Can I Find A Detail Information About This Memory Quota Spending? I Really Don'T Understand, Wh

Oh I see, yes the "metrics" include both scalars / plots & console outputs,
I also think they are updated only once a day (or maybe twice a day?) so even if you delete them it will take to update
(archive is not delete, you then need to go to the archived view and delete it from there)

6 months ago
3 months ago
0 Hi All. I'M Setting Up An Model Export Script That Will Export Trained Models For Edge Deployment. I Initially Thought About Setting It Up As A Trigger Scheduler, And To Have It Trigger On Tags On A Published Model, But As Time Goes By The Trigger Schedul

Oh I think that I understand what's going on, @<1523701260895653888:profile|QuaintJellyfish58> let me check how to update the cron scheduler while it is running (I really like this idea, so if this is not already supported I'l like us to add this capability πŸ™‚ )

7 months ago
0 Hello! Question About

@<1560074028276781056:profile|HealthyDove84> if you want you can PR a fix, it should be very simple basically:

        elif np_dtype == str:
            return "STRING"
        elif np_dtype == np.object_ or np_dtype.type == np.bytes_:
            return "BYTES"
        return None
one year ago
0 Hello! Question About

One issue that I see is that the Dockerfile inside the agent container

Not sure I follow, these are settings for the default container to be used when the agent spins a Task for you.
How are you running the agent itself ?

one year ago
0 Hello! Question About

can we use a currently setup virtualenv by any chance?

You mean, if the cleamrl-agent needs to setup a new venv each time? are you running in docker mode ?
(by default it is caching the venv so the second time it is using a precached full venv, installing nothing)

one year ago
0 Hello! Question About

notice that even inside docker the venv is cached on the host machine πŸ™‚

one year ago
0 Hello! Question About

Notice this is per frame (single) not per 8

one year ago
0 I’M Getting These Errors When Using Agent In Docker Mode

It seems to try to p[ull with SSH credentials, add your user/pass(or better APIkey) to the clearml.conf
(look for git_user /git_pass)
Should solve the issue

3 years ago
0 Hi All, Is There A Way To Clone A Pipeline From The Web Ui Like You Can With A Task? The Goal Is To Be Able To Give The Cloned Version A Different Name So I Can Organize Pipeline Runs By Project.

So what you’re saying is to first kick off a new run and then rename the underlying Pipeline Task, which will cause that particular run to become a new pipeline name?

Correct, basically you are not changing the "pipeline" per-se but the execution name of the pipeline, if that makes sense

What would be most ideal would be to be able to right-click on a pipeline run and have a β€œclone” option, like you can with a task, where you can start a new run with a new name in a single step.


7 months ago
0 Hi Guys! I'M Getting A Weird Problem. In The Latest Project I Created, Hydra Conf Is Not Logged Automatically. In The Script Hydra Is Working Correctly, And The Code For The Clearml Part Is Copied From Another Script (That Logs Hyperpars Correctly). I Al

Hi @<1691620877822595072:profile|FlutteringMouse14>

In the latest project I created, Hydra conf is not logged automatically.

Any chance the Task.init call is not on the main script (where the Hydra is) ?

3 months ago
0 Hey Guys, If I Set File_Upload_Retries Arbitrarily High Like 1000, Should I Be Good To Upload A Large Dataset >1Gb On Spotty Connections?

hi @<1727497172041076736:profile|TightSheep99>
yes, but also set the dataset chunk filesize to something smaller than the default 500Gb (--chunk-size)

2 months ago
0 Thank You All For Taking The Time To Answer Our Survey (If You Haven'T Already, We Urge You To

I think we added it somewhere in 0.14, anyhow I just checked the Logger doc, it is there now πŸ™‚

4 years ago
0 Hi, I Was Trying To Install Clearml Agent Using Helm Chart But My K8S Version Is Not Compatible. I Have Am Older K8S Version. Is There Anywhere I Could Get A Charr That Can Work With Lower Version Of K8S? Or Any Other Methods?

Hi @<1523701304709353472:profile|OddShrimp85>

there anywhere I could get a charr that can work with lower version of k8s? Or any other methods?

I think the solution is to install it manually from the helm chart (basically take it out and build a Job YAML, wdyt?

one year ago
0 Hi, I'M Trying To Follow The Instructions For Opening A Remote Session According To:

Hi @<1668427971179843584:profile|GrumpySeahorse51>
Could you provide the full stack log?
this erros seems to originate from psutil (which is used) but it lacks the clearml-session context

7 months ago
0 Hi Guys, I Have Many Questions To Ask, Sorry If This Questions Were Posted Already - If The Answer Exist, Please, Point Me To It. Thank You For Your Help. I'M Training Object Detection Model Using Tf 2.3 Object Detection Api And Use Clearml On Local Serve

MagnificentSeaurchin79 making sure the basics work.
Can you see the 3D plots under the Plot section ?
Regrading the Tensors, could you provide a toy example for us to test ?

3 years ago
0 Let’S Imagine I’M Building A Pipeline With Five Consecutive Steps, Where Some Of The Steps Are Non Ml/Dl Based. Using Clearml I Run A Lot Of Experiments To Find The Right Pipeline Configuration. After I Found The Right Algorithms And Parameters For My Pip

without the ClearML Server in-between.

You mean the upload/download is slow? What is the reasoning behind removing the ClearML server ?

ClearML Agent per step

You can use the ClearML agent to build a socker per Task, so all you need is just to run the docker. will that help ?

3 years ago
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