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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hi! I Am Currently Using Hydra+Clearml And Wanted To Know If There Are Still Some Updates Coming. At The Moment, If I Change The Defaults Hydra Uses From The

The -m src.train is just the entry script for the execution all the rest is be taken care by the Configuration section (whatever you pass after it will be ignored if you are using Argparse as it is auto-connects with ClearML)
Make sense ?

3 years ago
0 Hello, Does Anybody Here Have Much Experience In Creating Sub-Tasks Or Sub-Pipelines? I'M Not Sure The Concept Is Particularly Well Established But The Docs Mention:

using caching where specified but the pipeline page doesn't show anything at all.

What do you mean by " the pipeline page doesn't show anything at all."? are you running the pipeline ? how ?
Notice PipelineDecorator.component needs to be Top level not nested inside the pipeline logic, like in the original example

one year ago
0 Hello, Does Anybody Here Have Much Experience In Creating Sub-Tasks Or Sub-Pipelines? I'M Not Sure The Concept Is Particularly Well Established But The Docs Mention:

Hi @<1534706830800850944:profile|ZealousCoyote89>

We'd like to have pipeline A trigger pipeline B

Basically a Pipeline is a Task (of a specific Type), so you can have pipeline A function clone/enqueue the pipelineB Task, and wait until it is done. wdyt?

one year ago
0 Anyone Using Trains With Snakemake? I Am Running My Workflow With Snakemake In A Docker Container, And It Can Output To The Trains Server Of Course, But Executing A Task From Trains Ui Tries To Run The Script In Its Own Container... It Downloads An Ubuntu


I'm still exploring what trains is for.

I guess you can think of Trains as Experiment manager + MLOps tied together.

The idea is to give a quick and easy way to move from coding/running on one machine to scaling it to multiple remote machines, with everything that comes with it.

In some ways it is like snakemake, it setups your environment and execute the code. Snakemake also allows you to setup data, which in Trains is done via code (StorageManager), pipelines are also...

4 years ago
2 years ago
0 Is There A Way To Upload A Dict Object As A Yaml Artifact Instead Of A Json?

Hmm would uploading it as YAML string be better?

3 years ago
0 Is There A Way To Upload A Dict Object As A Yaml Artifact Instead Of A Json?

Hi ProudChicken98
How about saving it as a local YAML and upload the file itself as an artifact?

3 years ago
0 Another Question: Is It Possible To Specify In Which Directory To Save All The Files That Clearml-Agent Creates (E.G. Cache Files Or Results Of The Currently Running Experiments)

Hmm, so the way the configuration works is it loads the default configuration (equivalent to the example in the docs) then it adds the ~/clearml.conf on top. That means that you can tell your users to just copy paste the credentials from the UI into a template you make. How is that ?

3 years ago
0 Hey Folks, When I Run

It is http btw, i don't know why it logged https://

This is odd could it be it automatically forwards to https ?
I would try the certificate check thing first

3 years ago
0 Hey Folks, When I Run

This port is odd, it should be 8008

3 years ago
0 Hi, Is There A Way To Instantiate A

Hi OutrageousSheep60

Is there a way to instantiate a


while providing it a


that it needs to build prior to executing the task?

Currently not really, as at the aned the agent does need to pull a container,
But you can cheive basically the same by adding the "dockerfile" script as --docker_bash_setup_script Notice of course that this is an actual bash script not Docker script, so no need for "RUN" prefix.

one year ago
0 Hey Folks, When I Run

The 'on-premise' server fails to connect to the ClearML server because of the VPN I think

I think you are correct.
You can quickly test it, try ti run curl http://local-server:8008 see if that works

3 years ago
0 Hey Folks, When I Run

According to you the VPN shouldn't be a problem right?

Correct as long as all parties are on the same VPN it should work, all the connections are always http so basically trivial communication

3 years ago
0 Hey Folks, When I Run

And is it talking to the correct server ?

3 years ago
0 Hey Folks, When I Run

SmarmyDolphin68 what's the error ?

3 years ago
0 Hey Folks, When I Run

curl -vvv

3 years ago
0 Hey Folks, When I Run

Could it be the credentials are actually incorrect? because it seems like you can access the server? (I assume you were able to browse to it and generate credentials. right?)

3 years ago
0 Hi All! Is There A Way For Trains To Recognize The Cli Arguments When Using

Just making sure I understand, basically same ArgParser support we already have, but for python-fire (which is the ability to automatically log the arguments, and then change them when executed by trains-agent), correct?
If this is the case, are you familiar with the implementation of python-fire ? What I'm looking for is where exactly the parsing happens, so we could patch it, and log/override values

3 years ago
0 Hi All! Is There A Way For Trains To Recognize The Cli Arguments When Using

I could take a look and figure that out.

This will greatly accelerate integration 😉

3 years ago
0 Hi All! Is There A Way For Trains To Recognize The Cli Arguments When Using

GrievingTurkey78 can you send the entire log?

3 years ago
0 Hey Folks, When I Run

Hmm, Is it http or https ?

3 years ago
0 Hey Folks, When I Run

seems okay to me

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Looking At Clearml As An Option To Automate Our Training Pipelines. However, From Reading The Documentation I'M Confused If Clearml Can Do What We Want. In Essence, I Would Like To Understand The Methods Of Queuing A

Hi GracefulDog98
As UnevenDolphin73 pointed you might be looking for https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/references/sdk/task#execute_remotely
Which will stop the current local process, and enqueue the task on the "default" queue, for the agent to execute.
Is this what you are looking for ?
The idea is you can run your code once in "development" mode, so you know everything is working, then from the UI (or programmatically) you can clone the experiment, edit the configuration (or anythin...

3 years ago
0 Hi All! Is There A Way For Trains To Recognize The Cli Arguments When Using

GrievingTurkey78 whats the repository link you see in the UI? Does it start with ssh:// or https://
Did you add git_user/git_pass to the trains.conf of the trains-agent ? (if you did it should replace any ssh:// link with https:// user/pass link)

3 years ago
0 Hello, I'M Logging A Plotly Figure Which Contains Subplots Using

I look forward to your response on Github.

Great, I would like to make this discussion a bit more open and accessible so GitHub is probably better

I'd like to start contributing to the project...

That will be awesome!

3 years ago
0 Hello Dear Community! Do You Also Experience That Plots And Scalars Are Not Visible On Clear.Ml, Whenever

Hi RoughHedgehog31
I'm assuming your git diff is just too big to be stored as is (probably some binary files)
it should not really have any effect on the execution, it just means the clearml-agent will not be able to reproduce the uncommitted changes.
Make sense ?

2 years ago
0 Hey Folks, When I Run

Which would mean the error is because of a company firewall/self-signed certificate.
The easiest solution,Disable SSL certificate check for ClearML.
Create the ~/clearml.conf manually:
` #disable SSL certificate check
api.verify_certificate: False

copy paste the credentials section from the UI

it should look something like:

api {
# web_server on port 8080
web_server: " "

# Notice: 'api_server' is the api server (default port 8008), not the web server.
api_server: ...
3 years ago
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