Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
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Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
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Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
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48 Questions, 8043 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 I Uncommented The Line

Nice ! ๐Ÿ™‚
btw: clone=True means creating a copy of the running Task, but basically there is no need for that , with clone=False, it will stop the running process, and launch it on the remote host, logging everything on the original Task.

2 years ago
0 Hi All, Is There Documentation \ Example Describing How Does Clearml Works With Hydra?


, if you don't mind having a look too,

With pleasure :)

according to the above I was expecting the config to be auto-magically updated with the new yaml config I edited in the UI, however it seems like an additional step is required.. probably connect_dict? or am I missing something

Notice the OmegaConf section description :
Full OmegaConf YAML configuration. This is a read-only section, unless 'Hydra/_allow_omegaconf_edit_' is set to TrueBy default it will alw...

3 years ago
0 Gm Folks, Really Liking Clearml So Far As My Top Choice (After Looking At Dvc, Mlflow), And Thank You For Your Help Here! I Had Another Q: Is There A Recommended Workflow To Be Able To “Drop Into” The

So if I do this in my local repo, will it mess up my git state, or should I do it in a fresh directory?

It will install everything fresh into the target folder (including venv and code + uncommitted changes)

2 years ago
0 Hey, I'M Running A Pipeline, And 1 Stage Passed - But The Next One Failed. I Fixed The Bug For The Second One - Is There Any Way To Retry The Pipeline From The Failure?

yup, it's there in draft mode so I can get the latest git commit when it's used as a base task

Yes that seems to be the problem, if it is in draft mode, you have no outputs...

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Trying To Install A New Server, This Is A Fresh Ubuntu 18.04 Install. When I Try To Run The Docker Composer Up Command I Get Error Messages Like This One:

Hmm CourageousLizard33 seems you stumbled on a weird bug,
This piece of code only tries to get the username of the current UID, but since you are running inside a docker and probably set the environment UID but there is no "actual" UID by that number on /etc/passwd , and so it cannot resolve it.
I'm attaching a quick fix, please let me know if it solved the problem.
I'd like to make sure we have it in the next RC as soon as possible.

4 years ago
0 Hi, I Am New Here, Can I Ask Question On Trains-Server Also?

It manages the scheduling process, so no need to package your code, or worry about building dockers etc. It also has an AWS autoscaler, that spins ec2 instances based on the amount of jobs you have in the execution queue, and the limit of your budget (obviously spinning down machines that are idle)

4 years ago
0 Hi, Is There An Equivalent For Set_Name To Change The Task'S Project Name? I'M Stuck In A Loop, I Have To Run Task.Init Right At The Start Of The File Because I Give It

Regrading the project name:
set_project will support project_name in the next version ๐Ÿ™‚ project_id=[p.id for p in Task.get_projects() if p.name==project_name][0]

3 years ago
0 Is There A Way To Control How Many Parallel Connections Are Used When Downloading From

in clearml.conf we could have:
azure.storage { max_connections = 10 # containers: [ # { # account_name: "clearml" # account_key: "secret" # # container_name: # } # ] }Then in AzureContainerConfigurations :
` @classmethod
def from_config(cls, configuration):
class AzureContainerConfigurations(object):
def init(self, container_configs=None, max_connections=None):

2 years ago
0 If I Have A Task And A Dataset Is Being Created In A Task, How Can I Get A “Link” That This Dataset Is Created In This Task, Similar To How Model Has The Task Where It Came From

Basically you create the Task and make sure the "Dataset" is attached to it:
task = Task.init(...) dataset = Dataset.create(task=task) dataset.add_files(...)This will make sure the code is attached to the Dataset

3 years ago
2 years ago
0 Hi There! I'M Trying To Understand How The

I'm thinking of a few plots in my current in-house tooling which are slightly different than the standard charts we look at. For example a custom parallel coordinate chart that can use aggregations, categorical variables, etc.

This can be done by comparing experiments, then check the Hyper-Parameters tab, and select graph from the drop down at the top

So my question in general is pertaining to if I would need to get better at Javascript if I were to make those changes. My guess is ...

4 years ago
0 Hi, Is There A Way To Pull Clearml Datasets To A Mounted Pv Instead Of The Pod'S Local Directory.

By the way, will downloading still happen if the datasets is available in the cache folder?

If it is cached, then there is no need to re-download ๐Ÿ™‚

one year ago
0 Did Someone Here Already Try The



ย is used byย 


Surprisingly , no ๐Ÿ™‚

3 years ago
0 Hi, Is There A Way To Create A Draft Experiment Manually? That Is - Give It A Some File To Run, Or, Better Yet, A Function To Run Which Will Be The Start Of The Experiment? In W&B, For Example It Is Possible To Simply Write (Their

OddAlligator72 I like this idea.
The single thing I'm not sure about is the "function entry point"
Why would one do that? Meaning why wouldn't you have a proper python entry-point.
The reason I'm reluctant is that you might have calls/functions/variables in global scope of the file storing the function, and then users will not know why something broke, ans it will be very cumbersome to debug.
A simple script entry point seems trivial to launch and debug locally.
What do you think ? What woul...

3 years ago
0 ..

Are these fields of ClearML Task?


2 years ago
2 years ago
0 Sometimes I Notice That At The End Of An Experiment Clearml Keeps Hanging (Something With Repository Detection?) And The Script Does Not End. Do More People See This? Especially In Our Continuous Integration Pipeline This Give Problems Because Tests Are G

Thanks SolidSealion72 !

Also, I found out that adding "pool.join()" after pool.close() seem to solve the issue in the minimal example.

This is interesting, I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the subprocess not "closing" properly (or too fast or something)
Let me see if I can reproduce

2 years ago
0 Sometimes I Notice That At The End Of An Experiment Clearml Keeps Hanging (Something With Repository Detection?) And The Script Does Not End. Do More People See This? Especially In Our Continuous Integration Pipeline This Give Problems Because Tests Are G

GreasyPenguin14 GrittyKangaroo27 the new release contains a fix, could you verify it solves the issue in your scenario as well (there is now a smart timeout to detect the inconsistent state, that means the close/exit procedure might be delayed (10sec) instead of hanging in these specific rare scenarios)

2 years ago
0 Hi Folks! I'M Using  

Hi ShallowCat10
What's the TB your are using?
Is this example working correctly for you?

3 years ago
0 Hi, When Running A Agent During The Pip Installation Of Packages I Get The Following Error:

Hi CluelessFlamingo93
I think the latest clearml-agent 1.5.1 fixed that issue (this is basically pip trying to "protect" you from mismatch packages)
can you upgrade your clearml-agent and test?
pip3 install clearml-agent==1.5.1

one year ago
0 What Exactly Is

Hi NastyOtter17

"Project" is so ambiguous

LOL yes, this is something GCP/GS is using:

3 years ago
0 With

think perhaps it came across as way more passive aggressive than I was intending.

Dude, you are awesome for saying that! no worries ๐Ÿ™‚ we try to assume people have the best intention at heart (the other option is quite depressing ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

I've been working on a Azure load balancer example, ...

This sounds exciting, let me know if we can help in any way

3 years ago
0 With

I find it quite difficult to explain these ideas succinctly, did I make any sense to you?

Yep, I think we are totally on the same wavelength ๐Ÿ™‚

However, it also seems to be not too prescriptive,

One last question, what do you mean by that?

3 years ago
0 Hi, Anyone Seen This Issue?

Hi MelancholyElk85

However, when I clone the pipeline from web UI and launch it once again, it works. Is there a way to bypass this?

In both cases, are you seeing a different behavior on the same machine running the agent (i.e. clonening from the UI vs code) ?

2 years ago
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