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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hi, I Am Trying To Setup The Path To Trains.Conf File Programatically And Having Trouble.. We Tried Using Os.Environ['Trains_Config_File'] = Path, And Also Other Variations Of Overriding The Trains.Backend_Config.Defs But Nothing Seem To Work.. When Creat

Hi RipeGoose2

when creating a task the default path is still there

What do you mean by "PATH" do you want to provide path for the config file? is it for trains manual execution or the agent ?

3 years ago
0 Hi Community, Using Clearml And Loving It So Far! I Had A Question Around The Models That Clearml Automatically Picks Up From The Frameworks And Saves Them. Is There A Way That I Can Control Which Models Actually Get Saved Though? I Would Like To Save Onl

Hi @<1523701132025663488:profile|SlimyElephant79>

I would like to save only the last & best checkpoints and not all of them if possible.

Basically it will mimic the local file system, so if you overwrite the local files it will overwrite the remote model.
You can also disable auto logging, and manually upload the models
In Task.init pass auto_connect_frameworks False for the specific framework

one year ago
0 Hey! I'M Having A Weird Issue When I Run Pip Freeze Locally It'S Showing Version "Clearml==0.17.5Rc6" But When I Initiate The Task It'S Always Starting With "Clearml==0.17.2" - This Version Isn'T Accepting Tags Through The Code Etc. (I'M Manually Fixing I

Hmm that is odd, could it be you are changing the sys.path ?
(What I'm assuming is happening is that it detects the packages in the PYTHONPATH and for some reason the order is different so it finds the "system" package before the "venv" package, hence the incorrect version)

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Trying To Run Task.Init Inside A Jupyter Notebook For The First Time (Used It A Lot Before In Normal Python Scripts), And I Get A Warning-

😞 It's working as expected for me...
That said I tested on Linux & pip,
Any specific req to test with? from the log I see this is conda on windows, are you using the base conda env or a venv inside conda?

3 years ago
0 Hi Folks! I'M Using  

pip install clearml==0.17.5rc0πŸ™‚

3 years ago
0 Hi I Was Running An Hyperparameter Optimization Task Using The Optuna Optimizer And Even Though The Hyperparameteroptimizer’S Argument Is Set To

Hi UpsetBlackbird87
This is an Optuna decision on how many concurrent tests to run simultaneously.
You limited it to 100, but remember Optuna does a Bayesian optimization process, where it decides on the best set of arguments based on the performance of the previous set, this means it will first try X trials, then decide on the next batch.
That said you can a pruner to Optuna specifying how it should start

2 years ago
0 Hello, I'M Logging A Plotly Figure Which Contains Subplots Using

I look forward to your response on Github.

Great, I would like to make this discussion a bit more open and accessible so GitHub is probably better

I'd like to start contributing to the project...

That will be awesome!

3 years ago
0 When We Train The Models, We Often Choose Checkpoint Based On The Validation Accuracy, But Test Set Accuracy (Or Specific Class Validation Accuracy) Is Not Necessarily The Best For This Checkpoint. Right Now There Are Options To Add Columns With Max And L

Okay, I think I lost you...
DilapidatedDucks58 you mean detect at which "iteration" the max value was reported, and then extract all the other metrics for that iteration ?

3 years ago
0 Can I Import A Tensorboard File Straight To The Clearml Ui?

Sadly no 😞
(I mean you could quickly write a reader for TB and report it, but it is not built into the SDK)

3 years ago
0 Hi There, Executing Remotely, The Script I'M Running The Clearml Task From, Has An Import Command For A Module Located In A Different Repository, But When Running The Script It Only Clones The Repo The Clearml Task Is On, How Can It Get The Other Repo Als

I mean, can you install it with something like ?
pip install git+Basically the agent will install main repository, and any git submodules. But it cannot install multiple repositories, as the directory structure might be too much.

3 years ago
0 Dear Clearml Community, I Am Looking For A Way To Properly Resume A Training In A Way That Initial Scalars Get Reused And Expanded. Clearml Feature For Reusing The Same Task Works Fine (When Using

Just one more question, do you have any idea about how I could change the x-axis label from "Iterations" to "Epochs"

You mean in the UI (i.e. just the title) ? or are you actually reporting iterations instead of epochs? and if so is this auto connected to tensorboard or is it reported manually ?

8 months ago
0 In Pipelinev2, Is It Possible To Register Artifacts To The Pipeline Task? I See There Is A Private Variable

okay but still I want to take only a row of each artifact

What do you mean?

How do I get from the node to the task object?

pipeline_task = Task.get_task(task_id=Task.current_task().parent)

2 years ago
0 Hi! I Need Help Debugging The Following Issue Please. I'M Training A Cnn And Plotting The Confusion Matrices For Train And Val In Each Epoch. When I Get To Epoch 101, The Ui Kind Of Breaks..It Starts Showing Me The Images For Epoch 1. When I Right Click O

MuddySquid7 you mean you are creating them with TB ? or are you uploading them as debug images ?
Specifically in the ClearML UI, do you have it under "plots" tab or "debug samples" tab ?

3 years ago
0 Sometimes I Notice That At The End Of An Experiment Clearml Keeps Hanging (Something With Repository Detection?) And The Script Does Not End. Do More People See This? Especially In Our Continuous Integration Pipeline This Give Problems Because Tests Are G


In the process MyProcess other processes are created via a ProcessPoolExecutor.

Hmm that is interesting, the sub-process has an additional ProcessPoolExecutor inside it ?
GrittyKangaroo27 if you can help with reproducible code that will be great (or any insight on reproducing the issue)

2 years ago
0 Hello, Is It Possible To Disable Lazy Loading ? It’S Quite Horrible To Use In Console Logs For Instance, Where Search Is Useless As It Doesn’T Request Anything But Only Filter Currently Loaded Logs, And From My Browser Info The Ui Loads Previous Logs By 7

quick video of the search not working

Thank you! this is very helpful, passing along to front-end guys πŸ™‚

and ctrl-f (of the browser) doesn’t work as lines below not loaded (even when you scroll it will remove the other lines not visible, so you can’t ctrl-f them)

Yeah, that's because they are added lazily

one year ago
0 Any Ideas Why This Is Happening? It Was Fine Yesterday

TenseOstrich47 this looks like elasticserach is out of space...

3 years ago
0 Hi There, I'Ve Been Trying To Work With Trains And I Wanted To Save A Folder As The Model Like When Using The "Transformers" Library. They Have This "Save_Pretrained" Method To Their Models. It Saves The Pytorch Model And You Detect It Well, But Only That

Hi PompousBeetle71 , Trains will log all the torch.save call, I'm assuming they do not actually use it for the rest of the files on that folder.
If you like to share a code snippet we could see if we could auto-magically log it You could use artifacts and store the entire folder. It will zip it an upload it. Then you can reuse it from other experiments. https://allegro.ai/docs/task.html?highlight=artifact#trains.task.Task.upload_artifact
` task.upload_artifact('transformer', './my_...

4 years ago
0 Hi, What Is The Right Way Of Syncing A Dataset? Whenever I Add New Archives And Try To Upload I Get:

Hi SkinnyPanda43
Every "commit" is a new version, so sync changes you need to either create a new version (with parent version as the previous one), and sync the local folder (or manually add/remove files).
If you do not need to actually store the "current" version, you can just reset the Task, and sync it again.

3 years ago
0 Hi

GrievingTurkey78 did you open the 8008 / 8080 / 8081 ports on your GCP instance (I have to admit I can't remember where exactly in the admin panel you do that, but I can assure you it is there :)

3 years ago
0 Hi Folks, I Am Having An Issue I Can'T Properly Understand: I Have Tried To Run The "Dataset" Example From The Official Clearml Repository (From My Laptop) For Some Reason It Got Stuck, So I Killed The Process, But In Clearml Ui It Still Results As "Runn

SarcasticSquirrel56 when the process dies (i.e. killed) it does not have time not update the state, then the server watchdog will set the state to aborted after X amount of time of inactivity (default is 2 hours)

2 years ago
0 Hi, Is It Possible To Specify Per Experiment (Task In Clearml) Where The Results (Artifacts) Are Saved?

You can however change the prefix, and you can always have access to these links.
Any reason for controlling the exact output destination ?
(BTW: You can manually upload via StorageManager, and then register the uploaded link)

3 years ago
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