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34 Questions, 59 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 26 days ago



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hi, i am trying to upload my dataset to s3 that is secured with https. I can do it when my s3 server is http. example below. Can someone share a sample on ho...
one year ago
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0 Votes 7 Answers 923 Views
Hi, is there a way to pull clearml datasets to a mounted pv instead of the pod's local directory.
one year ago
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0 Votes 3 Answers 101 Views
Can I ask how can we add a common docker credentials to allow clearml agent pod to pull images when spawned off? Where can we add in clearml.conf or the agen...
27 days ago
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0 Votes 6 Answers 859 Views
Hi, is there a way to list all agents running in a host, I do not find relevant one in clearml-agent -h.
one year ago
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0 Hello, For Deployment Of Clearml Server In K8S, We Need To Label Just One Node App=Clearml And Also Set The Daemon.Json. Wouldn'T This Make Clearml Server Tie To This Node Only And If This Node Fails, Clearml Server Will Not Work. Any Advice? Similarly

Hi SuccessfulKoala55 Thanks for pointing me to this repo. Was using this repo.

I didn't manage to find in this repo that if we still require to label the node app=clearml, like what was mentioned in the deprecated repo. Although from the values.yaml, the node selector is empty. Would u be able to advise?

How is the clearml data handled now then? Thanks

3 years ago
0 Hi Guys, I Have Been Pondering How Does Clearml Generate The "Installed Packages" List. I Triggered My Training Through Machine A (With Some Python Packages) And The Actual Training Is Done In A Docker Container (With Both Global Packages + Packages Insta

Hello CostlyOstrich36 I am facing an issue now. basically i installed all necessary python packages in my docker image. But somehow, the clearml-agent does not seems to be able to detect these global packages. I don't see them in the "installed packages". Any advice?

2 years ago
0 Hi Guys, I Have Been Pondering How Does Clearml Generate The "Installed Packages" List. I Triggered My Training Through Machine A (With Some Python Packages) And The Actual Training Is Done In A Docker Container (With Both Global Packages + Packages Insta

Example i build my docker image using a image in docker hub. In this image, i installed torch and cupy packages. But when i run my experiment in this image, the packages are not found.

Yes, I ran the experiment inside.

2 years ago
0 Hi Did Anyone Encounter

Is there a way to troubleshoot further?

one year ago
3 years ago
0 Hi, I Was Trying To Install Clearml Agent Using Helm Chart But My K8S Version Is Not Compatible. I Have Am Older K8S Version. Is There Anywhere I Could Get A Charr That Can Work With Lower Version Of K8S? Or Any Other Methods?

@<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> do u mean not using helm but fill up the values and install with the yaml files directly? E.g. kubectl apply ...

one year ago
0 Hello Guys, I Understand We Can Add Some Scripts For Clearml-Agent To Execute Prior To The Task. Is It Possible To Add Scripts To Run After The Task?

Yup, was thinking of bash script.

The intent is to generate some outputs from the clearml task and thinking probably to package it into a docker image for ease of sharing to others that are not plug into our network and able to run the image directly.

one year ago
0 Any Plans To Add Unpublished State For Clearml-Serving?

I guess we need to understand the purpose of the various states. So far only "archive, draft, publish". Did I miss any?

2 years ago
0 Any Plans To Add Unpublished State For Clearml-Serving?

Not exactly sure yet but I would think user tag for deployed make sense as it should be a deliberated user action. And additional system state is required too since a deployed state should have some pre-requitise system state.

I would also like to ask if clearml has different states for a task, model, or even different task types? Right now I dun see differences, is this a deliberated design?

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Running Clearml Agent Using Sdk. When I Run A Remote Job On This Clearml Agent, The Venv Setup Is Totally Based On My Requirements.Txt Instead Of Adding On To What The Image Has Before. Why?

By the way, how can I start up the clearml agent using the clearml-agent image instead of SDK? Do u have an example of the docker run command that includes the queue, gpus etc?

one year ago
0 Hi, Is There A Way To List All Agents Running In A Host, I Do Not Find Relevant One In Clearml-Agent -H.

Yes. But I not sure what's the agent running. I only know how to stop it if I have the agent id

one year ago
0 Hi, Is There A Way To List All Agents Running In A Host, I Do Not Find Relevant One In Clearml-Agent -H.

Yup. But I happened to reinstall my server and the data is lost. And the agent continue running.

one year ago
0 Hi, Is There A Way To Pull Clearml Datasets To A Mounted Pv Instead Of The Pod'S Local Directory.

@<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> when my codes get the clearml datasets, it stores in the cache e.g. /$HOME/.clearml/cache....

I wanted it to be in a mounted PV instead, so other pods (in same node) who needed same datasets can use without pulling again.

one year ago
0 Hi, Is There A Way To Pull Clearml Datasets To A Mounted Pv Instead Of The Pod'S Local Directory.

By the way, will downloading still happen if the datasets is available in the cache folder? Any specific settings to add to Dataset.get_local_copy()?

one year ago
0 Hi, Is There A Way To Pull Clearml Datasets To A Mounted Pv Instead Of The Pod'S Local Directory.

I have yet to figure out how to do so, would appreciate if u could give some guidance

one year ago
0 Hi Guys, I Am Trying To Use Clearml Pipelines By Function. May I Know The Correct Way To Pass Model/Files From One Tasks To Next? I Realised Pickle May Not Work Sometimes. Also, Some Steps May Require Complete Set Of Files Before It Should Starts, Is Th

Thanks. The examples uses upload_artifact which stores the files in output_uri. What if I do not want to save it but simply pass to next step, is there a way to do so?

one year ago
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