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0 Questions, 68 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago


0 Ux Question\Request: Is There A Planned Interface Feature To Enable Convenient Debug Images Scrolling ? Or Maybe There Is A Different Way To Do It? When It Gets To 1000'S It Gets Very Frustrating, It Literally Requires 100'S Of Clicks To View A Debug Imag

DepressedChimpanzee34 ClearML tries to conserve storage by limiting the history length for debug images (see sdk.metrics.file_history_size https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/configs/clearml_conf#sdk-section ), though the history can indeed grow large by setting a large value or using a metric/variant naming scheme to circumvent this limit.

Does your use case call for accessing a specific iteration for all images or when looking at a specific image? Note that the debug image viewer (wh...

3 years ago
0 Hello, I Want To Update Allegro. I Found The Link:

UnsightlySeagull42 The upgrade process is slightly different depending on the environment in which you've deployed your ClearML server (e.g. for a https://allegro.ai/clearml/docs/docs/deploying_clearml/clearml_server_linux_mac.html#upgrading ).
Note the document you are referring to only applies once when you're moving from the older pre-0.16 versions in which case DB migration is required.
If your server is more up to date (0.16 and newer) you should be OK with the link above.

3 years ago
0 More Stuff I Think People Would Find Useful For When Comparing Experiments: Comparing

WittyOwl57 The UI shows repo and package detailed comparison under the "Details"/"Execution" (See sample screenshot), whereas auto-logged environment variables are shown under the "HyperParameters" comparison tab.
What do you find missing beyond those?

2 years ago
0 Can We Somehow Add A Column "Duration" To The List Of Experiments ?

TightElk12 This makes a lot of sense - should make it into one of the coming releases

4 years ago
0 “You Can View The Reported Text In The

@<1523706095791509504:profile|FiercePenguin76> The "Log" tab has been renamed "Console" in ClearML 0.17.0 - Thanks for pointing out the outdated description.

3 years ago
4 years ago
0 Somebody In The Team Should Add Clearml To This List

Thanks for noticing @<1523708920831414272:profile|SuperficialDolphin93> - ClearML is already there under it's legacy "Trains" name, it's indeed past time for an update.

2 years ago
0 Are The Docs Broken?

UnevenDolphin73 Is this still an issue?

one year ago
0 More Stuff I Think People Would Find Useful For When Comparing Experiments: Comparing

WittyOwl57 No worries 🙂 happens to the best!

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Have A Question Regarding The

OutrageousSheep60 You can see https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/724 a discussion on the topic.
Currently the containing project is available in the UI as a tooltip to the dataset name An alternate "Project view" to the datasets page is in the works

one year ago
0 Hi, I Would Like To Configure Clearml-Server To Connect To An S3 Bucket In Order To Store Artefacts - I'Ve Taken A Look On This Page

@<1687643893996195840:profile|RoundCat60> Looks like the docs have not caught up yet with recent structure change in the repo which renamed the 'server' folder to 'apiserver'.
So... the correct link would be None

3 years ago
0 Here Is Says "This Is A Clearml Hosted Service Feature Only." But Hosted Service Means Hosted By You Or Us As The Users ?

@<1523709410411548672:profile|NuttyFox2> Since the default server user configuration does not require authentication, I'm assuming your use case calls for some users being authenticated where others are not?
Such mixed access mode is currently not on the near term roadmap for the OSS server - You should create a feature request to help push it into the development plan.

2 years ago
0 Ui Suggestion #2:

DepressedChimpanzee34 Apologies for missing your previous comment.
Totally agree that the global selection indicator should maintain its 'clear selection' behaviour even if some/all of the selection is off-screen.

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Was Wondering If There Is A Proper Way To Integrate My Model Config File (Json) Into The Workflow Using The Ui. I'Ve Managed To Connect It As A Configuration Object But It Would Be Preferable If I Could Load It Into A Table Like The Other Params (In

IrateDolphin19 ClearML provides for saving files generated as part of your code execution through the https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/references/sdk/task#upload_artifact . For your use case, you can have your code thus create the artifact as it runs, you can set the specific storage location when you edit your configuration, through the task's output_uri field.

Does this help?

2 years ago
0 Hey, I Tried To Use

RotundHedgehog76 Have you tried clearml-data add --files .
? (Probably best to try on a smaller subset first)

2 years ago
0 Ux Question\Request: Is There A Planned Interface Feature To Enable Convenient Debug Images Scrolling ? Or Maybe There Is A Different Way To Do It? When It Gets To 1000'S It Gets Very Frustrating, It Literally Requires 100'S Of Clicks To View A Debug Imag

a filter similar to one in the scalars page where you can display a subset of the reported debug images can be usefulThe scalars page provides a metric hide/show control - Is this the one you mean? The debug images page also provides a filter by metric - Depending on your naming policy this can easily be used to focus on more sparsely appearing images.
Else, an example of the filter you were thinking of would be appreciated.

Regardless, direct iteration access cou...

3 years ago
0 Any Ideas Why This Is Happening? It Was Fine Yesterday

@<1523701157564780544:profile|TenseOstrich47> The storage in question here is what's available on the machine hosting the ClearML server's docker containers (specifically, the ES one).

3 years ago
0 Can'T Access The Docs At The Moment. Ssl Error. Can You Guys Verify Whether Your Ssl Certificate Has Expired Or Not Please? Unsure Whether The Error Is On My Side

@<1523701157564780544:profile|TenseOstrich47> Seems like the ClearML website is temporarily down 😞 . Should be resolved soon though.

2 years ago
0 Hey, I Hope This Is The Right Place To Ask. We'Re A Small Data Science Team That Wants To Log Everything About Our Ml Models. Looking Around On The Internet, Mostly Mlflow Is Being Recommended, But Occasionally The Name Trains Pop-Ups. According To You,

DefeatedCrab47 Happy you're finding Trains useful 🙂

but it definitely has it's advantages if TRAINS would support it (early stage Data Science infrastructure).

No doubt, and I definitely see such usable example in the cards for Trains' upcoming versions...

4 years ago
0 Hello. Is There Any Possibility To Change Horizontal Axis In Scalars To Some Chosen Metrics (E.G. Epochs Metric)? As Far I Have Seen It'S Possible To Use Wall Time. Is That A Planned Feature?

@<1523705301990117376:profile|WickedCat12> ClearML Scalars explicitly show metrics time progression (you can display iteration/wall-time).
Plotting one metric against another is a feature that lies further down ClearML's roadmap.

If your metric is reported only once per epoch you can make use of the existing scalars functionality by making use of the iteration parameter when reporting your metric to reflect the epoch instead.

Does this make sense?

11 months ago
0 Ux Question\Request: Is There A Planned Interface Feature To Enable Convenient Debug Images Scrolling ? Or Maybe There Is A Different Way To Do It? When It Gets To 1000'S It Gets Very Frustrating, It Literally Requires 100'S Of Clicks To View A Debug Imag

DepressedChimpanzee34 Thanks for clarifying where the current debug images display falls short for your use case - Extending the filtering to liken the behaviour of the scalars sound like a great idea 🙂

3 years ago
0 Hey

From the https://github.com/allegroai/trains-server/releases/tag/0.13.0 :
Reports average load metrics per day (CPU/memory) Reports average workload per day (amount and average duration of queues, agents and experiments)

4 years ago
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