Active since 10 January 2023
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one year ago
Badges 1
282 × Eureka!Hi, i was using the K8S Glue and it worked fine on one project but didn't work on another. At the point just before a git clone was executed, i get the error...
3 years ago
Just wondering, why aren't you guys getting yourselves known in GTC?
3 years ago
Hi, I was uploading an image artifact using the following but in the preview I only get an array instead of an image. Am I doing something wrong? im=cv2.imre...
3 years ago
Hi, we are having an interesting issue here. We serve many users and each user has their own credentials in accessing the private git repo. We can't seem to ...
3 years ago
Hi, i am trying to use clearml-data to upload my data to S3, which is password protected. How should i indicate the credentials after i set --storage s3://.....
3 years ago
[Distributed Training] Hi, i have a ClearML setup with K8SGlue that spins up pods of 4 GPUs when picking tasks off the clearml queue. We would now want to pr...
2 years ago
Hi, is it possible to have a compatibility matrix between clearml sdk, ClearML agent, ClearML server...etc? Recently we updated the ClearML sdk without updat...
2 years ago
Hi, i have a scenario where when the code is run remotely via clearml-agent, the code appears to get stuck at task.init() . It seems to only affect the attac...
2 years ago
Hi, we would like to incorporate some approval process in ClearML. One of the needs is to attach some PDFs and word docs to a published experiment, preferbly...
2 years ago
Hi, is there any code examples of how DataOps is being established? https://clear.ml/products/clearml-dataops/
3 years ago
Hi, would like to check. So an agent pulled a docker image and install the pip dependencies on it. What if I have OS library dependencies as well? (Apt insta...
4 years ago
Hi, got a few questions on Clearml seasion with vscode and Jupyter 1. are sessions spawned off Clearml-sessions persistent? How can we connect back easily? 2...
3 months ago
Hi Can i ask how ClearML support distributed training via K8SGlue? Kubeflow Operator support distributed training on Kubernetes cluster, managing the pods se...
3 months ago
Hi, i was running my agent and had a few scripts for agent.extra_docker_shell_script. but when I looked through the logs, they were not executed. Any idea wh...
3 years ago
Hi, how can i make a stage in a clearml pipeline non-blocking? The scenario is that stages downstream needed runtime info from the first stage, however the f...
one year ago
Hi, would you have a working example on this?
3 years ago
Hi, can i ask how i can make Clearml-Datasets in comparison with PyTorch datasets/dataloader? In particular, pytorch dataloaders would be able to batch pull ...
2 years ago
Hi, i am running several python scripts but all for the same project/task. Is it possible to Task.init to existing running/completed task and adding on the r...
3 years ago
Hi, v1 of agent seems to have removed agent.package_manager.force_repo_requirements_txt. Is this still available in other forms?
3 years ago
Hi, i have been getting the following for a while. Is there a more detailed log i can look into? This happens on both https and http. 2021-05-27 08:47:02,539...
3 years ago
Hi i saw this on the clearml-agent docs but other than the docker image, i'm not sure how to integrate this with clearml py and clearml-server. Please advise...
4 years ago
Hi, i would like to start logging how often my users uses ClearML. How might i query this kind of information?
2 years ago
Hi recently upgraded all the clearml, clearml-server, clearml-agent. Now running k8s glue with clearml-agent=1.0.1rc1. python3 k8s_glue_example.py --queue 1b...
3 years ago
Hi, can i choose not print the clearml-agent config logs in the console? Reason is we are passing credentials via env var to the k8s glue and its being displ...
3 years ago
Hi, I have this python package that's located on my base image..(e.g. /code/app/flair). Within then folder there's a package called flair and a data.py file....
3 years ago
Hi, i would like to understand more on how ClearML deal with codes. I noticed that i am able to read the source codes of the python script that i have used a...
4 years ago
Thought i would share this. Something to think about over the new year. 🙂 https://www.thoughtworks.com/content/dam/thoughtworks/documents/whitepaper/tw_whit...
3 years ago
Hi i saw this announcement from NVIDIA on TAO's integration with ClearML. How can we use it?
2 years ago
Hi, how is the priority of the configuration like? Which one takes precedence? For example, output_uri default_output_uri in clearml.conf on client files_ser...
2 years ago
Hi, is there a way to export ClearML experiments into a file package and import them on another ClearML instance?
one year ago
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