Active since 10 January 2023
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one year ago
Badges 1
282 × Eureka!Hi, after reviewing ClearML for months, i am considering pushing ClearML to be the primary MLOps tool within my dept. I would be looking at monitoring, produ...
3 years ago
Hi, i am trying to use clearml-data to upload my data to S3, which is password protected. How should i indicate the credentials after i set --storage s3://.....
3 years ago
Hi, there's something i don't find too logical when using ClearML and its agents. I will need to run my code once on my client computer this is without GPUs....
4 years ago
Current configuration (clearml_agent v0.17.2rc4, location: /root/clearml.conf): ---------------------- agent.worker_id = dgxstation-2:gpu3 agent.worker_name ...
4 years ago
[Distributed Training] Hi, i have a ClearML setup with K8SGlue that spins up pods of 4 GPUs when picking tasks off the clearml queue. We would now want to pr...
2 years ago
Sorry, I'm asking too much questions today. I gave myself a whole day to fully evaluate ClearML...that's why. Here goes. Regarding Automatic Logging (Automag...
4 years ago
Hi, we are having an interesting issue here. We serve many users and each user has their own credentials in accessing the private git repo. We can't seem to ...
3 years ago
Hi I upgraded some of my k8s glue to use the latest clearml-agent 1.1.0 and receive this error when the agent pulls a task. Pulling task xxxbbbxxxbb launchin...
3 years ago
Hi, ClearML console leaks credentials passed in as Env Vars. The issue remains with clearml version== - 1.1.1 - 2.1.4 (As listed on the profile page...
3 years ago
Hi, what would happen if you have different clearml-agents of different versions running? Would it have any adverse effects?
3 years ago
Hi, can Clearml-Server support ReplicaSet in K8S?
2 years ago
Hi, i am running several python scripts but all for the same project/task. Is it possible to Task.init to existing running/completed task and adding on the r...
3 years ago
Hi. is this line in the roadmap article still valid, is it showing up in clearml-serving? https://clear.ml/blog/clearml-community-roadmap/ I believe we final...
2 years ago
Hi, i can't seem to set a password to clearml, anyone seems to be able to just enter the username and they can enter that username's workspace.
4 years ago
I'm getting this when running with Keras framework. clearml.storage - ERROR - Failed uploading: [Errno 21] Is a directory: 'model.savedmodel'.
4 years ago
Hi, i have a scenario where when the code is run remotely via clearml-agent, the code appears to get stuck at task.init() . It seems to only affect the attac...
2 years ago
Hi, i was trying to add a task under myproject/taskname that contains dataset.create into a pipeline. Before that, i create the dataset.create task but when ...
2 years ago
Hi, i am trying to understand clearml-data and only found this piece of article explaining it. https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/master/docs/datasets...
3 years ago
Hi is there a way to control who gets on the queue? For example, for clearml-session I don't want ppl using my queues with all four GPUs. How should I stop t...
3 years ago
Hi Can i ask how ClearML support distributed training via K8SGlue? Kubeflow Operator support distributed training on Kubernetes cluster, managing the pods se...
3 months ago
Hi, how can i make a stage in a clearml pipeline non-blocking? The scenario is that stages downstream needed runtime info from the first stage, however the f...
one year ago
Hi, i noted that if I run my codes on my laptop with remote_execute off a python3.8 venv, and when the remote task starts executing but the image is installe...
3 years ago
I got an interesting question from my Devs. If they wish to do distributed training, is clearml k8s glue suitable for it? Local multiple GPU: just a matter o...
3 years ago
Hi, if i've ClearML agents installed on several servers, each with a single GPU. How can I train a gpt2 model that would require multiple GPUs?
one year ago
Hi, i have a question about clearml-data. Clearml-Data probably does well on Data Versioning, but when it comes to actual loading of data, are there examples...
3 years ago
Hi i saw this on the clearml-agent docs but other than the docker image, i'm not sure how to integrate this with clearml py and clearml-server. Please advise...
4 years ago
Hi, I would like to pass in some pip arguments that clearml-agent would include when setting up the venv on the containers. How should I specify this? The ar...
3 years ago
Hi, I've multiple tasks setup in a complex pipeline. How can I; Define prior to running the pipeline, which tasks to be running on which remote queue using w...
2 years ago
Hi, would you have a working example on this?
3 years ago
Hi, would like to check. So an agent pulled a docker image and install the pip dependencies on it. What if I have OS library dependencies as well? (Apt insta...
4 years ago
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