Active since 10 January 2023
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one year ago
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282 × Eureka!Hi, i was adding data using clearml-data and get the following consistent errors. Retrying (Retry(total=237, connect=237, read=240, redirect=240, status=240)...
2 years ago
Hi recently upgraded all the clearml, clearml-server, clearml-agent. Now running k8s glue with clearml-agent=1.0.1rc1. python3 k8s_glue_example.py --queue 1b...
3 years ago
[Distributed Training] Hi, i have a ClearML setup with K8SGlue that spins up pods of 4 GPUs when picking tasks off the clearml queue. We would now want to pr...
2 years ago
Hi, can you run clearml experiments on docker images that does not have root?
2 years ago
Hi, trying to understand clearml-session. I have an agent running on a machine monitoring a queue Then I ran clearml-session --queue myqueu --docker torch-im...
3 years ago
Hi, we are planning to move on to openshift. Can I ask if k8s-glue supports openshift?
3 years ago
Hi, i'm running the following and encountering some SSL errors. SSL_CERT_FILE=ca.crt clearml-data upload --id 12314jhg42342j4j --storage clearml.storage - ER...
Hi i saw this announcement from NVIDIA on TAO's integration with ClearML. How can we use it?
2 years ago
Hi, can i do a quick check if all the documentation I find on TRAINS are still valid for ClearML? Specifically, i am looking at integration of ClearML and Ku...
4 years ago
Can i ask how often does the hosted clearml reset? I'm in a hackathon and thought of using it.
3 years ago
Hi, how can i make a stage in a clearml pipeline non-blocking? The scenario is that stages downstream needed runtime info from the first stage, however the f...
one year ago
Hi, in the new datasets UI. It doesn't seem to display the entire lineage of the datasets. For example. if a dataset is create as such id1 (parent)->id2, the...
2 years ago
Hi, I was uploading an image artifact using the following but in the preview I only get an array instead of an image. Am I doing something wrong? im=cv2.imre...
3 years ago
Hi, can i ask how i can make Clearml-Datasets in comparison with PyTorch datasets/dataloader? In particular, pytorch dataloaders would be able to batch pull ...
2 years ago
Hi, I'm attempting to upgrade my clearml server on offline env. I wish to retain all existing data. Can I check if it suffice to just docker-compose down --r...
3 years ago
Hi, is it possible to have a compatibility matrix between clearml sdk, ClearML agent, ClearML server...etc? Recently we updated the ClearML sdk without updat...
2 years ago
Hi we have had some crashes on ClearML server and it was caused by ClearML uploading the models into ClearML server (by default). Is it possible to have an o...
3 years ago
Hi, i noted that if I run my codes on my laptop with remote_execute off a python3.8 venv, and when the remote task starts executing but the image is installe...
3 years ago
Hi, i'm getting this long error when running task.execute_remotely(queue_name="1gpu", exit_process=True) . I also notices an error Failed to fetching activit...
3 years ago
Thought i would share this. Something to think about over the new year. 🙂 https://www.thoughtworks.com/content/dam/thoughtworks/documents/whitepaper/tw_whit...
3 years ago
Hi, we recently upgraded clearml to 1.1.1-135 . 1.1.1 . 2.14. The task init is task=Task.init(project_name='myproject', task_name='mytask', output_uri=' s3:/...
3 years ago
Hi, is it possible for ClearML to support languages other than Python?
one year ago
Hi, got a few questions on Clearml seasion with vscode and Jupyter 1. are sessions spawned off Clearml-sessions persistent? How can we connect back easily? 2...
3 months ago
Hi, I would like to pass in some pip arguments that clearml-agent would include when setting up the venv on the containers. How should I specify this? The ar...
4 years ago
Clearml-Agent didn't seem to take the CA store from the OS. Where can i point ClearML to the CA certs, in particular for uploading of models into S3. At the ...
3 years ago
Hi, I've multiple tasks setup in a complex pipeline. How can I; Define prior to running the pipeline, which tasks to be running on which remote queue using w...
2 years ago
Hi i saw this on the clearml-agent docs but other than the docker image, i'm not sure how to integrate this with clearml py and clearml-server. Please advise...
4 years ago
Hi, i have a question about clearml-data. Clearml-Data probably does well on Data Versioning, but when it comes to actual loading of data, are there examples...
3 years ago
Hi, how might i use the SDK to pull parameters of the agent's clearml.conf into my code during runtime? For example, if i wish to pull the configuration for ...
3 years ago
Hi, we are working on a mini project to 'integrate' ClearML Datasets with CKAN. Wondering if the community could share some ideas.
2 years ago
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