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115 Questions, 310 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago



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0 Votes 2 Answers 838 Views
Hi, i was trying out the steps on this ( https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/master/docs/clearml-task.md ) and encountered the following error. Environ...
3 years ago
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12 Answers
0 Votes 12 Answers 869 Views
Hi, is there a command i can use to generate a report that can Give a list of user accounts created Their activity levels
3 years ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 1K Views
Hi, would like to check. So an agent pulled a docker image and install the pip dependencies on it. What if I have OS library dependencies as well? (Apt insta...
3 years ago
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10 Answers
0 Votes 10 Answers 1K Views
Hi, v1 of agent seems to have removed agent.package_manager.force_repo_requirements_txt. Is this still available in other forms?
3 years ago
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4 Answers
0 Votes 4 Answers 1K Views
3 years ago
0 Votes
22 Answers
0 Votes 22 Answers 972 Views
Hi, ClearML console leaks credentials passed in as Env Vars. The issue remains with clearml version== - 1.1.1 - 2.1.4 (As listed on the profile page...
3 years ago
0 Votes
3 Answers
0 Votes 3 Answers 911 Views
Just wondering, why aren't you guys getting yourselves known in GTC?
3 years ago
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0 Votes 3 Answers 846 Views
Hi, can i get ClearML to not print anything other than the prints from my codes? The reason is because clearml is printing the username and passwords i passe...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 5 Answers 972 Views
one year ago
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0 Votes 2 Answers 954 Views
2 years ago
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0 Votes 5 Answers 941 Views
2 years ago
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15 Answers
0 Votes 15 Answers 1K Views
Hi, i noted that clearml-serving does not support Spacy models out of the box and that Clearml-Serving only supports following; Support Machine Learning Mode...
2 years ago
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5 Answers
0 Votes 5 Answers 888 Views
Hi, i would like to ask around if anyone has following languages working with ClearML? It can be direct from ClearML SDK or via any indirect method. Julia R ...
2 years ago
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11 Answers
0 Votes 11 Answers 907 Views
Hi, can i do a quick check if all the documentation I find on TRAINS are still valid for ClearML? Specifically, i am looking at integration of ClearML and Ku...
3 years ago
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4 Answers
0 Votes 4 Answers 915 Views
Hi, i'm working on a post deployment data and model monitoring using ClearML. The idea is this. Use ClearML to serve my model out to Triton. Data MonitoringC...
2 years ago
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1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 1K Views
one year ago
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1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 871 Views
Hi, in your latest changelog. There's a new function. Task.launch_multi_node() for distributed experiment execution In the context of using with K8S glue, wi...
one year ago
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3 Answers
0 Votes 3 Answers 1K Views
Hi, i was adding data using clearml-data and get the following consistent errors. Retrying (Retry(total=237, connect=237, read=240, redirect=240, status=240)...
2 years ago
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7 Answers
0 Votes 7 Answers 845 Views
3 years ago
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5 Answers
0 Votes 5 Answers 928 Views
Hi, i have a question about clearml-data. Clearml-Data probably does well on Data Versioning, but when it comes to actual loading of data, are there examples...
3 years ago
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2 Answers
0 Votes 2 Answers 771 Views
Hi, is there a way to use API to return the URLs of all the models in the ClearML repository?
one year ago
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0 Votes 5 Answers 860 Views
Hi, how do I switch clearml server to run on https with a self signed cert?
3 years ago
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0 Votes 3 Answers 892 Views
Hi, the https://github.com/allegroai/trains/blob/master/examples/services/jupyter-service/execute_jupyter_notebook_server.py file linked by following page is...
3 years ago
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8 Answers
0 Votes 8 Answers 907 Views
Hi, I'm using the k8s glue and have a few questions. Noted that it's not requesting the http://nvidia.com/gpu thus the pod created doesn't have a GPU resourc...
3 years ago
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4 Answers
0 Votes 4 Answers 883 Views
Hi, I'm running clearml agents via K8s glue. I noticed that the agent is not pulling latest images even though docker_force_pull is set to true. A kubectl de...
3 years ago
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0 Hi Recently Upgraded All The Clearml, Clearml-Server, Clearml-Agent. Now Running K8S Glue With Clearml-Agent=1.0.1Rc1.

Ok thanks, looking forward to it. Would you advise on the bug you encountered?

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Would Like To Pass In Some Pip Arguments That Clearml-Agent Would Include When Setting Up The Venv On The Containers. How Should I Specify This? The Argument In Question Are --Trusted-Host And --Find-Links . I Need Them As I'Ve Installed A Pypi Repo

Hi, this is what i got. No mention of the env variables.
` Current configuration (clearml_agent v0.17.2, location: /home/jax/clearml.conf):

api.version = 1.5
api.verify_certificate = true
api.default_version = 1.5
api.http.max_req_size = 15728640
api.http.retries.total = 240
api.http.retries.connect = 240
api.http.retries.read = 240
api.http.retries.redirect = 240
api.http.retries.status = 240
api.http.retries.backoff_factor = 1.0
api.http.retries.backoff_max = 120.0

3 years ago
3 years ago
0 Hi, We Have Recurring Disk Space Issues On Our Clearml Server (Drop Of Many Gb In A Few Days). After Some Analysis, We Noted

ok thanks. this would mean that increasing the disk space for my ClearML is the only option as we are not at liberty to delete.

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Notice A New Behavuour With Clearml-Agent=1.1.0. When It Is Installing The Packages I Nrequirements.Txt, It Failed With.

Ok. I noted this is due to the venv_update setting. It needs to be disabled as it has a dependancy on the internet url. We can close this.

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Would Like To Ask Around If Anyone Has Following Languages Working With Clearml? It Can Be Direct From Clearml Sdk Or Via Any Indirect Method.

Hi, currently the ClearML SDK only supports python. If i want to run my ML in other languages, can i use a SDK in that language? Or is there other means such as a Web API calls that does the same as the SDK?

2 years ago
0 Hi All, I'M Running Dl Experiments On Top Of Mmdetection. The Experiments Are Deployed Remotely On A Dedicated Ec2 Instance Through

Hi ResponsiveHedgehong88 , I was trying to do the same thing but the loggerhook doesn't seem to work. The console log and scalar logs didn't come out when I registered via init.py and load via log_config. Are you able to share how you configure it?

2 years ago
0 Hi, If I'Ve Clearml Agents Installed On Several Servers, Each With A Single Gpu. How Can I Train A Gpt2 Model That Would Require Multiple Gpus?

Yeah.. issue is ClearML unable to talk to the nodes cos pytorch distributed needs to know their IP. There is some sort of integration missing that would enable this.

one year ago
0 Hi, Is There Any Code Examples Of How Dataops Is Being Established?

Share data across R&D teams with searchable data catalogs available on any environment.

3 years ago
0 Hi, Is There A Command I Can Use To Generate A Report That Can

Hi, any idea if i can acheive this? I just need a list of usernames.

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Shifted My Clearml Setup To An On-Premise Disconnected Env, Which Has A Pip Repo Setup. I Noted This Warning,

AlertBlackbird30 , Actually the log says 10.2.
docker_cmd = nvidia/cuda:10.2-devel-ubuntu18.04 -e GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true

3 years ago
0 Hi, Can I Choose Not Print The Clearml-Agent Config Logs In The Console? Reason Is We Are Passing Credentials Via Env Var To The K8S Glue And Its Being Displayed In The Console As ...

Hi, the idea is to load the gituser and password into the --env by loading it via a env var so the client could access the resources without divulging the credentials in source code and it would be removed after completion since the container would be removed. Its actually doing well with ClearML except the part that the agent seems to print the content of docker_cmd on running the task.

I would like to note that this behaviour doesn't exist with the clearml-agent daemon though. It only exis...

3 years ago
0 Hi, My Devsecops Team Has Raised Some Issues Of Us Deploying Clearml For Use. In Particular, They Are Not Happy With Docker.Sock Configuration As It Would Potentially Expose The Entire Cluster To Unauthorised View. Can We Do Without It?

We are deploying ClearML Server via the docker-compose.

For ClearML-Agent. We have the choice of Docker or K8S preferred (Using the Glue).
For K8S, we can't get the glue to work ( https://clearml.slack.com/archives/CTK20V944/p1614525898114200?thread_ts=1613923591.002100&cid=CTK20V944 ) so we can't make an assessment of whether it actually works for us.

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Shifted My Clearml Setup To An On-Premise Disconnected Env, Which Has A Pip Repo Setup. I Noted This Warning,

Hi AgitatedDove14 , i changed everything to cuda 10.1 and tried again with the same rrror. the section as follows. I made sure torch==1.6.0+cu101 and torchvision==0.8.2+cu101 are in the pypi repo. But the same error still came up.
` # Python 3.6.9 (default, Oct 8 2020, 12:12:24) [GCC 8.4.0]
boto3 == 1.14.56
clearml == 0.17.4
numpy == 1.19.1
torch == 1.6.0
torchvision == 0.7.0

Detailed import analysis



clearml.storage: 0


3 years ago
0 Hi, I Shifted My Clearml Setup To An On-Premise Disconnected Env, Which Has A Pip Repo Setup. I Noted This Warning,

Hi AgitatedDove14 , what version i should change it to? I'm currently on v0.17.2rc3.

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Had A Task Successfully Completed. Then I Cloned It And Enqueued It Again Without Any Changes. But The Task Ends Up With An Error. Here'S The Logs, Not Sure What Went Wrong.

I'm also beginning to think this is related to https://clearml.slack.com/archives/CTK20V944/p1620664770492400 . Previously when i set force_repo_requirements_txt=true and system_site_packages: true , it seems to work. upgrading to v1.02 seems to change things.

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Have A Future Roadmap Question On Clearml-Datasets. The Current Implementation Works Well For Small Datasets But Its Rather In Effective For Very Large Datasets. For Example, Let'S Say I Have 10 Million Images Just For The Training Dataset, And My T

This one can be solved with shared cache + pipeline step, refreshing the cache in the shared cache machine.

Would you have an example of this in your code blogs to demonstrate this utilisation?

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Have Been Getting The Following For A While. Is There A More Detailed Log I Can Look Into? This Happens On Both Https And Http.

Hi, we are still not getting the model repo to work, mainly due to clearml.storage failing to save the models.
We tried a vanilla boto3 code and it works, but we can't figure out why we get connectionreseterror 104 when clearml does it.

How do we configure clearml in correspondence to following boto code?

S3= boto3.resource('s3', endpoint_url=' https://ecs.ai ', aws_access_key_id='mykey', aws_secret_access_key='mysevret', config=Config(signature_version='s3v4'), region_name='us-east-1', ve...

3 years ago
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