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117 Questions, 310 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago



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282 × Eureka!
0 I Got An Interesting Question From My Devs. If They Wish To Do Distributed Training, Is Clearml K8S Glue Suitable For It? Local Multiple Gpu: Just A Matter Of Assigning More Than One Gpu In The Yaml File Sent To The K8S Glue. Question Is How To Make This

Sorry, dev end I was referring to my developers.

I didn't think Horovod needs to be as complicated as you described. It can also work by running on multiple known nodes. How would i add a glue for multinode?

Horovod does also work with other similar products such as yours (E.g. Polyaxon).

3 years ago
3 years ago
0 Hi, Can I Do A Quick Check If All The Documentation I Find On Trains Are Still Valid For Clearml? Specifically, I Am Looking At Integration Of Clearml And Kubernetes.

I've been reading the documentation for a while and I'm not getting the following very well.
Given an open source codes say, huggingface. I wanted to do some training and i wanted to track my experiments using ClearML. The obvious choice would be to use Explicit Reporting in ClearML. But the part on sending my training job. and let ClearML orchestrate is vague. Would appreciate if i can be guided to the right documentation on this.

3 years ago
0 Hi I Saw This On The Clearml-Agent Docs But Other Than The Docker Image, I'M Not Sure How To Integrate This With Clearml Py And Clearml-Server. Please Advise.

Hi, so this means if i want to use Kubernetes, i would have to 'manually' install multiple agents on all the worker nodes?

3 years ago
0 Hi, If I'Ve Clearml Agents Installed On Several Servers, Each With A Single Gpu. How Can I Train A Gpt2 Model That Would Require Multiple Gpus?

Thanks. The challenge we encountered is that we only expose our Devs to the ClearML queues, so users have no idea what's beyond the queue except that it will offer them the resources associated with the queue. In the backend, each queue is associated with more than one host.

So what we tried is as followed.
We create a train.py script much like what Tobias shared above. In this script, we use the socket library to pull the ipaddr.

import socket
one year ago
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