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115 Questions, 310 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago



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282 × Eureka!
0 Hi We Have Had Some Crashes On Clearml Server And It Was Caused By Clearml Uploading The Models Into Clearml Server (By Default). Is It Possible To Have An Overriding Config So Clients Can Never Upload To Clearml Server Itself As Default?

Hi SuccessfulKoala55 , would they need the fileserver to route to minio then? E.g.

This will ensure that any actions by clearml-data and models are saved into the S3 object store.
api {
files_server: s3://ecs.ai:80/clearml-data/default

aws {
s3 {
credentials {
host: http://ecs.ai:80
## Insert the iam credentials provided by your SAs here.

But if user forgot to do above, they will be saved on ClearML server. If I switch off f...

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Running Several Python Scripts But All For The Same Project/Task. Is It Possible To Task.Init To Existing Running/Completed Task And Adding On The Results?

basically i run this block first and ended the script.
task = Task.init(project_name="afro-nmt", task_name=args.taskname, continue_last_task=args.taskid) Logger.current_logger().report_scalar(title="BLEU",series="JW300",value=args.jwbleu, iteration=args.lastiter)Then i run another script, with series different.
` task = Task.init(project_name="afro-nmt", task_name=args.taskname, continue_last_task=args.taskid)

3 years ago
0 Hi, We Are Having Issues With Clearml-Session For Vscode. Apparently It'S Hardcoded To Download From

Yeah that sounds good. But from user perspective, especially the untrained, they wouldn't know what to point to. Example, some may think it's an exe, some think it's a zip bundle, and others think it's any github repo with the word vscode.

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Working On A Post Deployment Data And Model Monitoring Using Clearml. The Idea Is This.

For example, it would useful to integrate https://github.com/whylabs/whylogs#features into ClearML as part of data and model monitoring. WhyLogs would have their own static page that would preferably be displayed as a new custom tab (besides logs, scalars and plots.).

2 years ago
0 Hi, I'Ve A Few Questions On Clearml-Session.

f you can directly access the machine running the agent, yes you could. If not reverse proxy is in the working 

Hi AgitatedDove14 , i might have misunderstood your previous comment above. Do you mean that clearml-session can only work regardless of whether xforwarding is configured, if we have direct access to the Kubernetes worker when we run K8S glue?

We did some testing today and clearml-session tried to tunnel with a k8s cluster ip, and thus failed.

If we setup a ingress with Me...

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'Ve A Few Questions On Clearml-Session.

Hi AgitatedDove14 , thanks.
In this case i am running k8s glue (machine glue), which will then spawn off pods in kubernetes worker (machine worker). So when you say direct access, are you refering to the Glue machine or K8S Worker machine?

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Noted That If I Run My Codes On My Laptop With Remote_Execute Off A Python3.8 Venv, And When The Remote Task Starts Executing But The Image Is Installed With A Different Version Of Python, Say Python3.8, We Would Encounter Errors With Venv. At This

They don't have the same version. I do seem to notice that if the client is using version 3.8, during remote execution will try to use that same version despite the docker image not installed with that version.

2 years ago
0 Hi, I'Ve A Few Questions On Clearml-Session.

Unfortunately due to security, clients can't have direct access to the nodes. Is there any possible workarounds at the moment?

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'Ve A Few Questions On Clearml-Session.

Ok thanks, we'll try it out on next availability.

3 years ago
0 Hi, Is There A Way I Can Supply Credentials To Clearml-Data (Cli And Python) Without Going Thru The Clearml.Conf?

Thanks TimelyPenguin76 , is there an env var for the S3 connection as well?

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Running Clearml Agents Via K8S Glue. I Noticed That The Agent Is Not Pulling Latest Images Even Though

Ok. Problem was resolved with latest version of clearml-agent and clearml.

3 years ago
0 Hi, We Recently Upgraded Clearml To 1.1.1-135 . 1.1.1 . 2.14. The Task Init Is

Hi TimelyPenguin76 ,

If you notice in the last screenshot, it state the bucket name to be http://ecs.ai . It then it tries to open http://s3.amazonaws.com/ecs.ai/clearml-models/artifact/uploading_file?X-Amz-Algorithm= ....

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Trying To Understand Clearml-Data And Only Found This Piece Of Article Explaining It.

Hi erez, i think i would want to reference the code that transformed the data. Take for example, i received 10k images, i performed some transformation and save it as a next version before i split it up for my ML training. Some time later, i receive a new set of 10k images and wants to apply the same transformation and then append it to the previous 10k as another version. Clearml-data does well for the data-versioning part, but in terms of data provenance, its not clear how i can associate t...

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'Ve Multiple Tasks Setup In A Complex Pipeline. How Can I;

What type of pipeline steps are you running? From task, decorator or function?

We were trying with 'from task' at the moment. But the question apply to all methods.

If they're all running on the same container why not make them the same task and do things in parallel?

The tasks were created by different teams and their tasks content is rather independent and modular. Usage of them is usually optional. For example, task1 performs 'image whitening', task2 performs 'image resize'.

2 years ago
0 Hi, The `

ah thanks. Hopefully the old ones get flushed out by Google soon.

3 years ago
3 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Running Clearml Agents Via K8S Glue. I Noticed That The Agent Is Not Pulling Latest Images Even Though

thanks SuccessfulKoala55 . I verified your last comment and it works.

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Was Trying Out The Steps On This (

Hi yes, still getting the SSLs. It looks like some incompatibility with the OS ssl libraries.

3 years ago
0 Hi, If I'Ve Clearml Agents Installed On Several Servers, Each With A Single Gpu. How Can I Train A Gpt2 Model That Would Require Multiple Gpus?

From ClearML perspective, how would we enable this, considering we don't have direct control or even IP of the agents

one year ago
0 Hi, How Do I Switch Clearml Server To Run On Https With A Self Signed Cert?

Does the enterprise version support natively?

3 years ago
0 Hi, Can I Ask How I Can Make Clearml-Datasets In Comparison With Pytorch Datasets/Dataloader? In Particular, Pytorch Dataloaders Would Be Able To Batch Pull And Then Preprocess Data Using Multi-Cpus, Feed It Into The Training Loop And Achieve As High Util

Thanks CostlyOstrich36 , how do i know how is the parts indexed in the first place? Or rather, how is chunk and parts defined? Say in the context of images, videos, text documents...etc.

2 years ago
0 Hi, We Recently Upgraded Clearml To 1.1.1-135 . 1.1.1 . 2.14. The Task Init Is

Hi, when i tried ip:port, it references the right host and bucket....BUT... the file is not found on the ECS S3 even though i can see from the logs that it states Completed model upload to s3://ecs.ai:80/clearml-models/artifacts/ ...

3 years ago
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