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117 Questions, 310 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago



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0 Hi, I Am Running Several Python Scripts But All For The Same Project/Task. Is It Possible To Task.Init To Existing Running/Completed Task And Adding On The Results?

Hi TimelyPenguin76 , i am adding a debug sample to an existing task using the above method. What should i put for the iteration? I do not want to overwrite existing ones but i do not know what's the last count. This is for both scalar and media reporting.

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Using The K8S Glue And Have A Few Questions.

Hi, it's a preference from my developers. They preferred that the they install the python libraries into the images, load them up into the registry. In other words, they prefer to have libraries installed at image time.

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Have Been Getting The Following For A While. Is There A More Detailed Log I Can Look Into? This Happens On Both Https And Http.

Hi, we are still not getting the model repo to work, mainly due to clearml.storage failing to save the models.
We tried a vanilla boto3 code and it works, but we can't figure out why we get connectionreseterror 104 when clearml does it.

How do we configure clearml in correspondence to following boto code?

S3= boto3.resource('s3', endpoint_url=' https://ecs.ai ', aws_access_key_id='mykey', aws_secret_access_key='mysevret', config=Config(signature_version='s3v4'), region_name='us-east-1', ve...

3 years ago
0 Hi I'M Using Clearml Datasets. How Do I Tell From The Clearml Ui Which Datasets Version Am I Using?

So the context I'm asking is I realise I'll need to catalogue all the dataset ids created by ppl separately on a spreadsheet. And for each experiment, I'll need to go into the code commit to see which id is being used. But on the other hand, I thought I've seen advertised use cases where the experiment can be directly linked to the dataset id being used. The brain's a bit rusty to recall how it was done.

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Have Been Getting The Following For A While. Is There A More Detailed Log I Can Look Into? This Happens On Both Https And Http.

My assumption is that the agent will have pulled that off the client's clearml.conf.

3 years ago
0 Hi, We Are Having Issues With Clearml-Session For Vscode. Apparently It'S Hardcoded To Download From

Yeah that sounds good. But from user perspective, especially the untrained, they wouldn't know what to point to. Example, some may think it's an exe, some think it's a zip bundle, and others think it's any github repo with the word vscode.

3 years ago
0 I Am Facing This Error While Trying To Run My Code

I'm having the same problem. You using latest clearmagent? Is your docker image a root user by default?

2 years ago
0 Hi, My Devsecops Team Has Raised Some Issues Of Us Deploying Clearml For Use. In Particular, They Are Not Happy With Docker.Sock Configuration As It Would Potentially Expose The Entire Cluster To Unauthorised View. Can We Do Without It?

We are deploying ClearML Server via the docker-compose.

For ClearML-Agent. We have the choice of Docker or K8S preferred (Using the Glue).
For K8S, we can't get the glue to work ( https://clearml.slack.com/archives/CTK20V944/p1614525898114200?thread_ts=1613923591.002100&cid=CTK20V944 ) so we can't make an assessment of whether it actually works for us.

3 years ago
0 Hi Recently Upgraded All The Clearml, Clearml-Server, Clearml-Agent. Now Running K8S Glue With Clearml-Agent=1.0.1Rc1.

Hi SuccessfulKoala55 , thanks, tested the patch and its working as expected now.

3 years ago
0 Hi I'M Using Clearml Datasets. How Do I Tell From The Clearml Ui Which Datasets Version Am I Using?

Thanks this would be a good alternative before the enterprise version comes in. How is this different from argparser btw?

3 years ago
0 Hi, If I'Ve Clearml Agents Installed On Several Servers, Each With A Single Gpu. How Can I Train A Gpt2 Model That Would Require Multiple Gpus?

Yeah.. issue is ClearML unable to talk to the nodes cos pytorch distributed needs to know their IP. There is some sort of integration missing that would enable this.

one year ago
0 Hi

Yeah me 3.

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Have A Question About Clearml-Data. Clearml-Data Probably Does Well On Data Versioning, But When It Comes To Actual Loading Of Data, Are There Examples Of How It Can Make Use Of Advanced Features Such That Those In

Hi thanks for the examples! I will look into them. Quite a fair bit of my teams uses tf datasets to pull data directly from object stores, so tfrecords and stuff are heavily involved. I'm trying to figure if they should version the raw data or the tfrecords with ClearML, and if downloading entire set of data to local can be avoided as tf datasets is able to handle batch downloading quite well.

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Attempting To Upgrade My Clearml Server On Offline Env. I Wish To Retain All Existing Data. Can I Check If It Suffice To Just Docker-Compose Down --Remove-Orphans Replace Clearml-Server:Latest And Clearml-Agent-Services:Latest With Latest Pull.

Hi. The upgrade seems to go well but i'm seeing one wierd output. When i ran a task and observe the software installed under the execution tab , i still see clearml=0.17 . Is this expected?

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Was Using The K8S Glue And It Worked Fine On One Project But Didn'T Work On Another. At The Point Just Before A Git Clone Was Executed, I Get The Error

Hi this is the log. I didn't see any attempt from the agent to install virtualenv on the base image.
` 1618369068169 clearml-gpu-id-b926b4b809f544c49e99625380a1534b:gpuGPU-4ad68290-0daf-4634-6768-16fad73d47a3 DEBUG Current configuration (clearml_agent v0.17.2, location: /tmp/.clearml_agent.wgsmv2t9.cfg):

agent.worker_id = clearml-gpu-id-b926b4b809f544c49e99625380a1534b:gpuGPU-4ad68290-0daf-4634-6768-16fad73d47a3
agent.worker_name = clearml-gpu-id-b926b4b809f544c49e99625...

3 years ago
3 years ago
0 Hi Recently Upgraded All The Clearml, Clearml-Server, Clearml-Agent. Now Running K8S Glue With Clearml-Agent=1.0.1Rc1.

Ok thanks, looking forward to it. Would you advise on the bug you encountered?

3 years ago
0 Hi I Saw This On The Clearml-Agent Docs But Other Than The Docker Image, I'M Not Sure How To Integrate This With Clearml Py And Clearml-Server. Please Advise.

Hi, i tried the k8s-glue on my k8s setup and needed some clarifications on some of the arguments.
--queue. Does this only refer to default and service? How can i create new queue to which it can sync with the ClearML server? --ports-mode. I'm not sure what ports mode does. doc says "add a label to the pod which can be used as service". Which pod is it referring to in the first place? All args pertaining to --ports-mode. (E.g. base-pod-num, gateway-address...etc) --overrides-yaml. What is the ...

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Running Several Python Scripts But All For The Same Project/Task. Is It Possible To Task.Init To Existing Running/Completed Task And Adding On The Results?

It didn't work as expected.
` task init
task report iter 10

task init
task report iter 10

The second task pushed the reporting iteration to 20 instead. `

3 years ago
0 Hi, Can I Ask How I Can Make Clearml-Datasets In Comparison With Pytorch Datasets/Dataloader? In Particular, Pytorch Dataloaders Would Be Able To Batch Pull And Then Preprocess Data Using Multi-Cpus, Feed It Into The Training Loop And Achieve As High Util

Thanks CostlyOstrich36 , how do i know how is the parts indexed in the first place? Or rather, how is chunk and parts defined? Say in the context of images, videos, text documents...etc.

2 years ago
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