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3 Questions, 10 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago



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0 Votes 4 Answers 1K Views
Anyone know how to override the task start up shell script via the helm charts? I have a AWS EKS k8s cluster w/ port 80 closed to force all traffic over port...
one year ago
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0 Votes 4 Answers 1K Views
2 years ago
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14 Answers
0 Votes 14 Answers 1K Views
With the Helm charts, what is the recommend way to automate getting an api secret pair for the k8 glue agent so you dont have to go into the UI and generate ...
2 years ago
2 years ago
0 With The Helm Charts, What Is The Recommend Way To Automate Getting An Api Secret Pair For The K8 Glue Agent So You Dont Have To Go Into The Ui And Generate One In Between The Server And Agent Helm Releases?

I see you concern but I dont think we are talking about the same thing... Maybe I am misunderstanding the server's capabilities, is there some method that when the server starts, credentials will be populated via environment variables? Like where the documentation refers to "fixed users" you can provide via config. Then the helm side, you use something like this: https://itnext.io/manage-auto-generated-secrets-in-your-helm-charts-5aee48ba6918 So essentially, the point of the actual string s...

2 years ago
0 With The Helm Charts, What Is The Recommend Way To Automate Getting An Api Secret Pair For The K8 Glue Agent So You Dont Have To Go Into The Ui And Generate One In Between The Server And Agent Helm Releases?

Ahhh yes upon re-reading your message I see what you were saying... Bummer... that seems like a bit of an oversight tbh. Any idea if you can (once of the server is up) generate credentials programmatically (not through the UI) in some way like maybe directly through the api server?

2 years ago
0 With The Helm Charts, What Is The Recommend Way To Automate Getting An Api Secret Pair For The K8 Glue Agent So You Dont Have To Go Into The Ui And Generate One In Between The Server And Agent Helm Releases?

Yeah sort of, for example in the clearml-agent values.yaml there is a clearml.existingAgentk8sglueSecret param. But in the clearml-server helm chart, I am not seeing a way to like create this secret so that both the server container and agent conatiner could ultimately reference it as env variables. https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-helm-charts/blob/main/charts/clearml-agent/values.yaml#L19

2 years ago
0 Anyone Know How To Override The Task Start Up Shell Script Via The Helm Charts? I Have A Aws Eks K8S Cluster W/ Port 80 Closed To Force All Traffic Over Port 443 Which Is Causing Issues W/

@<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> any idea how to overide this from the helm charts though?

I tried :

  clearmlConfig: |-
    agent {
      docker_init_bash_script = [
        "echo 'testing....'"

with no luck... it still seemed to use the default startup script.

one year ago
0 With The Helm Charts, What Is The Recommend Way To Automate Getting An Api Secret Pair For The K8 Glue Agent So You Dont Have To Go Into The Ui And Generate One In Between The Server And Agent Helm Releases?

Hmm but doesnt a lot of the helm chart already work like that (like here for example https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-helm-charts/blob/main/charts/clearml/templates/secrets.yaml )? So like just imagine adding some optional additional secrets chart(s) like the one above that are randomly generated at deployment time (unless the user wants to hard code them into values.yaml) only their purpose would be to create the creds for the agent, then the agent just refences them by name via ` exi...

2 years ago
0 With The Helm Charts, What Is The Recommend Way To Automate Getting An Api Secret Pair For The K8 Glue Agent So You Dont Have To Go Into The Ui And Generate One In Between The Server And Agent Helm Releases?

So essentially, the server helm chart creates randomly generated secret pair and deploys it as a shared k8 secret that pods can access. The server pod and the agent pod can now both access the secrets as environment variables .

2 years ago
0 With The Helm Charts, What Is The Recommend Way To Automate Getting An Api Secret Pair For The K8 Glue Agent So You Dont Have To Go Into The Ui And Generate One In Between The Server And Agent Helm Releases?

Right exactly, but its just not clear how to accomplish that through the clearml-server values.yaml file. Is it possible to via the standard helm charts just by changing the values or do I have to make custom helm charts?

2 years ago
0 With The Helm Charts, What Is The Recommend Way To Automate Getting An Api Secret Pair For The K8 Glue Agent So You Dont Have To Go Into The Ui And Generate One In Between The Server And Agent Helm Releases?

Right now, Ive been helm deploying the server, generating a app cred pair in the ui, then pasting it into clearml.agentk8sglueKey: and agentk8sglueSecret: in the clearml-agent values.yaml, then helm deploying the k8glue agent. Which seems like there should be a more straightforward way to do this...

2 years ago
0 Hello All! I Am New To Clearml And Recently Installed Clearml-Server On My K8 Cluster Via The Helm Charts. I Am Now Trying To Run The Aws Auto-Scaler Just Via The Ui, However There Doesnt Seem To Be A "Services" Queue And When I Create One (Just By Name I

Could you elaborate? What is “cloud pro user autoscaler” are you referring to the managed version of ClearML vs self-hosted? The ClearML-agent mentions two “flavors” of k8s integration as I understand it: a daemon ClearML-agent to spin up up sibling containers vs direct mapping to k8s jobs. Does the ClearML-agent helm chart allow you to chose or is only set up for the k8s glue method? I’ve seen some people have some troubles with the k8 glue method, so I was going to try and have a single d...

2 years ago