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53 × Eureka!Hi PleasantGiraffe85 , just to get some more info; what version of chart are you using? Did you enabled ingress?
You can’t write on readonly replica is about MongoDB. I guess you are using a multiple replica setup. In this case the mongodb dependency chart have a lot of parameters to tweak the system and maybe also an arbiter is good for you. But this is a huge topic regarding mongodb specific k8s setups.
What Chart version are you trying to upgrade from?
3.10.2 will be published in 30 minutes
btw a good practice is to keep infrastructural stuff decoupled from applications. What about using https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/nfs-subdir-external-provisioner ? After applying that chart you can simply use the generated storage class; wdyt?
I think we can find a solution pretty quickly after some checks. Can you pls open an issue on new helm chart repo so I can take care of it in some day?
you will need to upgrade clearml helm chart
In this case I suggest to give a try to k8s-glue that is there by default in latest chart version
but I think this behaviour will hange in future releases
with this one you don’t need anymore to set the value I suggested before
so you are using docker-compose?
Exactly, these are system accounts
so you installed chart version 3.10.1
I’m going to investigate this specific use case and will get back to you
This is specific K8s infra management, usually I use Velero for backup
but I’m going to patch this soon so it will take the default storageclass automatically
this is a clear issue with provisioner not handling the pvc request for any pod having a pvc. It’s not related chart but provisioner you are suing that probably doesn’t support dynamic allocation. what provisioner are you using?
I’m just trying to understand of it’s something related ceph or clearml deployment
now I’m leaving for today but let me know if it works. Have an nice day!
Interesting use case, maybe we can create multiple k8s agents for different queues
k8s cluster can access ubuntu archive?
maybe this can cause the issue?
perfect, now the whole process is clear to me
how do you point tasks to git repo?