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11 Questions, 382 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago



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0 Votes 1 Answers 744 Views
Since I’m using Trains on K8s with my team I started to dig into the Helm chart that needs tweaks. I just started exploring the chart so I just put a first s...
3 years ago
0 Votes
12 Answers
0 Votes 12 Answers 642 Views
Just curious about the pipeline decorator example, I tried to run it in my cluster (latest chart as ususal 😄 ) and I got Traceback (most recent call last): ...
2 years ago
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4 Answers
0 Votes 4 Answers 688 Views
Hi everyone, I had a request to use task_overrides during a pipeline step. The goal is to set the OUTPUT DESTINATION on the fly so: pipe.add_step(name='creat...
2 years ago
0 Votes
2 Answers
0 Votes 2 Answers 692 Views
Hi everyone, there are 3 PR on https://github.com/allegroai/trains-server-k8s/pulls that are still waiting in the wings after more than 20 days. There is any...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 782 Views
Hi everyone!
3 years ago
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0 Votes 2 Answers 735 Views
Hi, do you have a channel for dev/contributors on your github repos? I see only a but no one si there. I think a specific dev channel would be great and help...
3 years ago
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21 Answers
0 Votes 21 Answers 645 Views
2 years ago
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23 Answers
0 Votes 23 Answers 853 Views
Hi, I'm trying to set storage manager to use our internal MiniIO installation but I ran into this issue with this testing code: from trains import Task, Stor...
3 years ago
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3 Answers
0 Votes 3 Answers 724 Views
Hi, how can I obtain current task using a pipeline with decorators? more specific, I need logger = task.get_logger()but I don't have task using pipelines dec...
2 years ago
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0 Answers
0 Votes 0 Answers 706 Views
other will come in near future hopefully 😄
3 years ago
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29 Answers
0 Votes 29 Answers 770 Views
3 years ago
0 Hi There! I Want To Set Up Clearml On A Kubernetes Cluster. The Whole Setup Including Authentication Of Fixed Users Seems To Work Fine. I Can Log In On The Webapp And Generate Credentials For Connecting My Local Clearml Installation. The Clearml-Init Also

adding @<1523701087100473344:profile|SuccessfulKoala55> to the conversation because I’m not totally sure the problem relies on ingress, it looks to be a bad token but it shouldn’t since init was good

4 months ago
0 Does The New 2.0 Helm Charts (App Ver 1.1.0) Not Support Nfs?

btw a good practice is to keep infrastructural stuff decoupled from applications. What about using https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/nfs-subdir-external-provisioner ? After applying that chart you can simply use the generated storage class; wdyt?

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Running Clearml Open Source Version On Eks Kubernetes And Trying To Set The Web Login Configurations As Described Here:

` apiserver:
services.conf: |
auth {
# Fixed users login credentials
# No other user will be able to login
fixed_users {
enabled: true
pass_hashed: false
users: [
username: "jane"
password: "12345678"
name: "Jane Doe"
username: "john"
password: "12345678"...

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Running Clearml Open Source Version On Eks Kubernetes And Trying To Set The Web Login Configurations As Described Here:

apiserver: additionalConfigs: services.conf: |should be
apiserver: additionalConfigs: apiserver.conf: |in this way he pod will mount a file called apiserver.conf instead of services.conf that is not the right filename for auth.

2 years ago
0 Does The New 2.0 Helm Charts (App Ver 1.1.0) Not Support Nfs?

other wise yes, if this is not an option, you can also mount what is already existing so pls open an issue in new repo helm chart and we can find a solution

2 years ago
0 Does The New 2.0 Helm Charts (App Ver 1.1.0) Not Support Nfs?

if mounts are already there everywhere you can also mount directly on the nodes on a specific folder then use rancher local path provisioner

2 years ago
0 Does The New 2.0 Helm Charts (App Ver 1.1.0) Not Support Nfs?

Or do you want to dinamically mount directly an nfs endpoint? (I understood you need this one)

2 years ago
0 Is There An Autoscaler Equivalent For K8S? That Is, A Service That Will Launch Pods Based On Incoming Requests?

on OSS it’s usually the only way to as many agent deployments for any queue you define

one year ago
0 Is There An Autoscaler Equivalent For K8S? That Is, A Service That Will Launch Pods Based On Incoming Requests?

it’s usually needed for autoscaler to decide when and how to scale up and down

one year ago
0 Is There An Autoscaler Equivalent For K8S? That Is, A Service That Will Launch Pods Based On Incoming Requests?

this will make autoscaler life easier knowiing exactly how much resources you need

one year ago
0 Is There An Autoscaler Equivalent For K8S? That Is, A Service That Will Launch Pods Based On Incoming Requests?

about autoscaling it’s a complex topic regarding platform management in this case. ClearML glue simply spawn pods with resources defined in template.

one year ago
0 Is There An Autoscaler Equivalent For K8S? That Is, A Service That Will Launch Pods Based On Incoming Requests?

how you cluster reacts is about scaling infra as much as needed (karpenter or any other cloud autoscaler should work)

one year ago
0 I Have Problem With My Webserver. All Other Pods Are Available

that's usually related IPV6/IPV4 stack configuration in your k8s cluster. Are you using just one specific stack?

3 months ago
0 Hi Team, I Have A Hosted Clearml Server. When I Upload A Large Artifact (Around 25Mb) To The

thanks for letting us know, I took a n ote for more tests on liveness, ty again!

one year ago
0 Hi, I'M Trying To Set Storage Manager To Use Our Internal Miniio Installation But I Ran Into This Issue With This Testing Code:

as usual it starts small and after 5 mins discussion is getting challenging 😄 I love this stuff... let me think a bit about it I will get back to you asap on this.

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Trying To Set Storage Manager To Use Our Internal Miniio Installation But I Ran Into This Issue With This Testing Code:

about helm chart, yes, I mean adding capability of managing a configmap qith config file. If it's interesting I can raise a PR otherwise I need to fork 😄

3 years ago
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